156: Neurodivergence, Authenticity, and Unmasking with Madison Morrigan

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I’m thrilled and honored to be joined for this episode by Madison Morrigan. Our conversation covers many topics and uncovers many truths! Join us!

Madison is a five-time international award-winning life and leadership coach, creative consultant, podcast host, and speaker who helps visionaries embody their worth, power, and fullness. Centered on self-belonging, sacred self-responsibility, spiritual freedom, and full expression, Madison coaches humans as they shed layers of old programming that keep them small and see them finally come home to their true selves. In our conversation, we discuss showing up authentically in business and life, including on social media. Madison explains the concept of unmasking, why it is difficult to be a neurodivergent entrepreneur, and how neurodivergence can be turned into a superpower. We discuss the Enneagram as a tool for self-discovery, along with how my subtype shows up and how that specific subtype is universal in a way in America. We wrap up by covering intuition and following your hunches even when it means completely changing your business path. 

Show Highlights

  • The Enneagram: a tool for self-discovery and self-awakening
  • Enneagram 3 is the one most in alignment with stereotypical American culture.
  • The Enneagram is a way to identify patterns of motivation and behavior.
  • Madison’s winding path to coaching and helping people
  • Madison’s religious background, indoctrination, and how she learned a new perspective on spirituality
  • Defining the concept of masking–and how neurodivergent people do this to hide their true selves
  • Strategies for safety are authentic responses to feeling unsafe.
  • The hardest place to be authentic? Social media
  • Madison’s writing  and social media presence—how she maintains authenticity
  • Madison’s advice for those who want to be more authentic
  • Intuition: a very important piece of entrepreneurship
  • Madison’s chart and info about her transitions, energy, and rebirthing
  • Being a clear channel and a spiritual vacuum to do your work and accomplish your purpose
  • Neurodivergence as a superpower for Madison as an entrepreneur
  • Hear Madison’s answers to rapid-fire questions about helpful advice, morning routine, and books she is reading/recommending. 


Connect with Madison Morrigan

Website, Instagram, Everything Belongs Podcast

Books recommended by Madison: Unmasking Autism by Devon Price, Anam Cara by John O’Donohue, Your Rainforest Mind by Paula Prober, and Belonging by Toko-pa Turner

Connect with Paula

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