#151 David Cardona with Strangeworks

Latino Founder Hour

David Cardona is the COO and co-founder of Strangeworks, an Austin TX startup developing a platform that makes quantum computing more accessible. David tells us more about his upbringing in rural Texas and the jump he made from a young attorney to successful co-founder. Now on his second startup with most of the same core team, David and his partners are creating an unconventional computing software application that is working on revolutionizing technology by guiding companies through the chaos of quantum computing, making it easily accessible to all. David Cardona es el COO y co-fundador de Strangeworks, una startup basada en Austin TX que esta desarrollando una plataforma para democratizar la computación cuántica. David nos cuenta como crecio en un area rural de Texas y su saldo de ser abogado profesional a emprendedor exitoso ahora en su segundo startup. Con el mismo equipo de trabajo, David y sus socios han creado una empresa no convencional de desarrollo de software que esta revolucionando el acceso a la computación cuántica para todos.








