I Have ADHD Podcast

Kristen Carder
I Have ADHD Podcast

The I Have ADHD Podcast is a clear, concise, and FUN podcast for adults with ADHD. Listen to learn about how ADHD impacts every area of your life from the boardroom to the bedroom...and how you can begin to overcome your symptoms by accepting who you are, flaws and all. Host Kristen Carder is a dually certified coach who has supported thousands of of people with ADHD worldwide. Kristen's extensive experience working with ADHDers began in 2012, and she now leads a global community of adults with ADHD in her coaching program, FOCUSED. ****OBVIOUSLY the content in this podcast is not meant to be a substitute for medical advice. Kristen Carder is not a medical professional.

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최고 5점
2,661개의 평가


The I Have ADHD Podcast is a clear, concise, and FUN podcast for adults with ADHD. Listen to learn about how ADHD impacts every area of your life from the boardroom to the bedroom...and how you can begin to overcome your symptoms by accepting who you are, flaws and all. Host Kristen Carder is a dually certified coach who has supported thousands of of people with ADHD worldwide. Kristen's extensive experience working with ADHDers began in 2012, and she now leads a global community of adults with ADHD in her coaching program, FOCUSED. ****OBVIOUSLY the content in this podcast is not meant to be a substitute for medical advice. Kristen Carder is not a medical professional.

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