153 | Should You Be More Than a Conduit of the Spiritual?

The Empowered Catholic Podcast

What are we supposed to be doing, anyway? What are we called to now? What we are called to now is an exciting collaboration with God. It’s like the opposite of God ordering us around. Don’t let God become the One Who Orders Me To Do Stuff and I Gotta Do It. Of course, there’s stuff I Gotta Do, yet the point is to be in an active collaborative relationship with God. And guess what? When you are collaborating with God, it is empowering. In fact, collaborating with God is your human vocation. It’s not a nice thing to do, it is the thing you were created for. When you live your vocation of collaboration, it’s empowering. And we want you and everyone to be empowered to live their vocation. It’s what we need. And it makes life worth living. We touch on some of the traps in this area and what NOT to do. 

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