124. Get Out of Your Own Way and #DoTheThing

The Career Butterfly

What’s your thing? You know, that thing inside of you that you’ve always wanted to do. Dona Sarkar, author of #DoTheThing, is here to help you discover your thing, get out of your own way, and get it done. She’s a good one to be giving the advice as she’s had lots of “things” over the years. In addition to her career at Microsoft where she is currently the Director of Technology for Accessibility at Microsoft, she is an author and she runs her own fashion line, Prima Dona Studios.

Dona shares that she has been called aggressive, ambitious and a bit of a diva. Her response? Hell yes. She’s proud to be all those and more! In this interview, she shares the strategies she’s used to #dothething including thinking of herself in the 3rd person on her own Hero’s Journey, ruthless time management, and extending her comfort zone a tiny bit rather than completely stepping out of it.

I did the exercises in her book #DoTheThing and it is that work that inspired me to create this podcast. I highly recommend it for you too. Not sure what your thing is? She has strategies for discovering your thing too!

Mentioned in this podcast:


Prima Dona Studios








