27 min

12: The Secret to Simple Christmas Decor House Rules with Myquillyn Smith, The Nester

    • Home & Garden

If the thought of thoroughly decorating the halls has ever felt more like a burden than a blessing to you, then listen in. In this episode, you’ll learn my secret to simple Christmas decor through five simple steps to winterize your home decoratively first. Your home will feel in keeping with the season November through March. What’s your decorating era?: Take the quiz.Myquillyn’s Winter Pinterest Board + Winter PlaylistGet your own copy of Myquillyn’s last book, Welcome HomeDonna Hay Ch...

If the thought of thoroughly decorating the halls has ever felt more like a burden than a blessing to you, then listen in. In this episode, you’ll learn my secret to simple Christmas decor through five simple steps to winterize your home decoratively first. Your home will feel in keeping with the season November through March. What’s your decorating era?: Take the quiz.Myquillyn’s Winter Pinterest Board + Winter PlaylistGet your own copy of Myquillyn’s last book, Welcome HomeDonna Hay Ch...

27 min