The 6 Figure Flipper With Matt Aitchison - Learn From World Class Investors on Flipping Houses, Buying Rentals & Wholesaling

Matt Aitchison - Millennial House Flipper, Coach, and 7-Figure Real Estate Investor
The 6 Figure Flipper With Matt Aitchison - Learn From World Class Investors on Flipping Houses, Buying Rentals & Wholesaling

The 6 Figure Flipper Podcast with Matt Aitchison brings you insightful interviews from some of the nations top house flippers, wholesalers, cash flow experts and real estate professionals. Whether you're a new investor or a seasoned vet, the 6 Figure Flipper is a proven resource that provides cutting edge tips, tutorials, tools and case studies for aspiring real estate millionaires to succeed and win in any market.

  1. 2018/07/30

    Working my way past 1000 real estate deals and currently managing 61 flips in 22 different states.

    Text Summary: Today we are joined by Jake Harris.  Jake is one of the most experienced investors we’ve had on our show with over 1000 real estate transactions to date.  In this interview we will learn about how to evaluate and execute deals in out of state markets, how to find reliable contractors and why if you are a new investor it is so important to get in the game now.   Biography: Jake Harris is a real estate investor with experience in almost every area of construction and development.  In 2003, Mr. Harris was involved in commercial construction as an estimator, superintendent, and later project manager. He was running millions of dollars of commercial property retrofits for clients including Equity Office Properties (EOP) in the Sacramento region and San Francisco Bay Area. He managed first-hand the value added process of acquiring below-market properties to re-position them with cost-effective remodels.   In 2014 Jake co-founded Harris Bay, a real estate investment firm.  Over the years of investment management, Jake has been responsible for $200M+ across 100s of transactions. While working with several top Family offices and institutional investment firms like Invitation Homes, Tricon, Colony Capital and Wedgewood.   What you will learn:   What were some of the biggest mistakes you make early on that new investors just starting out can learn from your experience? (21:01)   How did Jake rebound from the tough times in the beginning? (23:45)   What are the 3 buckets where Jake looks to invest? (31:40)   If an investor is looking to invest out of state how does Jake recommend they analyze that market.  (34:10)   What is a target return for Jake on one of his flips? (38:28)   What channels is currently Jake using to generate leads in outside markets? (40:40)   How is Jake sourcing contractors for his out of state deals? (43:38)   How much initial due diligence does Jake do on an out of state deal?  (50:55)   What are some red flags that will make Jake pass on a potential deal? (55:35)   What is Jake’s view on the current real estate market and where there will be opportunity going forward. (1:01:55)   Why is it so important to get in the game now rather than wait for the next downturn? (1:05:50)   Quotes:   “If you haven’t had any failures you aren’t trying hard enough.”   “You have to have that mindset that you can do and learn anything.”   “I don’t know another real estate investor that is not willing to help another one out.”   “The path to where you want to be, there’s going to be some pain along the way.”   Resources: Help spread this uplifting content by leaving a review on iTunes:   Stay in touch with Matty A: Website: Facebook: Instagram: @officialmattya YouTube:   Connect with Jake: His Website: Dev webseite: IG:

    1 小时 7 分钟
  2. 2018/07/23

    “I’ve been in Real Estate for over 30 years and have purchased properties in 12 different states”

    Text Summary: Today we are joined by Larry Goins.  Larry started his career in Real Estate 1986 and has seen practically every different Real Estate market there is. In today’s interview we will learn about virtual wholesaling, multiple marketing strategies and why it’s important to know your personal end game as you build your Real Estate business.     Biography: Larry Goins started his career in Real Estate in 1986 and has never looked back.  Since that time Larry has works in multiple areas within Real Estate and has purchased properties in 12 different states.  Larry believes it’s important for every Real Estate investor to get very clear on their vision and what they exactly want.   Today Larry is an author, coach and investor who also operates 3 separate real estate companies.  He is currently doing a lot of work with HUD Homes as well as lease options and seller financing. What you will learn:   What is the one thing Larry wished someone would have sat him down and explained to him as he was getting into Real Estate?  (6:00)   Why is it important to do everything yourself before you start bringing in others (hiring)? (7:40)   What are the two things every Real Estate business must incorporate? (11:35)   What are some of the best skill sets a person can acquire to become successful in Real Estate? (12:55)   What were some of the biggest obstacles Larry had to overcome along his journey? (14:59)   What does Larry mean when he says every company needs to have a “Fire Alarm”? (15:55)   What marketing channels does Larry utilize and which one is his current favorite? (17:33)   Listen to Larry talk about why it’s important to touch potential sellers with multiple marketing streams. (24:13)   What is virtual wholesaling? (26:48)   What is Larry doing with HUD homes right now? (33:13)   Quotes:   “You have to know the difference between someone selling you a house and you determining what you can pay for a house.”   “Wisdom often comes from the darkest times, not the wins.”   “You need to be focusing 1 or 2 quarters ahead.”   “I’d rather have 10 ways to find 1 property than 1 way to find 10 properties.”   “The only place you find “success” before “work“ is in the dictionary.”   “The Pros track their numbers and the amateurs don’t keep score.”   Resources: Help spread this uplifting content by leaving a review on iTunes:   Stay in touch with Matty A: Website: Facebook: Instagram: @officialmattya YouTube:   Connect with Larry: His Website: Free Book:

    44 分钟
  3. 2018/07/09

    Building a Real Estate empire with hardly using one dime of his own money or one point of his own credit.

    Text Summary: Today we are joined by Matt Theriault, a full time real estate investor in California.  In today’s interview Matt will tell us how he set up teams to invest in out of state markets, how diversifying with notes has brought balance to his business and what areas within real estate investing carry the most risk.     Biography: Matt is USMC veteran who entered the music industry after leaving the military.  With the creation of free Music streaming Matt watched his business disappear overnight.  However this turned out to be a blessing as Matt then ventured into Real Estate investing and has never looked back.   Currently Matt hosts the Epic Real Estate Investing podcast, which is in its 9th year.  He also controls a real estate portfolio that consist of roughly 50 investment properties as well as 50 notes.  Blessed beyond belief Matt now spends a lot of his time writing and teaching others on real estate investing through mentorship and his podcast.     What you will learn:   What did Matt’s first deal look like? (6:30)   What was Matt’s mentality going forward after his first deal? (9:40)   As a new investor what were some of the biggest challenges Matt faced with growing his RE business? (11:50)   According to Matt where are the biggest areas of risk in Real Estate? (12:59)   When investing out of state what are some of the key points an investor needs to take into account? (20:05)   What is Matt using for lead generation? (25:08)   What financing method is Matt using for his deals? (27:00)   What is the 3 option letter of intent? (27:50)   What are the biggest future challenges investors will face moving forward? (34:30)   Quotes:   “Real Estate… It’s the final frontier where the average person has a legitimate shot at creating real wealth.”   “Find a good deal and the money will follow.”   “Real estate is safe, it’s the people that are risky.”   “Good people in a mediocre market can make it fantastic market. Bad people in a good market can make it a disaster.”   “Relationships have hands down been the most profitable investment I made in my business.  Human currency goes a long way in real estate.”   “Leverage as much as you can to build your passive income.”   “Everyone can do this (RE Investing), but not everyone will.  There lies the opportunity.”   Resources: Help spread this uplifting content by leaving a review on iTunes:   Stay in touch with Matty A: Website: Facebook: Instagram: @officialmattya YouTube:   Connect with Matt: His Website: His Podcast: Epic Real Estate Investing Become his student:

    48 分钟
  4. 2018/07/02

    From part-time Real Estate Investor to one of the most sought out communication experts in the world.

    Text Summary: Today we are joined by Joel Rico.  Starting off as an engineer Joel quickly learned that no matter what you do in life you are in the position of sales (and selling yourself).  Therefore Joel took every course imaginable on NLP and communication and is currently one of the leaders in the NLP space. In this interview we’ll learn about easily human beings misunderstand each other, the 3 critical questions to ask someone in order to get to their “why” and what information is needed to construct a win/win negotiation.     Biography: Joel Rico is a professional speaker, coach, and accomplished entrepreneur. Considered a “master” in peak sales performance, Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) and successful negotiations, his techniques and strategies continue to aid him in coaching his clients. Joel is currently one of the most sought after Sales Trainers, and for the past decade has been training Sales People, mostly Real Estate Brokers, to better understand their clients, and how to structure win-win agreements. This level of training has elevated many of his clients to top 1000, top 100, top 50, and top 10 active Real Estate brokers in the country.  Joel’s incredible understanding of the world, people and human nature enables him to coach people to a higher level of effectiveness. He is committed to identifying and overcoming personal and business constraints for breakthrough and optimal performance. What you will learn:   What is the first conversation Joel has with someone who wants to improve their communication skill set?  (9:20)   What is the NUMBER ONE complaint that people have with sales people? (11:05)   What information is needed before you can construct a “Win/Win” scenario? (13:20)   Criteria questions: 3 questions that can immediately get to the why. (21:06)   What value does Joel give to “scripts”? (32:00)   What is the best way to close? (44:15)   What are some of Joel’s recommendations for Sales or Communication books? (50:20)   In today’s ever changing society what does Joel think about phone calls vs. e-mails or text messages? (52:40)   Quotes: “At the end of the day we are in the business of selling ourselves, whether you like that or not.”   “Silence is power in communication.”   “The biggest problem with a script is the client doesn’t have a copy, so sometimes they don’t follow along.”   “Telling isn’t selling.  When you are telling something, you aren’t listening.”   Resources: Help spread this uplifting content by leaving a review on iTunes:   Stay in touch with Matty A: Website: Facebook: Instagram: @officialmattya YouTube:   Connect with Joel: His Website: The Language of Agreement:

    1 小时 4 分钟
  5. 2018/06/25

    From being a college student to building a $6 million dollar portfolio in 18 months.

    Today we are joined Chris Salazar. Chris first became interested in real estate while still in college, which led him to start a Real Estate club at Augustana College. Since graduating Chris has gone on to create his own investment firm and has built a $6 million dollar portfolio in just 18 months. During this interview Chris will talk about the need to surround yourself with the right people, how being a good underwriter has helped him find deals others could not and the how relationships have allowed him to grow his business rapidly. Biography: Chris Salazar is Co-Founder and Partner at Arsenal Properties, a private real estate investment firm founded in 2016. Arsenal focuses on acquiring distressed assets, repositioning, and rebranding. Since inception, the firm has redeveloped over 80 residential properties and continues to expand its portfolio with multi-family complexes. What you will learn: How did Chris find his first deal? (4:15) How did Chris transition from Wholesaling to the next tier of becoming an actual investor? (7:02) What is the biggest lesson Chris can share with other people who are first starting out? (16:10) How has surrounding himself with the right people been critical for Chris’s growth? (18:40) What is one superpower Chris brings to the table as an investor? (19:25) How does Chris define Real Estate “repositioning”? (21:20) How is Chris currently generating his leads and financially structuring his deals? (25:07) What is Chris’s big vision for the future? (32:11) What are some of the best tools, books, software that Chris cannot live without to manage his business? (33:55) Quotes: “You eat, sleep and breath Real Estate investing and you let everyone know that because you never know who will bring you a deal.” “You make your money when you buy, you actualize that gain when you sell.” “Only take advice from people you want to trade places with.” “Give to get. Give the value to other people and you will get it back.” Resources: Help spread this uplifting content by leaving a review on iTunes: Stay in touch with Matty A: Website: Facebook: Instagram: @officialmattya YouTube: Connect with Chris: Their Website:

    43 分钟
  6. 2018/06/18

    17: From Door To Door Salesman To Building a $200 Million Dollar Real Estate Empire

    Text Summary: Today we are joined by Vinney Chopra.  With a nickname of “Smiley” Vinney brings his positive attitude to every situation and person he encounters.  In this interview Vinney talks about having a positive mindset, the importance of “Pre-selling” to capital investors and how it is important to recognize that every person you interact with has the potential to grow your business through referrals and recommendations.     Biography: When Vinod Chopra came to the United States from India more than 40 years ago, he had only $7 in his pockets. With a bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering, he entered The George Washington University to seek a master of business administration degree in marketing and advertising. He sold Bibles and educational books door-to-door to support his studies, excelling both in the classroom and outside because of his work ethic and overwhelmingly positive attitude.   Vinney turned his attention to multifamily investing and syndication a few years after becoming an active commercial real estate broker in California in 2004. Building his business from the ground up Vinney has done 26 syndications – 12 of them in the last 24 months – and now in many cases is able to raise $5 million to $10 million for his offerings in only a few days.  He is a systems guru (in the best sense of that term!), having designed proven systems of underwriting, acquisition, team building, presenting, syndication and management of multifamily investment properties. Vinney’s companies have controlled more than $172 million in multifamily assets.   What you will learn:   How did Vinney get his nickname “Smiley”? (9:20)   What lead Vinney to Real Estate investing after spending 36 years as a business consultant? (12:00)   After doing all his research what was it about Multi-family that got Vinney excited? (17:20)   How did Vinney find his first deal and how did he find the confidence to pull the trigger? (21:00)   What were some of the major hurdles Vinney encountered on his first deal that he didn’t anticipate? (25:35)   How much money does a person need to get started in Multi-family (Ideally and at a bare minimum)? (26:52)   How much money has Vinney raised in 8 hours for a syndication? (29:50)   Why is it important to look at everyone who walks through the door as a $40,000 prospect? (33:59)   Based on Vinney’s experience what is his view on the current market and what changes does he foresee coming in the future? (39:40)   Where would he recommend the new investor get started in Multi-family? (44:20)   Quotes:   “Don’t worry about who is behind the door, just knock on it and then handle the situation after that door opens.”   “I don’t watch too much TV and I don’t like negative things.  I like to use my power of listening, especially in the car. I call it automobile university.”   “When the crash came in 2007-2008 it was Multi-family that didn’t get too hurt, banks were still lending for it.”   “Unless YOU feel that you are going to make it work, it will not work.”     “Yes I look at the deal, but I invest in the operator.”   Resources: Help spread this uplifting content by leaving a review on iTunes:   Stay in touch with Matty A: Website: Facebook: Instagram: @officialmattya YouTube:   How to connect with Vinney: His Website:

    1 小时 1 分钟
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The 6 Figure Flipper Podcast with Matt Aitchison brings you insightful interviews from some of the nations top house flippers, wholesalers, cash flow experts and real estate professionals. Whether you're a new investor or a seasoned vet, the 6 Figure Flipper is a proven resource that provides cutting edge tips, tutorials, tools and case studies for aspiring real estate millionaires to succeed and win in any market.








