15. Why natural beauty products are the future of skincare with Laura Rudoe from Evolve Beauty

Nourishing Lives

Episode 15 of the Nourishing Lives Podcast see's Ineke and Laura Rudoe from Evolve Beauty catching up. As one of Ineke's own personal fave beauty brands this was a fantastic conversation, with both brands sharing the importance of natural products and organic certification.

What you put on your face, body, hair is so important for your overall wellbeing, but how much do you really know about why natural products are best, what do they do, what amazing ingredients do they harness? Find out the answer to this and much more in this episode.

What to expect?

  • What created your passion for Natural Beauty?
  • How did you get started with Evolve?
  • You’ve created a huge range, but what was your very first product and why?
  • Your products are certified Organic, but what started your interest in Organic?
  • Skincare is traditionally packed full of ingredients like parabens and phthalates, how do you avoid using these?
  • Tell us about your favourite natural skincare ingredients and what they do for your skin.
  • Thinking ahead, what's next for natural skincare do you think?
  • We love your regenerative mission, tell us more about that.
  • We met through Buy Women Built, tell us a little about your experiences as a woman in business.
  • If you had to pick 3 of your own products to take to a desert island what are you taking?

Show Links

Evolve Beauty Website

Nourishing Lives discount code for Evolve NOURISH20

Evolve Beauty Instagram

Laura's favourite product

Buy Women Built

Nourish website - discount code - NOURISHINGLIVES20

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