The Squarepeg Podcast

Amy Richards
The Squarepeg Podcast

Squarepeg is a podcast in which I talk to other late identified autistic women and nonbinary people about their lives, their autism journeys, and what they’ve learned along the way. I’m Amy Richards, and I was diagnosed autistic in 2016, when I was 37. I’ve been sharing my conversations with other autistic adults since 2020. I hope you’ll find these conversations inspiring and thought provoking, and that they’ll help you feel more connected to a worldwide community of people with similar experiences.

  1. 127. Autism's healing mechanism: an autism and OCD journey

    2 天前

    127. Autism's healing mechanism: an autism and OCD journey

    Anna has been on a real journey of self discovery, from refusing to entertain the idea that she might have a diagnosable condition, to devouring every book she could get her hands on that might help her understand her autism and OCD. Now in her thirties, Anna talks to me about her experiences of the autism diagnostic process, having OCD and receiving treatment in various forms, and becoming housebound following the Covid pandemic. She also shares her fascinating internal world of synaesthesia, and the solace she finds in her many intense interests.  Squarepeg is a podcast in which I talk to other late identified autistic women and nonbinary people about their lives, their autism journeys, and what they’ve learned along the way. I’m Amy Richards, and I was diagnosed autistic in 2016, when I was 37. I’ve been sharing my conversations with other autistic adults since 2020. I hope you'll find these conversations inspiring and thought provoking, and that they’ll help you feel more connected to a worldwide community of people with similar experiences.   EPISODE LINKS: In this episode I mention autistic savant Daniel Tammet's book Born on a Blue Day, about his autism journey and his remarkable synaesthesic abilities.    If you'd like to connect with me, get in touch or follow Squarepeg, you can find me on: Website:  Patreon:  Instagram: Facebook:  THANK YOU TO MY PATRONS! A HUGE thank you to my amazing patrons, who support my work on the podcast: Abi Hunter, Alex, Alex Lee, Alice Kemp, Amy Adler, Anika Lacerte, Annette, Ash McBudd, Aubrey Brand, B Martinez, Barbara, Basia, Becca Lee, Becky Beasley, Beth Kelly Herbert, Caprice, Caroline, Cat Preston, Catherine, Catherine Paul, Cathy Oliver, C B, Charlotte Keen, Claire Gerard, Corinne Cariad, Corrine L. McDermid, Dana, Dana Bradley, Danielle Warby, Deanna M. Counts Goldy, Deborah Cullinan, Dennis McNulty, Eleni, Em, Emma Franks, Erica Kenworthy, Erin Mazow, Evgeniia Pupysheva, Ewan McNeill, Frederike, Galina, George Cole, Grace, H Arena, Hannah Breslin, Heather Peake, Holly Knight-Smith, India, Jackie Allen, Jaqueline Coursey, Jayne Hutchinson, Jo, Julie, Julie Gillespie, Karen, Jenn W, Karin Parker, Katarzyna Tomaszewska, Kate and Kathryn, Kate Faust, Katharine Richards, Katherine, Katherine Lowney, Katherine Meizel, Ken K, Lana MacEachern, Laura, Laura, Laurin Aman, Leisa Reichelt, Lilli Simmons, Lisa, Lisa Joy Powley, Lisa Williams, Liz, Lizzie, Lula Cork, Mandy Allen, Marjory Webber, MelissaS, Melissa Shaw, Meredith L. Freyre, Mindy Wigzell, Monica Toohey, Natalie Orner, NC, Nicola Neil, Pete Burke, Rebecca, Rebecca Biegel, Sadie Slater, Sandra Chapman, Sandy Klarsten, Sandy Ladkin, Sarah Ivinson, Sarah Jeffrey, Sarah Musgrave, Sarah Raine, Seth Williams, Shauna Schramke, Shelia Smith, Sophie King, Stefan Mundt, Talia's Nature,Tamsen Staniford, Tara Blue, Tris, Vic Wiener and Vicki Temple. If you’re enjoying the Squarepeg podcast and would like to help me carry on making new episodes, you can become a member of the Squarepeg community on Patreon from £3 per month:

    1 小時 8 分鐘
  2. 126. Letting go of self hatred: the impact of an autism diagnosis


    126. Letting go of self hatred: the impact of an autism diagnosis

    Hannah Brockway is a violinist in her thirties from Australia; music has been her lifelong special interest. Since discovering her autism Hannah has realised that many of the people she’s gravitated towards in her life are neurodivergent too. In this episode Hannah shares some of her experiences around chronic fatigue, anorexia and panic disorder, needing to take two assessments before finally getting her autism diagnosis, and some of the difficulties she’s faced as an autistic professional musician.  Squarepeg is a podcast in which I talk to other late identified autistic women and nonbinary people about their lives, their autism journeys, and what they’ve learned along the way. I’m Amy Richards, and I was diagnosed autistic in 2016, when I was 37. I’ve been sharing my conversations with other autistic adults since 2020. I hope you'll find these conversations inspiring and thought provoking, and that they’ll help you feel more connected to a worldwide community of people with similar experiences.   EPISODE LINKS: Hannah's Instagram: Her book:   If you'd like to connect with me, get in touch or follow Squarepeg, you can find me on: Website:  Patreon:  Instagram: Facebook:

    1 小時 4 分鐘
  3. 2月22日

    125. Autism is the easiest piece: starting over after years of misdiagnoses

    Malori talks about her experience of spending seven years being given various misdiagnoses and being medicated and treated for conditions that she didn't have. Now, with the knowledge that she is autistic, Malori reflects back on her journey through the mental health system, what she's learned, and what's changed for the better since she first sought help for the difficulties that she was experiencing back in 2015. Content warning: in this episode, Malori shares some of her experience of getting treatment for an eating disorder. Squarepeg is a podcast in which I talk to other late identified autistic women and nonbinary people about their lives, their autism journeys, and what they’ve learned along the way. I’m Amy Richards, and I was diagnosed autistic in 2016, when I was 37. I’ve been sharing my conversations with other autistic adults since 2020. I hope you'll find these conversations inspiring and thought provoking, and that they’ll help you feel more connected to a worldwide community of people with similar experiences. If you'd like to connect with me, get in touch or follow Squarepeg, you can find me on: Website: Patreon: Instagram: Facebook: THANK YOU TO MY PATRONS! A HUGE thank you to my amazing patrons, who support my work on the podcast: Abby, Abi Hunter, Alex Williams, Alice Kemp, Amy Adler, Amy-Beth Mellor, Anika Lacerte, Annette, Aubrey Brand, B Martinez, Basia, Becca Lee, Becky Beasley, Beth Kelly Herbert, Caprice, Caroline, Cat Preston, Catherine, Catherine Paul, Cathy Oliver, C B, Charlotte Keen, Claire Gerard, Corinne Cariad, Corrine L. McDermid, Dana, Dana Bradley, Danielle Warby, Deanna M. Counts Goldy, Deborah Cullinan, Dennis McNulty, Eleni, Em, Emma Franks, Erica Kenworthy, Evgeniia Pupysheva, Ewan McNeill, Frederike, Galina, Grace, H Arena, Hannah Breslin, Heather Peake, Holly Knight-Smith, India, Jackie Allen, Jayne Hutchinson, Jo, Julie, Julie Gillespie, Karen, Jenn W, Karin Parker, Katarzyna Tomaszewska, Kate and Kathryn, Kate Faust, Katharine Richards, Katherine, Katherine Lowney, Katherine Meizel, Ken K, Lana MacEachern, Laura, Laura, Laurin Aman, Leisa Reichelt, Lilli Simmons, Lisa, Lisa Joy Powley, Lisa Williams, Liz, Lizzie, LQ, Lula Cork, Mandy Allen, Marjory Webber, MelissaS, Melissa Shaw, Meredith L. Freyre, Monica Toohey, Natalie Orner, NC, Nicola Neil, Pete Burke, Rebecca, Rebecca Biegel, Sadie Slater, Sandra Chapman, Sandy Klarsten, Sandy Ladkin, Sarah Ivinson, Sarah Jeffrey, Sarah Musgrave, Sarah Raine, Sarah Rhodes, Seth Williams, Shauna Schramke, Shelia Smith, Sophie King, Stefan Mundt, Suzanne, Talia's Nature, Tammie Fabien, Tamsen Staniford, Tara Blue, Tara Finlay Art, Vic Wiener, Vicki Temple, and Zephyrine Craster. If you’re enjoying the Squarepeg podcast and would like to help me carry on making new episodes, you can become a member of the Squarepeg community on Patreon from £3 per month:

    1 小時 13 分鐘
  4. 124 [Bonus] Autism and therapy: connection, validation and using our strengths to heal our lives


    124 [Bonus] Autism and therapy: connection, validation and using our strengths to heal our lives

    This is the third and final in my miniseries of bonus ‘revisit’ episodes, in which I reconnect with guests from previous seasons. This week, I talk with psychotherapist Cloie Parfitt, who I first talked to a couple of years ago, in the summer of 2022. Cloie is originally from Tennessee in the United States, and now lives in Norwich in the UK, where she has a private practice working with mainly neurodivergent clients. Cloie’s doctoral research in counselling and psychotherapy at the University of Edinburgh focused on autistic women’s experience of psychological trauma and trauma therapy, and that’s the main focus of our conversation in this episode. If you’d like to know more about Cloie’s story, or refresh your memory, I’ve released her original episode again along with this one - that’s episode 123.   In this episode we talk about: ➡ Cloie’s experience of processing her formal autism diagnosis ➡ Her research into autistic women’s experience of trauma and therapy ➡ What trauma informed counselling means ➡ How do we tell if it’s autism or trauma? ➡ What impacts our recovery from trauma, and the power of connection and community   Squarepeg is a podcast in which neurodivergent women, and trans and nonbinary people, explore navigating a neurotypical world and share their insights, challenges and successes. I hope that these conversations will be inspiring and thought provoking, open you up to new ways of thinking about being neurodivergent, and help you feel more connected to a worldwide community of people with similar experiences. I’m Amy Richards, and after being diagnosed autistic at the age of 37 I’m now on a mission to learn more about different perspectives and issues around being a neurodivergent adult in a world that feels like it doesn’t quite fit.   EPISODE LINKS: Cloie’s website:  Her Instagram:  Dr Freya Rumball - article about trauma in autistic people:  And related information from the National Autistic Society:  Find a neurodivergent counsellor:    If you’d like to connect or get in touch with Squarepeg, you can find me on: Instagram: Twitter: Facebook: Or on my website:   THANK YOU TO MY PATRONS!   A HUGE thank you to my amazing patrons, who support my work on the podcast:   Abby, Abi Hunter, Adam Klager, Alex Williams, Alice Kemp, Amanda Ford, Amy Adler, Amy-Beth Mellor, Anika Lacerte, Annette, Aubrey Brand, B Martinez, Basia, Becca Lee, Becki Bodey, Becky Beasley, Ben Davies, Beth Kelly Herbert, Caprice, Carly Melling, Caroline, Cat Preston, Catherine Paul, Cathy Oliver, Catrin Green, C B, Charlotte Keen, Cindy Bailey, Claire, Corinne Cariad, Corrine L. McDermid, DK, Dana, Dana Bradley, Danielle Warby, Deanna M. Counts Goldy, Deborah Cullinan, Dennis McNulty, Eleni, Elizabeth Williams, Em, Emilie Morris, Emma Franks, Erica Kenworthy, Evgeniia Pupysheva, Ewan McNeill, Fiona Connor, Fiona Ross, Frederike, Galina, Grace, Gwyneth, H Arena, Hannah, Hannah Breslin, Heather Peake, Hegatronix, Helen White, Holly Knight-Smith, Jackie Allen, Jayne Hutchinson, Jeff Goldman, Jen Bartlett, Jess Dwyer, Jo, Julie, Karen, Karin Parker, Katarzyna Tomaszewska, Kate and Kathryn, Kate Faust, Katharine Richards, Katherine, Katherine Lowney, Katherine Lynch, Kathy Crabbe, Ken K, Lana MacEachern, Laura, Laura, Laurin Aman, Leisa Reichelt,  Leo Ricketts, Lesley McKenzie, Lilli Simmons, Linda Brown, Lisa, Lisa Joy Powley, Lisa Williams, Liz, LQ, Lula Cork, Lyb, Lynn Vieira, Mandy Allen, Marjory Webber, Martine, MelissaS, Melissa Shaw, Meredith L. Freyre, Michelle Penny, Monica Toohey, Monique Francis, NC, Netty, Paul Harris, Pete Burke, Rebecca, Rebecca Biegel, Sadie Slater, Sandra Chapman, Sandy Klarsten, Sandy Ladkin, Sarah Ivinson, Sarah Jeffrey, Sarah Musgrave, Sarah Raine, Sarah Swanton, Seth Williams, Shauna, Shauna Schramke, Shelia Smith, Sophie King, Stefan Mundt, Suzanne, Talia's Nature, Tammie Fabien, Tamsen Staniford, Tara Blue Meyer, Tara Finlay Art, Tessa Valyou, Vic Wiener, Vicki Temple, Wendy Walker, Zephyrine Craster and Zoe Lee.   If you’re enjoying the Squarepeg podcast and would like to help me carry on making new episodes, you can become a member of the Squarepeg community on Patreon from £3 per month:

    58 分鐘
  5. 123 [Re-release] Autism, psychotherapy and trauma: why many autistic people need a different approach


    123 [Re-release] Autism, psychotherapy and trauma: why many autistic people need a different approach

    I first released this episode in July 2022, as part of Season 6. And this week I’ve released a brand new episode with Cloie, as part of a miniseries of revisits, where I reconnect with some of my guests from previous conversations. So here’s Cloie’s original episode, for those of you new to the podcast, or in case you’d like to refresh your memory before listening to the new episode (that’s episode 124). Cloie Parfitt is a psychotherapist, originally from Tennessee in the United States, now living in Norwich in the UK. A former nurse, she switched to psychotherapy when she realised that she found the hospital environment and long shifts too much of a sensory challenge. She now works with many neurodivergent clients, and is currently undertaking a professional doctorate in counselling and psychotherapy at the University of Edinburgh, where she works collaboratively with autistic women to explore their experience of psychological trauma and trauma therapy. In our conversation we talk about ➡ Her experiences of social isolation, sensory overload, burnout and depression ➡ Psychotherapy and autism ➡ Why some types of therapy don’t always work for autistic women ➡ Barriers to effective treatment, and how mental health practitioners can better mitigate these challenges. Squarepeg is a podcast in which neurodivergent women, and trans and nonbinary people, explore navigating a neurotypical world and share their insights, challenges and successes. I hope that these conversations will be inspiring and thought provoking, open you up to new ways of thinking about being neurodivergent, and help you feel more connected to a worldwide community of people with similar experiences. I’m Amy Richards, and after being diagnosed autistic at the age of 37 I’m now on a mission to learn more about different perspectives and issues around being a neurodivergent adult in a world that feels like it doesn’t quite fit.   EPISODE LINKS: Cloie’s website: Her Insta: Samantha Craft’s list of traits:   If you’d like to connect or get in touch with Squarepeg, you can find me on: Instagram: Twitter: Facebook: Or on my website:   THANK YOU TO MY PATRONS!   A HUGE thank you to my amazing patrons, who support my work on the podcast:   Abby, Abi Hunter, Adam Klager, Alex Williams, Alice Kemp, Amanda Ford, Amy Adler, Amy-Beth Mellor, Anika Lacerte, Annette, Aubrey Brand, B Martinez, Basia, Becca Lee, Becki Bodey, Becky Beasley, Ben Davies, Beth Kelly Herbert, Caprice, Carly Melling, Caroline, Cat Preston, Catherine Paul, Cathy Oliver, Catrin Green, C B, Charlotte Keen, Cindy Bailey, Claire, Corinne Cariad, Corrine L. McDermid, DK, Dana, Dana Bradley, Danielle Warby, Deanna M. Counts Goldy, Deborah Cullinan, Dennis McNulty, Eleni, Elizabeth Williams, Em, Emilie Morris, Emma Franks, Erica Kenworthy, Evgeniia Pupysheva, Ewan McNeill, Fiona Connor, Fiona Ross, Frederike, Galina, Grace, Gwyneth, H Arena, Hannah, Hannah Breslin, Heather Peake, Hegatronix, Helen White, Holly Knight-Smith, Jackie Allen, Jayne Hutchinson, Jeff Goldman, Jen Bartlett, Jess Dwyer, Jo, Julie, Karen, Karin Parker, Katarzyna Tomaszewska, Kate and Kathryn, Kate Faust, Katharine Richards, Katherine, Katherine Lowney, Katherine Lynch, Kathy Crabbe, Ken K, Lana MacEachern, Laura, Laura, Laurin Aman, Leisa Reichelt,  Leo Ricketts, Lesley McKenzie, Lilli Simmons, Linda Brown, Lisa, Lisa Joy Powley, Lisa Williams, Liz, LQ, Lula Cork, Lyb, Lynn Vieira, Mandy Allen, Marjory Webber, Martine, MelissaS, Melissa Shaw, Meredith L. Freyre, Michelle Penny, Monica Toohey, Monique Francis, NC, Netty, Paul Harris, Pete Burke, Rebecca, Rebecca Biegel, Sadie Slater, Sandra Chapman, Sandy Klarsten, Sandy Ladkin, Sarah Ivinson, Sarah Jeffrey, Sarah Musgrave, Sarah Raine, Sarah Swanton, Seth Williams, Shauna, Shauna Schramke, Shelia Smith, Sophie King, Stefan Mundt, Suzanne, Talia's Nature, Tammie Fabien, Tamsen Staniford, Tara Blue Meyer, Tara Finlay Art, Tessa Valyou, Vic Wiener, Vicki Temple, Wendy Walker, Zephyrine Craster and Zoe Lee.   If you’re enjoying the Squarepeg podcast and would like to help me carry on making new episodes, you can become a member of the Squarepeg community on Patreon from £3 per month:

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  6. 122 [Bonus Episode] Softening and bracing: autism, loneliness and how we can find connection


    122 [Bonus Episode] Softening and bracing: autism, loneliness and how we can find connection

    I am thrilled to bring you this conversation with somatic therapist Aisha Edwards, in which we talk about autism and loneliness. This continues a short series of revisits, where I reconnect with some of my guests from previous episodes. I first met Aisha two years ago, in 2022, when we recorded the bonus episode at the end of Season 6. Aisha is a somatic trauma therapist, podcaster and writer from Vancouver, Washington, USA and was diagnosed autistic in 2021. Since we last spoke, she has been focusing largely on her nonprofit, Radical Rest, providing communal healing spaces for BIPOC folk. Somatic trauma therapy is a body-centred approach to treating post-traumatic stress disorder that, rather than focusing only on thoughts or emotions associated with a traumatic event, expands to include the natural bodily responses. This is a bit of a different episode, focused on a single topic. After a quick catchup we jump pretty much straight into it. But if you’d like to learn more about Aisha’s story, or refresh your memory, I’ve re-released her original episode with this one - it’s episode 121.    And in this episode we talk about:   What loneliness means to us, and the sorts of connections autistic people want and need What impacts our ability to connect How we can improve our connection to others and feel less lonely   Aisha is such a joy to talk to, and I hope you get as much out of this conversation as I did.   Squarepeg is a podcast in which neurodivergent women, and trans and nonbinary people, explore navigating a neurotypical world and share their insights, challenges and successes. I hope that these conversations will be inspiring and thought provoking, open you up to new ways of thinking about being neurodivergent, and help you feel more connected to a worldwide community of people with similar experiences. I’m Amy Richards, and after being diagnosed autistic at the age of 37 I’m now on a mission to learn more about different perspectives and issues around being a neurodivergent adult in a world that feels like it doesn’t quite fit. EPISODE LINKS Instagram:  The Other Significant Others - the book Aisha mentions   If you'd like to connect with me, get in touch or follow Squarepeg, you can find me on: Website:  Patreon:  Instagram: Twitter:  Facebook:    THANK YOU TO MY PATRONS!   A HUGE thank you to my amazing patrons, who support my work on the podcast:   Abby, Abi Hunter, Adam Klager, Alex Williams, Alice Kemp, Amanda Ford, Amy Adler, Amy-Beth Mellor, Anika Lacerte, Annette, Aubrey Brand, B Martinez, Basia, Becca Lee, Becki Bodey, Becky Beasley, Ben Davies, Beth Kelly Herbert, Caprice, Carly Melling, Caroline, Cat Preston, Catherine Paul, Cathy Oliver, Catrin Green, Charlotte Keen, Cindy Bailey, Claire, Corinne Cariad, Corrine L. McDermid, DK, Dana, Dana Bradley, Danielle Warby, Deanna M. Counts Goldy, Deborah Cullinan, Dennis McNulty, Eleni, Elizabeth Williams, Em, Emilie Morris, Emma Franks, Erica Kenworthy, Evgeniia Pupysheva, Ewan McNeill, Fiona Connor, Fiona Ross, Frederike, Galina, Grace, Gwyneth, H Arena, Hannah, Hannah Breslin, Heather Peake, Hegatronix, Helen White, Holly Knight-Smith, Jackie Allen, Jayne Hutchinson, Jeff Goldman, Jen Bartlett, Jess Dwyer, Jo, Julie, Karen, Karin Parker, Katarzyna Tomaszewska, Kate and Kathryn, Kate Faust, Katharine Richards, Katherine, Katherine Lowney, Katherine Lynch, Kathy Crabbe, Ken K, Lana MacEachern, Laura, Laura, Laurin Aman, Leisa Reichelt,  Leo Ricketts, Lesley McKenzie, Lilli Simmons, Linda Brown, Lisa, Lisa Joy Powley, Lisa Williams, Liz, LQ, Lula Cork, Lyb, Lynn Vieira, Mandy Allen, Marjory Webber, Martine, MelissaS, Melissa Shaw, Meredith L. Freyre, Michelle Penny, Monica Toohey, Monique Francis, NC, Netty, Paul Harris, Pete Burke, Rebecca, Rebecca Biegel, Sadie Slater, Sandra Chapman, Sandy Klarsten, Sandy Ladkin, Sarah Ivinson, Sarah Jeffrey, Sarah Musgrave, Sarah Raine, Sarah Swanton, Seth Williams, Shauna, Shauna Schramke, Shelia Smith, Sophie King, Stefan Mundt, Suzanne, Talia's Nature, Tammie Fabien, Tamsen Staniford, Tara Blue Meyer, Tara Finlay Art, Tessa Valyou, Vic Wiener, Vicki Temple, Wendy Walker, Zephyrine Craster and Zoe Lee.   If you’re enjoying the Squarepeg podcast and would like to help me carry on making new episodes, you can become a member of the Squarepeg community on Patreon from £3 per month:

    1 小時 5 分鐘
  7. 121 [Re-release] Grief and validation: repairing the damage of autistic masking and finding a sense of self


    121 [Re-release] Grief and validation: repairing the damage of autistic masking and finding a sense of self

    I first released this episode in the summer of 2022, at the end of Season 6. And this week I’ve released a brand new episode with Aisha, as part of a short series of revisits, where I reconnect with some of my guests from previous conversations. So here’s Aisha’s original episode, for those of you new to the podcast, or in case you’d like to refresh your memory before listening to the new episode (that’s episode 122). Aisha Edwards is a somatic trauma therapist, podcaster and writer from Vancouver, Washington, USA, and was diagnosed autistic last year, aged 39. Somatic trauma therapy is a body-centred approach to treating post-traumatic stress disorder that rather than focusing only on thoughts or emotions associated with a traumatic event, expands to include the natural bodily responses. I’m delighted to bring you this special bonus episode of the Squarepeg Podcast. This was recorded as a collaboration with the Emergent Liberation Collective podcast, a podcast about somatics and spirituality as instruments for personal healing and collective transformation. In my conversation with Aisha we talk about: ➡ The grief and validation of a late autism diagnosis ➡ Masking and unmasking ➡ Meltdowns ➡ Attracting our neurokin ➡ The impact of intergenerational autism If you’re interested in somatic healing you might like to explore Aisha’s Within From Without: Trauma Informed Soul Journeying Guide, a nine part guide for integrating those traumatised parts of the self that’s full of trauma-informed education, spiritual practices, skills, tools and interventions. You can find the link to this in the show notes and on my website. And if you are one of my Patrons, you’ll find a special free download waiting for you from Aisha – her Ritual for Self Compassion. Squarepeg is a podcast in which neurodivergent women, and trans and nonbinary people, explore navigating a neurotypical world and share their insights, challenges and successes. I hope that these conversations will be inspiring and thought provoking, open you up to new ways of thinking about being neurodivergent, and help you feel more connected to a worldwide community of people with similar experiences. I’m Amy Richards, and after being diagnosed autistic at the age of 37 I’m now on a mission to learn more about different perspectives and issues around being a neurodivergent adult in a world that feels like it doesn’t quite fit.   EPISODE LINKS: Emergent Liberation Collective podcast: Aisha’s therapy website: Instagram: Within From Without: Trauma Informed Soul Journeying:   If you’d like to connect or get in touch with Squarepeg, you can find me on: Instagram: Twitter: Facebook: Or on my website:   THANK YOU TO MY PATRONS!   A HUGE thank you to my amazing patrons, who support my work on the podcast:   Abby, Abi Hunter, Adam Klager, Alex Williams, Alice Kemp, Amanda Ford, Amy Adler, Amy-Beth Mellor, Anika Lacerte, Annette, Aubrey Brand, B Martinez, Basia, Becca Lee, Becki Bodey, Becky Beasley, Ben Davies, Beth Kelly Herbert, Caprice, Carly Melling, Caroline, Cat Preston, Catherine Paul, Cathy Oliver, Catrin Green, Charlotte Keen, Cindy Bailey, Claire, Corinne Cariad, Corrine L. McDermid, DK, Dana, Dana Bradley, Danielle Warby, Deanna M. Counts Goldy, Deborah Cullinan, Dennis McNulty, Eleni, Elizabeth Williams, Em, Emilie Morris, Emma Franks, Erica Kenworthy, Evgeniia Pupysheva, Ewan McNeill, Fiona Connor, Fiona Ross, Frederike, Galina, Grace, Gwyneth, H Arena, Hannah, Hannah Breslin, Heather Peake, Hegatronix, Helen White, Holly Knight-Smith, Jackie Allen, Jayne Hutchinson, Jeff Goldman, Jen Bartlett, Jess Dwyer, Jo, Julie, Karen, Karin Parker, Katarzyna Tomaszewska, Kate and Kathryn, Kate Faust, Katharine Richards, Katherine, Katherine Lowney, Katherine Lynch, Kathy Crabbe, Ken K, Lana MacEachern, Laura, Laura, Laurin Aman, Leisa Reichelt,  Leo Ricketts, Lesley McKenzie, Lilli Simmons, Linda Brown, Lisa, Lisa Joy Powley, Lisa Williams, Liz, LQ, Lula Cork, Lyb, Lynn Vieira, Mandy Allen, Marjory Webber, Martine, MelissaS, Melissa Shaw, Meredith L. Freyre, Michelle Penny, Monica Toohey, Monique Francis, NC, Netty, Paul Harris, Pete Burke, Rebecca, Rebecca Biegel, Sadie Slater, Sandra Chapman, Sandy Klarsten, Sandy Ladkin, Sarah Ivinson, Sarah Jeffrey, Sarah Musgrave, Sarah Raine, Sarah Swanton, Seth Williams, Shauna, Shauna Schramke, Shelia Smith, Sophie King, Stefan Mundt, Suzanne, Talia's Nature, Tammie Fabien, Tamsen Staniford, Tara Blue Meyer, Tara Finlay Art, Tessa Valyou, Vic Wiener, Vicki Temple, Wendy Walker, Zephyrine Craster and Zoe Lee.   If you’re enjoying the Squarepeg podcast and would like to help me carry on making new episodes, you can become a member of the Squarepeg community on Patreon from £3 per month:

    1 小時 4 分鐘
  8. 120 [Bonus Episode] A magic key? Deeper learnings 4 years on from a late autism diagnosis


    120 [Bonus Episode] A magic key? Deeper learnings 4 years on from a late autism diagnosis

    I recorded this special episode with former Squarepeg guest Sophie Longley. I last spoke with Sophie at the end of 2020, when she was working as an English teacher in Singapore and was about to start her Masters in Experimental psychology at the University of Sussex. (If you’d like to go back and listen to her original episode again to refresh your memory, that’s episode 15 - Season 2, Episode 3).  Since graduating, Sophie has done a lot of things, trying out different career paths while processing her 2020 autism diagnosis in a deeper way. Some of her work is in academia, where she’s been involved in autism research, including looking at the post-diagnostic experiences of late diagnosed women, and exploring the language used around autism in the news and media. And she’s also a career mentor for autistic women who are stuck in a rut with their careers or need guidance navigating the workplace.   In this episode we talk about:  What it’s been like for Sophie processing her autism diagnosis on a deeper level, over the past 4 years The benefits and challenges of getting a late diagnosis, and the post-diagnostic experience of late diagnosed women Her experience of trying to get accommodations at uni - and her expectations vs reality, and whether we need to disclose our autism to get our needs met What it’s like working in autism research roles in teams with a mix of other autistic and NT people The benefits and drawbacks of masking, unmasking privilege, and what unmasking actually looks like  And we explore the concepts of ‘grelief’ and ‘autism fatigue’.   Squarepeg is a podcast in which neurodivergent women, and trans and nonbinary people, explore navigating a neurotypical world and share their insights, challenges and successes. I hope that these conversations will be inspiring and thought provoking, open you up to new ways of thinking about being neurodivergent, and help you feel more connected to a worldwide community of people with similar experiences. I’m Amy Richards, and after being diagnosed autistic at the age of 37 I’m now on a mission to learn more about different perspectives and issues around being a neurodivergent adult in a world that feels like it doesn’t quite fit.   LINKS  Sophie’s original Squarepeg episode:   Linkedin:   Mentoring:  Research article: Language Matters in British Newspapers: A Participatory Analysis of the Autism UK Press Corpus   If you'd like to connect with me, get in touch or follow Squarepeg, you can find me on: Website:  Patreon:  Instagram: Twitter:  Facebook:  THANK YOU TO MY PATRONS!   A HUGE thank you to my amazing patrons, who support my work on the podcast:   Abby, Abi Hunter, Adam Klager, Alex Williams, Alice Kemp, Amanda Ford, Amy Adler, Amy-Beth Mellor, Anika Lacerte, Annette, Aubrey Brand, B Martinez, Basia, Becca Lee, Becki Bodey, Becky Beasley, Ben Davies, Beth Kelly Herbert, Caprice, Carly Melling, Caroline, Cat Preston, Catherine Paul, Cathy Oliver, Catrin Green, Charlotte Keen, Cindy Bailey, Claire, Corinne Cariad, Corrine L. McDermid, DK, Dana, Dana Bradley, Danielle Warby, Deanna M. Counts Goldy, Deborah Cullinan, Dennis McNulty, Eleni, Elizabeth Williams, Em, Emilie Morris, Emma Franks, Erica Kenworthy, Evgeniia Pupysheva, Ewan McNeill, Fiona Connor, Fiona Ross, Frederike, Galina, Grace, Gwyneth, H Arena, Hannah, Hannah Breslin, Heather Peake, Hegatronix, Helen White, Holly Knight-Smith, Jackie Allen, Jayne Hutchinson, Jeff Goldman, Jen Bartlett, Jess Dwyer, Jo, Julie, Karen, Karin Parker, Katarzyna Tomaszewska, Kate and Kathryn, Kate Faust, Katharine Richards, Katherine, Katherine Lowney, Katherine Lynch, Kathy Crabbe, Ken K, Lana MacEachern, Laura, Laura, Laurin Aman, Leisa Reichelt,  Leo Ricketts, Lesley McKenzie, Lilli Simmons, Linda Brown, Lisa, Lisa Joy Powley, Lisa Williams, Liz, LQ, Lula Cork, Lyb, Lynn Vieira, Mandy Allen, Marjory Webber, Martine, MelissaS, Melissa Shaw, Meredith L. Freyre, Michelle Penny, Monica Toohey, Monique Francis, NC, Netty, Paul Harris, Pete Burke, Rebecca, Rebecca Biegel, Sadie Slater, Sandra Chapman, Sandy Klarsten, Sandy Ladkin, Sarah Ivinson, Sarah Jeffrey, Sarah Musgrave, Sarah Raine, Sarah Swanton, Seth Williams, Shauna, Shauna Schramke, Shelia Smith, Sophie King, Stefan Mundt, Suzanne, Talia's Nature, Tammie Fabien, Tamsen Staniford, Tara Blue Meyer, Tara Finlay Art, Tessa Valyou, Vic Wiener, Vicki Temple, Wendy Walker, Zephyrine Craster and Zoe Lee.   If you’re enjoying the Squarepeg podcast and would like to help me carry on making new episodes, you can become a member of the Squarepeg community on Patreon from £3 per month:

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Squarepeg is a podcast in which I talk to other late identified autistic women and nonbinary people about their lives, their autism journeys, and what they’ve learned along the way. I’m Amy Richards, and I was diagnosed autistic in 2016, when I was 37. I’ve been sharing my conversations with other autistic adults since 2020. I hope you’ll find these conversations inspiring and thought provoking, and that they’ll help you feel more connected to a worldwide community of people with similar experiences.









