The Vendor's Daughter

Jennifer Calderon: Family Business Enthusiast | Entrepreneur | Blogger
The Vendor's Daughter

The Vendor's Daughter is a podcast focused on finding a work/life balance because growing a business takes work both inside and outside the office but that success would mean nothing without a healthy body and people to love. Tune in to listen to interviews with entrepreneurs who are growing their businesses while living their best lives.

  1. 26/04/2022

    18 | Choosing Authenticity Over Perfectionism with Claudia Chudzik

    Claudia Chudzik is a videographer with a corporate CX background who describes herself as a human design enthusiast with a passion for showcasing people’s souls on video.  When she left her successful corporate career to start her own business she initially intended to be a CX consultant. In need of photo and video assets for her own business she picked up the camera she had long since forgotten about. As she was creating content for her CX business she realized she was happiest when she was behind the camera and started following what she refers to as “happy crumbs.” As she started doing more and more of what she loved, she pivoted her new business and started pursuing videography full time.  You can see her work at or on Instagram @claudiachudzik  Listen to today’s episode to find out: 4:30 how many photo/video assets you need to promote your business 4:57 why a pretty picture might not be THE BEST picture you need to represent yourself or your business 5:41 what it meant for Claudia to follow “happy crumbs” 11:58 how the pandemic shifted what customer’s need from the companies and brands they follow 13:10 how the hierarchy of needs plays into how you present your company 16:16 why customers are craving more authenticity from the brands they follow 19:50 the limiting belief that was holding Claudia back from growing her business (maybe it’s holding you back too) 21:57 what she means when Claudia says “everything has a soul” 22:35 marrying your head and your heart in your business 23:46 moving away from pain points in your marketing to understanding the bigger why behind the product you are creating 26:07 the important of being authentic in the way we show up with our customers 29:27 setting boundaries in your business in what you share online with your customers 33:00 why quantity of videos may be more important than quality of videos when you first start 34:14 why YOU do not need to be on camera to help your business grow

    40 min
  2. 22/02/2022

    17 | An Introduction to Metaverse with Kate Hancock

    Kate Hancock, known as “The Pivot Queen” by those who know her tireless work ethic, is a serial entrepreneur, international speaker and a mom of two amazing boys.  I originally invited Kate Hancock, a serial entrepreneur, onto The Vendor’s Daughter after I heard her share how she started an AirBNB business overseas, without actually ever being on location. As a control freak, I was fascinated by this level of management and delegation.  When we started talking I found out that Kate actually has a lot of companies in her portfolio including a full fledged hotel in the Philippines, two podcasts, a health spa in Orange County, a  masterclass she runs with her husband teaching others how to run million dollar businesses and an NFT in Metaverse. Listen to today’s episode to find out: 4:00 Kate’s secret to building strong teams 7:00 tips for working with your spouse 10:21 her perspective on working with men as business partners 11:30 an explanation of what Metaverse is 12:53 what an NFT is and how you can use it in your business 18:24 how Kate learned the hard way the importance of having multiple revenue streams 20:47 a strategy for managing work and life balance Links from today’s episode: Connect with Kate at Join The WMB Mastermind Want to know more about Metaverse and how to use it? Join The Collective Follow Kate on Instagram @officialkatehancock Ready to start your own podcast but not sure where to start? Download our free guide to help get you started (it’s everything Jen wish she knew when she started) at  Already have your podcast and ready to outsource the editing/production so you can focus on your zone of genius? Apply for The Vendor’s Daughter editing services at Want to try new, healthy snacks each month? Sign up for Oh Goodie! Box, a snack box subscription service that brings whole food snacks directly to your door. Use promo code TVD for 10% off your first order at  Want more from The Vendor’s Daughter? Make sure you are subscribed so that you never miss a show and Follow @thevendorsdaughter on Instagram for a behind the scenes look at Jen’s life and daily inspiration on how to grow your business and your personal life.

    27 min
  3. 16/02/2022

    16 | Make Every Sale with Wes Schaeffer

    Wes Shaeffer, also known as The Sales Whisperer, started his sales career when he got out of the Air Force in 1987. What started as a career in selling mobile homes has grown into a successful, systematized program to help others “make every sale.” Wes believes that having clear systems and structure in your sales program, taking the time to make every sale (we’ll explain what he means) and a good ole’ fashioned phone call can be the keys to finding success in sales.  In today’s episode we discuss: 3:30 the secret to sales success 7:00 why people are afraid of success 8:30 why staying successful in sales (and in life) takes daily effort 9:45 what Wes means when he says, “in order to make any sale, you must make every sale.” 14:40 way to increase your sales success 16:15 the importance of not taking shortcuts 18:45 the sale strategy that works best for B2B sales 26:30 the quickest way to learn buyer’s hesitations 27:00 why you can’t take a “no” personally 30:30 the sales tool that changed Wes’ sales success Memorable quotes: “Small hinges swing big doors.” “To make any sale, you must make every sale.” Links from today’s episode: If you’d like to connect more with Wes you can visit him at  Listen to The Sales Podcast Connect on Instagram @saleswhisperer Ready to start your own podcast but not sure where to start? Download our free guide to help get you started (it’s everything Jen wish she knew when she started) at  Already have your podcast and ready to outsource the editing/production so you can focus on your zone of genius? Apply for The Vendor’s Daughter editing services at Want to try new, healthy snacks each month? Sign up for Oh Goodie! Box, a snack box subscription service that brings whole food snacks directly to your door. Use promo code TVD for 10% off your first order at  Want more from The Vendor’s Daughter? Make sure you are subscribed so that you never miss a show and Follow @thevendorsdaughter on Instagram for a behind the scenes look at Jen’s life and daily inspiration on how to grow your business and your personal life.

    33 min
  4. 09/02/2022

    15| Say Yes to the Mess with Monica Rogers

    Today's episode is all about embracing the messy parts of our lives. Monica Rogers, Founder of The Revelation Project, helps women go from trance to transcendence and believes that what gets revealed gets healed. Through her programs and podcast, she helps women remember who they are and reveal their true selves.  Time stamps: 2:57 what women have been socially conditioned to believe about themselves 4:15 why you don't need to prove anything 10:13 how women can find themselves again 17:02 what the feminine energy is 18:46 how to start reinhabiting our bodies 26:44 the 7 steps to feminine freedom 30:33 the difference between reacting and responding 33:22 what you should never apologize for 35:46 perfection is an illusion and there's no reward for suffering Links from Today's Episode Join a Revelation Project workshop to, bust through toxic social conditioning and self-doubt to reveal the magic and magnificence of your whole being. Get your Bill of Rights. Ready to start your own podcast but not sure where to start? Download our free guide to help get you started (it’s everything Jen wish she knew when she started) at  Already have your podcast and ready to outsource the editing/production so you can focus on your zone of genius? Apply for The Vendor’s Daughter editing services at Want to try new, healthy snacks each month? Sign up for Oh Goodie! Box, a snack box subscription service that brings whole food snacks directly to your door. Use promo code TVD for 10% off your first order at  Want more from The Vendor’s Daughter? Make sure you are subscribed so that you never miss a show and Follow @thevendorsdaughter on Instagram for a behind the scenes look at Jen’s life and daily inspiration on how to grow your business and your personal life.

    42 min
  5. 01/02/2022

    14 | Are You in Relationship Shape with Roy Biancalana

    Almost everyone could be in better relationship shape. But if you’re single, you may have the desire to get into shape faster as you’re looking for your partner.  If you’re wondering how you are supposed to meet your person, what you need to do to attract your partner, why what you’ve been doing hasn’t been working, then you won’t want to miss this episode where Roy Biancalana shows you how you may need to shift your way of thinking/being to get the results you desire. If you’re married, don’t tune out because Roy will share how these same principles apply to your existing relationship and how you can utilize these tools to deepen your connection and keep your partner.  In Episode 14 of The Vendor’s Daughter, Roy Biancalana, a certified relationship coach, Host of The Attracting Lasting Love Podcast, and #1 bestselling author of three books, shares why many of us (even if we’re married) are asking the wrong questions and ignoring 7 key relationship muscles.  We dig deep into two of these muscles; our relationship to our past and our relationship to feminine/masculine energies in today’s show. To do a deeper dive into all 7, order Roy’s book “Relationship Bootcamp: Hard-core Training for Life, Love and the Pursuit of Intimacy” In Episode 14 of The Vendor’s Daughter Podcast, Roy and Jen Discuss:  3:00 good vs. great questions to ask as you look to get into relationship shape 7:50 what does it look like to be in relationship shape 8:20 the 7 relationship muscles we need to strengthen 10:45 muscle 1: your relationship to your past and how it may be affecting your present relationships 16:05 muscle 2: your relationship to your feminine energy and masculine energy 19:50 why it’s harder to be a woman in today’s dating/relationship society than it is to be a man 22:15 the 6 facets of the feminine 23:50 why women need to reclaim their feminine energy 26:00 the dark side of feminine and masculine energies 27:35 how society has lied to us about what it means to be a modern woman and the effects that is having on our health and our happiness 28:35 how to start embodying the feminine energy 36:45 how career woman can switch from the masculine energy of the business world to prepare for date night 42:35 how masculine and feminine energies work in long-term relationships 44:30 the power of feminine intuition 47:20 the problem with shaming healthy masculine energy Links from Today’s Episode: Ready to find out what your relationship fitness level is? Take this quick quiz and get your results immediately.  Want more from Roy? You can visit him at and don’t forget to listen to his podcast, The Attracting Lasting Love Podcast for more of his relationship insight and coaching. Ready to start your own podcast but not sure where to start? Download our free guide to help get you started (it’s everything Jen wish she knew when she started) at  Already have your podcast and ready to outsource the editing/production so you can focus on your zone of genius? Apply for The Vendor’s Daughter editing services at Want to try new, healthy snacks each month? Sign up for Oh Goodie! Box, a snack box subscription service that brings whole food snacks directly to your door. Use promo code TVD for 10% off your first order at  Want more from The Vendor’s Daughter? Make sure you are subscribed so that you never miss a show and Follow @thevendorsdaughter on Instagram for a behind the scenes look at Jen’s life and daily inspiration on how to grow your business and your personal life.

    51 min
  6. 25/01/2022

    13 | Letting Go of Perfectionism with Diann Wingert

    Diann Wingert, Founder of Diann Wingert Coaching, is a mindset coach for entrepreneurs. Diann’s background is in fitness, medical sales and psychotherapy. She left her job as a psychotherapist to pursue coaching because she wanted to shift her focus from helping people overcome past traumas to helping entrepreneurs reach their highest potential.  Diann Wingert works specifically with women entrepreneurs to overcome what she refers to as the unholy trinity: procrastination, perfectionism and people-pleasing. If you feel like you have too many open tabs in your brain, you constantly feel like you are being pulled into too many directions, you’re always busy but have a difficult time finishing your highest priorities, Diann is the coach for you. Because in addition to helping you with time management she’ll also walk you through how to motivate yourself, manage your anxiety and insecurity, learn to trust yourself, make better decisions, silence your self-doubt and crush your perfectionism and people-pleasing tendencies.  In Episode 13 of The Vendor’s Daughter podcast Jen and Diann discuss: 4:30 the difference between therapy and coaching 7:15 what makes someone coachable 8:30 the false promises behind hitting 6-figures 9:45 the truth behind entrepreneurship 13:15 the character trait you cannot have as an entrepreneur 14:45 the difference between flexibility and freedom 17:30 having strong boundaries as the only way to survive entrepreneurship 18:30 what the unholy trinity is and who it affects the most 24:00 why we need to narrow the gap between being shamelessly self-promoting and the best kept secret 25:00 how imposter syndrome proves you are qualified 27:45 what procrastination actually is 31:40 ways to overcome procrastination through math, not drama 36:00 why we need to stop disappointing ourselves Quotes:  Perfectionism; “It’s the fact that you think you should and you suffer because you don’t” Links from today’s episode: Ready to work with Diann? Reach out to her at If you are looking to crush your goals in half the time, with half the effort, without getting distracted along the way, get your Driven Woman Road Map here.  Want more from Diann? Listen to The Driven Woman Podcast Follow Diann on Instagram @coachdiannwingert Ready to start your own podcast but not sure where to start? Download our free guide to help get you started (it’s everything Jen wish she knew when she started) at  Already have your podcast and ready to outsource the editing/production so you can focus on your zone of genius? Apply for The Vendor’s Daughter editing services at Want to try new, healthy snacks each month? Sign up for Oh Goodie! Box, a snack box subscription service that brings whole food snacks directly to your door. Use promo code TVD for 10% off your first order at  Want more from The Vendor’s Daughter? Make sure you are subscribed so that you never miss a show and Follow @thevendorsdaughter on Instagram for a behind the scenes look at Jen’s life and daily inspiration on how to grow your business and your personal life.

    40 min
  7. 18/01/2022

    12 | Make Compelling Digital Marketing with Melanie Herschorn

    Most entrepreneurs start a business because they have a really great idea, they figured out how to solve a problem in a way that no one else has or they are passionate about a certain field. They know everything they need to know about what it is that they do, but when it comes to marketing that product or service they either have no idea where to begin or don’t have the time to dedicate to a marketing strategy.  If this sounds familiar, you’re going to love Melanie Herschorn, Founder of VIP Digital Content, a company who helps book authors market their authority online. Melanie started her marketing company after an almost abusive relationship with a marketing agent she hired. After spending over $25,000 on a service only to be made to feel small, stupid and boring; she decided she would market her own services and help other entrepreneurs confidently share their own authority, giving the tools they need to market their books successfully.  Although Melanie specifically works with book authors she shares a lot of marketing insight that can help any business owner create meaningful digital content around the work that they do. In today’s episode of The Vendor’s Daughter, Melanie shares:   5:45 why it’s hard to market your own product/service 6:49 what social platforms she believes you should be on 8:35 why the riches are in the niches 12:28 how to figure out what you are actually marketing 15:40 misconceptions around marketing 21:00 the number of content topics you should create to make engaging content 23:00 the #1 place to start if you are just now beginning on your marketing journey 24:52 the psyche behind people online and how everything you create needs to play into that psyche Links from Today’s Episode: Get Melanie’s Free Content Calendar Download at Schedule a FREE 45-Minute Consultation Call at Learn More about Melanie’s Company VIP Digital Content at Follow on Instagram @vipdigitalcontent  Follow on Facebook @vipdigitalcontent  Ready to start your own podcast but not sure where to start? Download our free guide to help get you started (it’s everything Jen wish she knew when she started) at  Already have your podcast and ready to outsource the editing/production so you can focus on your zone of genius? Apply for The Vendor’s Daughter editing services at Want to try new, healthy snacks each month? Sign up for Oh Goodie! Box, a snack box subscription service that brings whole food snacks directly to your door. Use promo code TVD for 10% off your first order at  Want more from The Vendor’s Daughter? Make sure you are subscribed so that you never miss a show and Follow @thevendorsdaughter on Instagram for a behind the scenes look at Jen’s life and daily inspiration on how to grow your business and your personal life.

    32 min
  8. 16/01/2022

    11 | Everything You Need to Start a Podcast

    Ready to start a podcast but not exactly sure where you should start? Host, Jennifer Calderon, had no idea what she was doing when she started The Vendor’s Daughter; she didn’t know what equipment to use to record a podcast and she had no idea how to edit or produce a show; she just knew she wanted one.  If that’s where you’re at then you are in the right place; in today’s episode of The Vendor’s Daughter podcast Jen is going to walk you through: How/why she got into podcasting Three reasons you might want to consider podcasting (including making money) The questions you should ask before recording your first episodes The equipment you need to record your podcast The software you’ll need to record/edit/promote your podcast Time stamps: 8:30 reasons to start a podcast 9:33 two main ways to get paid sponsorships 10:26 reasons to start a podcast other than sponsorship  money 16:30 the #1 thing you need to decide before you start your podcast 18:53 pros vs. cons of solo/interview episodes 25:26 equipment you’ll need to record your podcast 28:00 software to promote your podcast Ready to start your own podcast but not sure where to start? Download our free guide to help get you started (it’s everything Jen wish she knew when she started) at  Already have your podcast and ready to outsource the editing/production so you can focus on your zone of genius? Apply for The Vendor’s Daughter editing services at Want to try new, healthy snacks each month? Sign up for Oh Goodie! Box, a snack box subscription service that brings whole food snacks directly to your door. Use promo code TVD for 10% off your first order at  Want more from The Vendor’s Daughter? Make sure you are subscribed so that you never miss a show and Follow @thevendorsdaughter on Instagram for a behind the scenes look at Jen’s life and daily inspiration on how to grow your business and your personal life.

    33 min
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The Vendor's Daughter is a podcast focused on finding a work/life balance because growing a business takes work both inside and outside the office but that success would mean nothing without a healthy body and people to love. Tune in to listen to interviews with entrepreneurs who are growing their businesses while living their best lives.

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