Words That Make Us

Tony Bailey and Rama Shaar
Words That Make Us

Two teachers from very different cultural backgrounds share their thoughts on the power and impact of words in shaping our identities, beliefs and experiences. Each episode focuses on a different word and through a range of readings, poems and texts the pair explore how these words have had an impact on their thoughts, emotions and actions.

  1. 2024. 12. 04.

    16. Words That Make Us: Home

    In this episode of the "Words That Make Us" podcast, Rama and Tony discuss the topic of “Home”. Listen to them discuss what constitutes a home and the feelings that come up around the concept of home. Which nationalities and gender tend to own their homes? How can you Feng Shui your home to protect its Qi/Chi? What do stoics say about homes? There are some varied songs and poems by Rumi, Gibran, Mahmoud Darwish, Clive Gregson, Curly Putman and much more!   On Home by Khalil Gibran https://poets.org/poem/children-1   Stoics on home https://www.stoic-buddy.com/blog/the-household-stoic https://viastoica.com/what-does-home-mean/   The Guest House By Rumi Read by Helena Bonham Carter https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ShNYW2e5ecQ https://allpoetry.com/poem/8534703-The-Guest-House-by-Mewlana-Jalaluddin-Rumi   Feng shui rules: https://www.mindbodygreen.com/articles/feng-shui-for-every-room-in-your-home   Homesickness https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Homesickness#:~:text=Homesickness%20is%20the%20distress%20caused,on%20topics%20unrelated%20to%20home. “ID Card” by Mahmoud Darwish Written in 1964 https://www.wrmea.org/2017-november-december/id-card-by-mahmoud-darwish-a-translation-and-commentary.html Cultural differences in home ownership https://homeandtexture.com/homeownership-different-countries/ https://medium.com/@cailiansavage1/why-the-richest-countries-have-the-lowest-home-ownership-rates-6dc202a9b81a https://www.bundesbank.de/en/publications/research/research-brief/2020-30-homeownership-822176 If you have any ideas, suggestions or feedback, please send us an email at: wordsthatmakeus@gmail.com

    1시간 28분
  2. 2024. 11. 12.

    15. Words That Make Us: Sickness

    Season 2, episode 15: In this episode of the "Words That Make Us" podcast, Rama and Tony discuss the topic of “Sickness”. This promises to be an episode of fun discussions, varied readings of pain and hilarity, and a few statistics to boot! They discuss questions such as: why do men not go to the doctor’s? Can prayer really relieve pain? What poems, depressing and funny alike, have they found for you? And what are some funny stories doctors have told about patients? Also, what would Marcus Aurelius say about sickness if he was alive today?    Men don’t go to the doctor https://pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/articles/PMC1121551/ Dr Gabor Mate on addiction https://www.thesunmagazine.org/articles/23606-what-ails-us   Tulips by Sylvia Plath https://www.poetryfoundation.org/poems/49013/tulips-56d22ab68fdd0   Sick by Shel Silverstein https://poets.org/poem/sick   Funny stories by doctors: https://www.boredpanda.com/funny-doctor-patient-stories/   Stoic response to sickness - an AI Marcus Aurelius response https://www.stoicsimple.com/stoic-advice-on-health-problems-illness-ask-marcus-aurelius/#:~:text=Instead%20of%20dwelling%20on%20your,the%20natural%20order%20of%20things.   On Pain by Gibran Khalil Gibran https://poets.org/poem/pain-1   Assisted suicide In Germany https://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/1000135?form=fpf https://www.dw.com/en/assisted-suicide-germany-weighs-autonomy-and-ethics/a-66111477 In sickness and in health https://www.structuralheartjournal.org/article/S2474-8706(24)00034-4/fulltext https://www.diw.de/documents/publikationen/73/diw_01.c.801752.de/diw_sp1110.pdf Walking Around by Pablo Neruda https://allpoetry.com/Walking-Around If you have any ideas, suggestions or feedback, please send us an email at: wordsthatmakeus@gmail.com

    1시간 15분
  3. 2024. 10. 29.

    14. Words That Make Us: Cake

    In this episode of the "Words That Make Us" podcast, Rama and Tony discuss the topic of “Cake”. Listen to them as they discuss their cake eating and baking preferences all while discussing “Let them eat cake!” and why baking shows became so popular. Would you call the sweet little baked goodness Jaffa cake or biscuits? Why does it matter? And of course, here is some poetry in there for you!  No one said “Let them eat cake”! https://www.britannica.com/story/did-marie-antoinette-really-say-let-them-eat-cake   Betty Crocker cake mix story https://cantrell.medium.com/the-myth-of-the-instant-cake-mix-a45aaac8b302 https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/something-eggstra/   Chocolate Cake by Michael Rosen https://www.uv.mx/personal/jomartinez/files/2011/08/Chocolate-Cake.pdf   The most difficult cakes to make: https://www.findcourses.co.uk/inspiration/hobby-fun-leisure-articles/how-to-make-the-worlds-most-difficult-cakes-17573   Simnel cake https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Simnel_cake   The Jaffa Cake Story https://www.kerseys.co.uk/jaffa-cakes-cakes-biscuits/#:~:text=During%20the%20court%20battle%20between,recognised%20as%20chocolate%20covered%20cakes.   Cake idioms https://www.ihpalermo.com/Cake-Biscuit-Idioms   Sister’s cake By Eugene Field  https://www.poetrysoup.com/famous/poem/sisters_cake_605   Cake by Roger Mcgough https://allpoetry.com/poem/14373247-Cake-by-Roger-McGough If you have any ideas, suggestions or feedback, please send us an email at: wordsthatmakeus@gmail.com

    1시간 21분
  4. 2024. 10. 01.

    13. Words That Make Us: Betrayal

    In this episode of the "Words That Make Us" podcast, Rama and Tony discuss the topic of “Betrayal”. Listen to them as they discuss the different types of betrayal whether in relationships, in a relation to one’s country of oneself. They discuss statistics about cheating from different countries as well as how it is regarded in stoicism, the Quran and the Bible. There is poetry from different eras and perspectives too! Countries with highest infidelity rate: https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/infidelity-rates-by-country Is it emotional cheating? https://health.clevelandclinic.org/emotional-cheating Medusa by Carol Ann Duffy https://genius.com/Carol-ann-duffy-medusa-annotated Betrayal in the Quran https://submission.org/friday_betrayal.html#:~:text=Those%20elements%20might%20be%20summarized,and%20be%20among%20the%20truthful. We Who Are Your Closest Friends by Phillip Lopate https://poets.org/poem/we-who-are-your-closest-friends Dictionary Definition https://www.vocabulary.com/dictionary/betrayal#:~:text=Betrayal%20means%20%22an%20act%20of,someone's%20trust%2C%20possibly%20by%20lying.   https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/betrayal Betrayal in the bible https://renew.org/betrayal-in-the-bible/ Betrayal in Shakespeare https://nosweatshakespeare.com/blog/top-shakespearean-betrayals/ Famous cases of betrayal in history https://www.voxnews.al/english/histori/25-tradhtite-qe-ndryshuan-rrjedhen-e-historise-i18600 https://www.watchmojo.com/articles/top-10-most-ruthless-betrayals-in-all-of-history/vidkun-quisling Judas Goats on Galapagos Islands https://www.nationalgeographic.com/culture/article/on-the-galapagos-the-betrayal-of-judas-goats Farewell, Ungrateful Traitor! John Dryden https://allpoetry.com/Farewell-Ungrateful-Traitor Sonnet 142 by William Shakespeare https://www.poetryfoundation.org/poems/56226/sonnet-142-love-is-my-sin-and-thy-dear-virtue-hate If you have any ideas, suggestions or feedback, please send us an email at: wordsthatmakeus@gmail.com

    1시간 32분
  5. 2024. 09. 10.

    11. Words That Make Us: Trees

    In this episode of the "Words That Make Us" podcast, Rama and Tony discuss the topic of “Trees”. Listen to them as they discuss the fascinating mechanisms trees use to grow and survive. What are the oldest trees in the world? Which countries have the most trees and which countries are planting and cutting down trees? How do trees appear in religion, culture and literature? All these questions (and many more) will be answered. When Autumn Came - Faiz Ahmed Faiz 1911-1984 https://poets.org/poem/when-autumn-came   Be by Nizar Qabbani https://blogs.transparent.com/arabic/nizar-qabbani-the-tree/   The tree of life in Bahrain  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tree_of_Life_(Bahrain)   Oldest Trees in the world https://www.sciencefocus.com/nature/oldest-tree-in-world   Deforestation in Syria: https://syriadirect.org/under-the-axe-the-fall-of-daraas-forests-and-fruit-trees/ Dragon Blood tree on the island of Socotra https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2022/nov/12/saving-dragons-blood-island-refused-let-tree-die-out-socotra-yemen   Poplar Trees are Happiest  – by John Russell McCarthy https://woodlandtrust.tumblr.com/post/690916023263789056/poplar-trees-are-happiest-john-russell-mccarthy Plant a trillion trees https://www.plant-for-the-planet.org/trillion-trees/ Tree statistics https://www.morfo.rest/article/top-30-forested-countries Alternative search engine https://www.ecosia.org/?https:/www.ecosia.org%3Ftt%3D2044ca88%26tt%3D2044ca88%26gad_source%3D1&tt=2044ca88&gclid=Cj0KCQjwlvW2BhDyARIsADnIe-LLHIog-ZQyQyYZpGApzW-nhZ8RU7MHLLlAPYJ5XN2jR-fQU7bwbFoaAjUYEALw_wcB When Great Trees Fall Maya Angelou https://poems.com/poem/when-great-trees-fall/ On Marriage (from The Prophet) by Gibran Khalil Gibran https://poets.org/poem/marriage-3 If you have any ideas, suggestions or feedback, please send us an email at:  wordsthatmakeus@gmail.com

    1시간 24분
  6. 2024. 09. 03.

    10. Words That make Us: Patience

    In this episode of the "Words That Make Us" podcast, Rama and Tony discuss the topic of “Patience”. Listen to them as they discern one type of patience from another. Can one be stoically patient in one context and impatient in another? Is patience always a virtue? What can we do when we feel impatient? What have poets from different cultural backgrounds got to say about patience? Dictionary Definition https://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/patience The Patience of Job https://www.gotquestions.org/patience-of-Job.html   Types of patience: https://www.astrazeneca.com/content/dam/az/PDF/2020/covid-19-toolkit/Patience.pdf Stoicism as a way to learn patience https://www.stoicsimple.com/stoicism-as-a-way-to-learn-patience-acceptance-be-calm/   Laughter and Tears IX - Kahlil Gibran https://www.poetrysoup.com/famous/poem/laughter_and_tears_ix_21303   On his Blindness by John Milton https://www.owleyes.org/text/on-his-blindness/read/text-poem   The marshmallow experiment debunked https://anderson-review.ucla.edu/new-study-disavows-marshmallow-tests-predictive-powers/   Most patient animals in the world https://learningmole.com/most-patient-animals-in-the-world/   Top 10 most patient countries https://www.sciencefocus.com/the-human-body/top-10-most-patient-countries https://ourworldindata.org/grapher/cross-country-variation-in-patience?tab=table https://www.csmonitor.com/Business/2019/0729/Why-wealth-and-patience-appear-to-go-hand-in-hand   Exposure to disaster causes impatience https://medicalxpress.com/news/2021-03-today-exposure-disaster-impatience-children.html   If you have any ideas, suggestions or feedback, please send us an email at:  wordsthatmakeus@gmail.com

    1시간 17분
  7. 2024. 08. 27.

    9. Words That Make Us: Light

    In this episode of the "Words That Make Us" podcast, Rama and Tony discuss the topic of “Light”. Listen to them as they discuss how light is perceived in different cultures. What is Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) and how does it affect us? How did ancient peoples explain the sun and other light-related phenomena? Some great poetry awaits you! Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/seasonal-affective-disorder/symptoms-causes/syc-20364651 Silver by Walter de la Mare https://allpoetry.com/poem/8494557-Silver-by-Walter-de-la-Mare The light triad https://www.simplypsychology.org/light-triad-personality.html#:~:text=The%20light%20triad%20consists%20of,narcissism%2C%20Mechiavialinism%2C%20and%20psychopathy. Myths about Aurora Borealis https://www.nathab.com/blog/fifteen-native-tales-about-the-northern-lights/ Light and darkness in Romeo and Juliet https://www.cliffsnotes.com/cliffsnotes/subjects/literature/how-does-shakespeare-use-light-and-darkness-in-romeo-and-juliet A World of Light - Elizabeth Jennings https://www.kidsworldfun.com/learn-english/poem-a-world-of-light.php Near death experiences and light https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/what-near-death-experiences-reveal-about-the-brain/ Japanese sun goddess Amaterasu https://www.britannica.com/topic/Amenouzume Bread, Hashish and Moon by Nizar Qabbani https://allpoetry.com/Bread,-Hashish-And-Moon Do Not Go Gentle Into that Good Night by Dylan Thomas https://poets.org/poem/do-not-go-gentle-good-night If you have any ideas, suggestions or feedback, please send us an email at:  wordsthatmakeus@gmail.com

    1시간 22분

평가 및 리뷰

최고 5점
2개의 평가


Two teachers from very different cultural backgrounds share their thoughts on the power and impact of words in shaping our identities, beliefs and experiences. Each episode focuses on a different word and through a range of readings, poems and texts the pair explore how these words have had an impact on their thoughts, emotions and actions.

무삭제판 에피소드를 청취하려면 로그인하십시오.

이 프로그램의 최신 정보 받기

프로그램을 팔로우하고, 에피소드를 저장하고, 최신 소식을 받아보려면 로그인하거나 가입하십시오.

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아프리카, 중동 및 인도

아시아 태평양


라틴 아메리카 및 카리브해

미국 및 캐나다