The Birth Ease Podcast

Michelle Smith
The Birth Ease Podcast

How do you filter through all of the uninvited opinions that suddenly come your way when you decide to have a child? How do you know what's trustworthy information and what's a myth or just plain outdated? Join Michelle Smith, CHt -- founder of The Birth Ease Method childbirth program -- and her guests as they share valuable tips, tools, and proven methods to cut through the noise and fear. For 20 years as a birth professional, Michelle has personally helped hundreds of families understand their options in maternity care, transform their fears and stress, and connect with their inner calm as they navigate the sacred journey that is pregnancy, birth, and parenthood.

  1. 148 Navigating Parenthood the LOVVE Way with Natasha Solovieff

    2022. 11. 23.

    148 Navigating Parenthood the LOVVE Way with Natasha Solovieff

    Natasha Solovieff and Michelle discuss Natasha’s signature strategy which helps parents to stay engaged with their children and each other. Her L.O.V.V.E. Way invites families to begin Listening, Om-ing (centering yourself), Voicing, Visioning, and Exploring in order to unwind any difficult feelings, emotions, and situations and determine what is of value to them as a family. The L.O.V.V.E. Way creates a solid path in this time of uncertainty and provides relationship and self-reflection tools that are extremely vital, and yet, rarely taught. {replay of episode 38} "What I wanted to give parents is a default way of moving out of our snappy moments and those things that come up in parenting that are really heightened right now that cause us to disengage with our children and to disengage with ourselves, and our partner. Relationships are this dance being engaged, being disengaged, and bringing ourselves back into engagement and that’s a skill." — Natasha Solovieff About Natasha Solovieff: With a BSN and M.Ed., she has 25+ years as a Maternal Child Health clinical and public health nurse. She is the author of “The Dance of Parenting: Finding Your Inner Choreographer” a book that invites you to energize and strengthen your parenting dance by using your parenting L.O.V.V.E. skills. And she also writes heartfelt and intriguing science-for-parents blogs at Connect with Natasha: OMG Parenting Twitter handle - @OParenting, Facebook- @omgparenting Website - You can connect with Michelle at, on Facebook @thebirtheasepodcast and @BirthEaseMethod, and on Instagram @birtheasemichellesmith

  2. 144 Calm Birth Meditation App Samples

    2022. 09. 28.

    144 Calm Birth Meditation App Samples

    The Calm Birth prenatal meditation program now has an app for easier access to the meditations. Michelle shares samples of the meditations for listeners to experience. You can learn more about Calm Birth and the practices in episodes 76-80 and about the similarities and differences between Hypnobirthing and Calm Birth in episode 86. Michelle includes the introduction for each meditation beginning with this 7-minute version of Womb Breathing or Breather as it is named on the App. She also provides a sample of Rest based on the Practice of Opening and Healing based on the practice of compassionate breathing. The app also includes affirmations for pregnancy and birth which parents find extremely valuable. You can listen to the full audio for the Calm Parents meditation breath feeding for nursing in episode 140. The app includes versions of this meditation for parents that are bottle feeding, pumping, and chestfeeding. Michelle also includes the Calm Parents meditation Bond which can be helpful when caring for a crying baby. Please note that there are versions of the Calm Birth meditations for parents planning a cesarean birth, as well. Please find a safe and comfortable spot to relax and enjoy these samples of the Calm Birth Meditations. Go to the App store for the Calm Birth App. Reach out at for Calm Birth childbirth classes or the meditations for parents planning a cesarean birth or at You can connect with Michelle at, on Facebook @thebirtheasepodcast and @BirthEaseMethod, and on Instagram @birtheasemichellesmith

  3. 142 Telling the Truth and Holding Space in the Postpartum Period with Jennie Joseph

    2022. 08. 31.

    142 Telling the Truth and Holding Space in the Postpartum Period with Jennie Joseph

    Michelle is incredibly honored to have midwife Jennie Joseph share what is in her heart and on her mind- holding space for families following the birth of their baby.  Jennie explains why the United States is dismal in regard to postpartum care practices and support. Jennie stresses that we must listen and hold space for families and each other as birth professionals. We must learn and understand how to do it well so that we are helping and not adding to any potential pain and trauma to what they are already carrying. Jennie clarifies that holding space is simply that. Just be quiet and encourage them to feel comfortable, to feel like they can trust you. And show that trust by listening with respect, maintaining that dignity, and not centering yourself in the sharing. Jennie shares why we must bring into conversations racism, classism, gender discrimination, injustice, and the historically institutional way of being because those are the actual causes of the disparity. Everyone is impacted when we are not supported to be in our humanity. Commonsense Childbirth Inc.'s guiding statement is "We are building a movement to birth a more just and loving world." To make a donation visit: Instagram: @iamjenniejoseph, Facebook: Jennie Joseph - Midwife, Twitter: @JennieJoseph The Birth Place: Easy Access Women’s Clinic: You can connect with Michelle at, on Facebook @thebirtheasepodcast and @BirthEaseMethod, and on Instagram @birtheasemichellesmith

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How do you filter through all of the uninvited opinions that suddenly come your way when you decide to have a child? How do you know what's trustworthy information and what's a myth or just plain outdated? Join Michelle Smith, CHt -- founder of The Birth Ease Method childbirth program -- and her guests as they share valuable tips, tools, and proven methods to cut through the noise and fear. For 20 years as a birth professional, Michelle has personally helped hundreds of families understand their options in maternity care, transform their fears and stress, and connect with their inner calm as they navigate the sacred journey that is pregnancy, birth, and parenthood.

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