17. Profile(d): See Him As He Really Is Getting Life to Work with Christy Narsi

    • Christianity

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Will the REAL God please stand up???!! I saw the word "profile" in a dream while having a conversation with God. He said the word "profile" but I read it back to him "profiled" with a D on the end. I was then given understanding that God wanted a convey a message to the church that He has been mis-profiled for centuries. We don't see Him as He really is. He wants to set the record straight, to introduce you to His real purpose and intentions toward you.

He wants you to see Him as He really is, probably for the first time ever.

He then gave me a list of several Bible characters. He wanted to speak through the profiles of those characters to reveal how they too, have been mis-profiled and to provide an accurate perspective on their character and actions, and God's interactions with them.

We have created a god we are comfortable with because the God of the Bible doesn't fit our preferences. We have accused Him of being the cause and even the source of our pain (which is accusing Him of the same thing) instead of reconciling the pain in our lives through the lens of the life, teachings, death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus.

We think we have God all figured out. But all we really have is tradition that makes our faith of no effect.

In this new series, you are going to see how God has been unjustly profiled and discover the profile of a God as you've never seen Him before. When you see Him as He really is, you will see a path toward fulfillment and healing in every area of your life!

Will the REAL God please stand up???!! I saw the word "profile" in a dream while having a conversation with God. He said the word "profile" but I read it back to him "profiled" with a D on the end. I was then given understanding that God wanted a convey a message to the church that He has been mis-profiled for centuries. We don't see Him as He really is. He wants to set the record straight, to introduce you to His real purpose and intentions toward you.

He wants you to see Him as He really is, probably for the first time ever.

He then gave me a list of several Bible characters. He wanted to speak through the profiles of those characters to reveal how they too, have been mis-profiled and to provide an accurate perspective on their character and actions, and God's interactions with them.

We have created a god we are comfortable with because the God of the Bible doesn't fit our preferences. We have accused Him of being the cause and even the source of our pain (which is accusing Him of the same thing) instead of reconciling the pain in our lives through the lens of the life, teachings, death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus.

We think we have God all figured out. But all we really have is tradition that makes our faith of no effect.

In this new series, you are going to see how God has been unjustly profiled and discover the profile of a God as you've never seen Him before. When you see Him as He really is, you will see a path toward fulfillment and healing in every area of your life!