14. What’s the hype about Nootropics and what do they do? With Zain Peer from London Nootropics

Nourishing Lives

For Episode 14 we're digging into the hype behind Nootropics, spoiler alert...we love them! Their adaptogen coffee keeps our Nourish team fuelled through the busiest of days.

Zain, co founder of London Nootropics joins us to talk adaptogens, nootropics and shares how he and his fellow founder, Shez, got interested in the potential impact of nootropics on our health and wellbeing.

Their adaptogen coffee keeps our Nourish team fuelled through the busiest of days!

London Nootropics have been kind enough to share a 20% off code so that you can try their brilliant blends too, just enter the code - NOURISH - at checkout.

What to expect from this episode...

  • What led you personally to find out more about Nootropics?
  • Nootropics have been around a long time, why do you think it’s taken so long for them to become popular?
  • Tell us a bit about what each of the Nooptropics that you use and what they actually do?
  • Which Nootropic is your favourite?
  • Can't we eat mushrooms instead to get the benefits, how do you access the active compounds?
  • What about quality, does that make a difference with adaptogens?
  • How do Nootropics work and will I get the coffee jitters from your products?
  • Is there a limit to how much you should take each day?
  • If I was just starting out with Nootropics, which one would you advise that I start with?
  • How do you source your Nootropics?
  • You’ve been on Dragons Den, you’re stocked in some amazing sites like Harrods, what’s next for the brand?

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