124 - Eczema & Topical Steroid Withdrawal Are Preventable with Briana Banos

Radical Health Rebel

This week, I’m thrilled to bring you a powerful and eye-opening conversation with the amazing Briana Banos—a talented documentary maker and passionate advocate for TSW (Topical Steroid Withdrawal). We’re diving into the devastating impacts of this iatrogenic condition, caused by the overuse or overprescription of topical steroids, often given for atopic dermatitis, or eczema. 

As someone who dealt with eczema myself in my early twenties—and briefly used topical steroids—I’m fortunate that I never suffered myself. In addition, I’ve had friends and family members struggle with eczema and even TSW. So, when I came across Briana’s first documentary, *Preventable*, on social media, I knew I had to learn more.

The documentary lays bare the seriousness of TSW and shines a light on a heartbreaking reality: many sufferers are gaslit by the very healthcare professionals who prescribed these treatments in the first place. Left without support, they’re forced to navigate lives filled with pain, frustration, and despair, often feeling like their condition isn’t taken seriously. 

Since recording this episode, I’ve also watched Briana’s follow-up documentary, *Still Preventable*, which is equally—if not more—powerful than the original. Both films are deeply moving, and they expose a critical issue that’s been ignored by much of the medical community for far too long, despite clear evidence of its existence. 

Briana’s relentless campaign to raise awareness and improve the lives of TSW sufferers is nothing short of inspiring. It was an honor to sit down with her and do my part to support this crucial movement. 

This episode is a must-listen, so settle in and join us for an important conversation that could change how you see eczema, topical steroids, and the healthcare system itself.

We discussed:


Impact of Steroid Withdrawal


Challenges of Topical Steroid Withdrawal


Mental Toll of Skin Conditions


Holistic Healing for Eczema Relief


Long-Term Challenges of Steroid Withdrawal


Journey to Healing Eczema Relief


Medical Education and Health Costs


Advocating for Topical Steroid Withdrawal


Support and Advocacy in Health

You can find Briana @:
Preventable: Protecting Our Largest Organ
Still Preventable: TSW Documentary
YouTube Channel

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