Breaking Points with Krystal and Saagar

Breaking Points is a fearless anti-establishment multi-week Youtube and Podcast which holds the powerful to account hosted by Krystal Ball and Saagar Enjeti
Hosts & Guests
I used to love this show
Mar 5
I used to love this show and would listen/watch almost daily. Lately it feels like the discussion is no longer balanced or nuanced. It’s starting to feel like millennial CNN. Krystal dominates the conversation with mainstream MSNBC-esque talking points, often times omitting or flat out ignoring important context that doesn’t feed the narrative she’s trying to spin. In the past, Saagar would act as a counterbalance to that, making it feel like you were actually getting a full picture of what was happening. Now, Saagar just seems to check out and lets Krystal omit vital details and not call it out or provide any sort of rebuttal. It’s sad because I genuinely have loved the show since the beginning of their Rising days, but it feels like this show has just devolved into the thing it was meant to replace- traditional cable news but with a mix of cuss words and cringey millennial humor. Side note- Ryan Grim, you’re awesome and I legitimately respect your reporting and perspective.
Krystal on economics
2d ago
She’s so blatantly uneducated on basic economics. Today she bolstered the conspiracy theory that Trump admin is actively trying to tank economy. Had lost trust in them when they insisted Russia would never invade and recently came back but just can’t deal with her. When she speaks on a topic the listener knows well, the listener will realize how little she knows (and how confidently she makes her statements notwithstanding). Great example of why you should always ingest “independent media” with caution.
Getting worse….Krystal
3d ago
This show was good for a while. I agreed with both and disagreed with both. Krystal is getting worse and worse by the day. Very obnoxious, rude, very interruptive which to me is disrespectful. I’m starting to feel sad for Saager. My wife (who never listens) was with me in the car while the show was on and she even stated that she was horrible.
Krystal is a joke
3d ago
She’s intolerable.
- Channel
- CreatoriHeartPodcasts
- Years Active2021 - 2025
- Episodes1K
- RatingClean
- Copyright2025 iHeartMedia, Inc. © Any use of this intellectual property for text and data mining or computational analysis including as training material for artificial intelligence systems is strictly prohibited without express written consent from iHeartMedia
- Show Website
- ProvideriHeartMedia + Entertainment, Inc
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