32 min

156: How to Break Out of Sales Obscurity by Leveraging Social Selling w/ Koka Sexton GTM Made Simple

    • Management

Most of your sales team is using LinkedIn wrong. As a marketer, your job is to teach sales how to leverage their social media to get visibility. Visibility creates opportunity. You may have the cure to the world's deadliest disease, but it won’t save anyone if nobody knows about it. Train your sales team how to break out of social media obscurity and promote their visibility online.

Most of your sales team is using LinkedIn wrong. As a marketer, your job is to teach sales how to leverage their social media to get visibility. Visibility creates opportunity. You may have the cure to the world's deadliest disease, but it won’t save anyone if nobody knows about it. Train your sales team how to break out of social media obscurity and promote their visibility online.

32 min