Spirit of Success

Tracy Debi
Spirit of Success

I believe that success requires inner work, so what type of work does that even look like? This podcast is for people who want to show up in life and their career! Every week diving into an honest conversation with me, Dr. Tracy Debi, and an inspiring guest as we seek out a better understanding of ourselves, and help you do the same. It's a collaborative container for enriching conversations with people who not only know the path to spirituality and success, but are also in the process of traversing it. Everyone has a unique story to share and learn from. Let's enhance our journeys together!

  1. 12.12.2022

    188: Knowing When It’s The End

    Hi. It's been a minute since I recorded an episode - and I have been consistent for the past 3 years! I looked at why I literally forgot to record episodes for the past month and I had an awareness I have been avoiding.. This podcast has been a success in accomplishing everything it was set out to do! It was a surprise to me and I didn’t know how to respond to it so the silence was not intentional!  I was processing what ‘the end’ means for me. I spent a lot of time finding reference materials looking at both change and death since those can be seen as ‘an end’.  On today’s podcast, I wanted to share what I have discovered as a part of my own process and offer that to you so that it will assist you in looking at uncomfortable places that may not always seem fun at first…. Just to share one of the big insights I had: we can avoid things for a very long time in some cases, but eventually it will catch up to you and instead of judging ourselves when that happens and sometimes making things ‘worse’, we can have a look now and handle things before an unraveling occurs!  This is why I am taking my own advice and listening to my own knowing about when to end something and how to move forward! Let me know if you feel light and if you like this episode - you can reach out to me on IG @drtracydebi If you feel heavy and want to expand into possibilities in an area of your life that is not working for you, I would love to support you in shifting that! I’m offering breathwork sessions and coaching sessions! You can book a clarity call with me: https://calendly.com/drtracydebi/coaching-discovery-call 🙌 I’d love to hear your big takeaways! Screenshot this episode and tag me on Instagram at @drtracydebi 🙌 Be sure to follow Spirit of Success, The Podcast, leave a review, and tune in every week for new episodes! 🙌 Want guidance in finding your alignment this year? Book a clarity call with Dr. Tracy here

    21 мин.
  2. 07.11.2022

    187: The Tool You Didn’t Know You Need

    Have you ever noticed that when you are stressed you have a sense of contraction and heaviness? What if you could experience the literal opposite of that in an hour? I witness this everytime I facilitate breathwork People keep talking about ‘feeling light’. The definition of light is a greater sense of expansion, space and possibilities! How cool! And you cannot think light or perceive light in your head. Which is also why some people do not know what to do with this kind of experience. It makes ‘integration’ difficult for people who do not know how to receive this.. Anyway, the most common question I get from people is how can I have more of this in my life? It’s quite simple: whatever feels light is true for YOU. If it feels heavy, it's not true for YOU. And this may not make sense in your head at all For example, years ago I got invited to a cottage and all of my friends were going and I just got this extremely heavy feeling and chose not to go. Turns out there was an accident, someone broke their arm and required an air ambulance and the whole trip got affected by it. It was the weirdest thing but I just knew it wasn’t for me. I have so many more stories of how I was using this without being aware of it. When you know something is heavy and choose it anyway, there is nothing wrong with that, just also know you are using energy against you (and in my experience things never turn out well) Let me know if you feel light and if you like this episode - you can reach out to me on IG @drtracydebi If you feel heavy and want to expand into possibilities in an area of your life that is not working for you, I would love to support you in shifting that! I’m offering breathwork sessions and coaching sessions! You can book a clarity call with me: https://calendly.com/drtracydebi/breathwork-discovery-call 🙌 I’d love to hear your big takeaways! Screenshot this episode and tag me on Instagram at @drtracydebi 🙌 Need assistance in connecting to your intuition? Download the Ultimate Intuition Checklist here to gain clarity now!  🙌 Be sure to follow Spirit of Success, The Podcast, leave a review, and tune in every week for new episodes! 🙌 Want guidance in finding your alignment this year? Book a clarity call with Dr. Tracy here

    24 мин.
  3. 24.10.2022

    186: You Cannot Heal in the Same Environment You Got Ill In

    I have more insights from facilitating breathwork! In case you haven’t noticed, the World is shifting and what I have noticed is that now is the best time to embrace change! 5 years ago when I had the biggest mental health crisis of my life; it was difficult to have a conversation about healing….and now it is commonplace I think we are all understanding there is discomfort with change/growth but also with stagnation. However, only one can promise an improvement in your life! I get all of this on a deep level…and I want to share a tool with you. If you’re game, I am asking you to tune into your body and the space around you. Pay attention to how you feel when you listen to the episode. I ask questions and when I do, tune into how you feel. If you feel heavier, you are believing a lie. If you feel lighter, that is true for you! It’s pretty cool and very useful when you commit to healing and living a different life. Why? Because when you stay in your mind, you only get more of your past. As Dr. Joe says, your mind is a record of the past  So if you want to create something different, you gotta be and do something different! This is a low risk way to start and literally the worst case is everything stays the same… Let me know how you feel and if you like this episode! And reach out to me on IG @drtracydebi If you are looking to expand into possibilities in an area of your life that is not working for you, I would love to support you in shifting that! I’m offering breathwork sessions and coaching sessions! You can book a clarity call with me to discuss your personal situation: https://calendly.com/drtracydebi/breathwork-discovery-call 🙌 I’d love to hear your big takeaways! Screenshot this episode and tag me on Instagram at @drtracydebi 🙌 Need assistance in connecting to your intuition? Download the Ultimate Intuition Checklist here to gain clarity now!  🙌 Be sure to follow Spirit of Success, The Podcast, leave a review, and tune in every week for new episodes! 🙌 Want guidance in finding your alignment this year? Book a clarity call with Dr. Tracy here

    22 мин.
  4. 17.10.2022

    185: Are You Creating or Controlling?

    So I have been facilitating a lot of breathwork lately; and if you didn’t know I became a certified breathwork facilitator recently and the type of breathwork I facilitate is focused on helping you go within to connect to your own inner guidance  While witnessing people move through this process - there is something that is becoming very obvious to me!  Healing in general and creating do not come from your mind!  As Dr. Joe Dispenza says, your mind is a record of the past. If you want to create relationships, finances and health that you’ve never had before; it ain’t gunna happen from your mind! The key is to get to connect to the center of creation; yup your heart! And for a lot of people that’s uncomfortable AF It’s even more uncomfortable because as you do that, your life as you knew it can start to fall apart - and it was through this process I made an uncomfortable realization…. I was attempting to control my life into existence instead of create it! OUCH Does this feel like you too? If so, you’ll want to listen to today’s episode so you don’t feel so alone! And reach out to me on IG @drtracydebi to let me know what resonated with you from today’s episode If you are looking to expand into possibilities in an area of your life that is not working for you, I would love to support you in shifting that! I’m offering breathwork sessions and coaching sessions! You can book a clarity call with me to discuss your personal situation: https://calendly.com/drtracydebi/clarity-call 🙌 I’d love to hear your big takeaways! Screenshot this episode and tag me on Instagram at @drtracydebi 🙌 Need assistance in connecting to your intuition? Download the Ultimate Intuition Checklist here to gain clarity now!  🙌 Be sure to follow Spirit of Success, The Podcast, leave a review, and tune in every week for new episodes! 🙌 Want guidance in finding your alignment this year? Book a clarity call with Dr. Tracy here

    26 мин.
  5. 03.10.2022

    184: What’s On The Other Side of Judgment?

    I mentioned this question last week and it has been so important for me the past couple of weeks This applies to me and the people I have been talking to this week Judgment ends up putting us in a prison because we put up walls and barriers to protect ourselves and keep safe. The truth for me was that it kept me in but I still perceived judgements. It was an old strategy I used from childhood since I didn’t have many tools back then. And I just never updated my tools!  This week I am talking about which area of people’s lives judgment shows up the most and also how you can change your thinking to take different actions and have very different results. Tune into the episode to hear the details! Here’s a key: get a sense of how you feel around young kids, animals or nature. That easy, flowy spaciousness is because they are not capable of judging you! Any kind of heavy energy means that there is some kind of judgment mucking stuff up! Tune into today’s episode to hear more about what I’m talking about! And reach out to me on IG @drtracydebi to let me know what resonated with you from today’s episode If you are looking to expand into possibilities in an area of your life that is not working for you, I would love to support you in shifting that! I’m offering breathwork sessions and coaching sessions! You can book a clarity call with me to discuss your personal situation: https://calendly.com/drtracydebi/clarity-call 🙌 I’d love to hear your big takeaways! Screenshot this episode and tag me on Instagram at @drtracydebi 🙌 Need assistance in connecting to your intuition? Download the Ultimate Intuition Checklist here to gain clarity now!  🙌 Be sure to follow Spirit of Success, The Podcast, leave a review, and tune in every week for new episodes! 🙌 Want guidance in finding your alignment this year? Book a clarity call with Dr. Tracy here

    28 мин.
  6. 26.09.2022

    183: What Happens to Bad Girls & Boys?

    Have you ever wondered where all the bad boys and girls go?  I mean you are probably familiar with hearing ‘be a good girl/boy’ and it probably involved doing something that followed your family or societal code of conduct What I didn’t realize is that this conditioning from very young actually taught me to judge - I mean I didn’t want to be a bad girl… And this judgement is incessant in our society. We have made people who are mean and judge more powerful because we honour their judgements as real and most of us (or maybe just me) didn’t want to get hurt again. So I made a decision to judge myself and have been doing that incessantly since I was young - I had pain all of the time and struggled with my mental health and I believe the roots are in this self judgement that I used to fuel myself moving through the world I talk about what I discovered about self judgement and perceived ‘wrongness’ and how I did anything other than want to feel wrong so I continued to judge myself in this vicious loop. The most important question I have asked myself is what is on the other side of this judgement? So far, I have found a lot of peace, power and freedom - I’ll keep you posted Listen to the whole show to hear more! Tune into today’s episode to hear more about what I’m talking about! And reach out to me on IG @drtracydebi to let me know what resonated with you from today’s episode If you are looking to expand into possibilities in an area of your life that is not working for you, I would love to support you in shifting that! I’m offering breathwork sessions and coaching sessions! You can book a clarity call with me to discuss your personal situation: https://calendly.com/drtracydebi/clarity-call 🙌 I’d love to hear your big takeaways! Screenshot this episode and tag me on Instagram at @drtracydebi 🙌 Need assistance in connecting to your intuition? Download the Ultimate Intuition Checklist here to gain clarity now!  🙌 Be sure to follow Spirit of Success, The Podcast, leave a review, and tune in every week for new episodes! 🙌 Want guidance in finding your alignment this year? Book a clarity call with Dr. Tracy here

    24 мин.
  7. 19.09.2022

    182: The Key to Healing Anything Is….

    Drum roll… Well let me keep you waiting for just a few more seconds.. This podcast was inspired by my personal journey which has accelerated over the past month especially and a very special young man which I am sure you will hear about publicly in the future! What both of us have in common is that we believed in possibilities for ourselves and have been able to make changes in our lives that some would say are impossible or only possible in 10 years  In order to invite possibilities, you have to be willing to deal with unpredictable energy or chaos energy. According to the quantum model of reality, energy moved from disorder to order all of the time and we have to basically get out of the way But us humans love to get involved and try to control everything to feel better - but the real mastery is in regulating your emotions and letting go of control. Which is 100% doable.  It will require you to tune into energy and trust a whole different part of your being! The choice is up to you but I wanted to talk about the importance of opening up to possibilities and what can happen on the other side!  Tune into today’s episode to hear more about what I’m talking about! And reach out to me on IG @drtracydebi to let me know what resonated with you from today’s episode If you are looking to expand into possibilities in an area of your life that is not working for you, I would love to support you in shifting that! I’m offering breathwork sessions and coaching sessions! You can book a clarity call with me to discuss your personal situation: https://calendly.com/drtracydebi/clarity-call 🙌 I’d love to hear your big takeaways! Screenshot this episode and tag me on Instagram at @drtracydebi 🙌 Need assistance in connecting to your intuition? Download the Ultimate Intuition Checklist here to gain clarity now!  🙌 Be sure to follow Spirit of Success, The Podcast, leave a review, and tune in every week for new episodes! 🙌 Want guidance in finding your alignment this year? Book a clarity call with Dr. Tracy here

    25 мин.
  8. 12.09.2022

    181: Dr. Joe Event Recap Part 1

    Okay so here is my recap and I am calling it Part 1 because this event was DEEP for me and I feel like this will come through in parts  There were a few things that were very obviously a focus and that you couldn’t miss because it was right in your face, and there were some that were more discrete and you had to pay attention - Dr. Joe is like that; I believe he likes to reward those who pay attention and stay in the present moment  I also want you to listen to today’s episode so I will leave mystery to this :)  But I will give you a preview that I talk about the fine balance between intention and surrender; especially when it comes to manifesting  Tune into today’s episode to hear more about what I’m talking about! And reach out to me on IG @drtracydebi to let me know what resonated with you from today’s episode If you feel the calling to make a change in your life but are unsure how to navigate it from an energetic standpoint, I would love to share what I know with you. You can book a clarity call with me to discuss your personal situation: https://calendly.com/drtracydebi/clarity-call 🙌 I’d love to hear your big takeaways! Screenshot this episode and tag me on Instagram at @drtracydebi 🙌 Need assistance in connecting to your intuition? Download the Ultimate Intuition Checklist here to gain clarity now!  🙌 Be sure to follow Spirit of Success, The Podcast, leave a review, and tune in every week for new episodes! 🙌 Want guidance in finding your alignment this year? Book a clarity call with Dr. Tracy here

    25 мин.
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I believe that success requires inner work, so what type of work does that even look like? This podcast is for people who want to show up in life and their career! Every week diving into an honest conversation with me, Dr. Tracy Debi, and an inspiring guest as we seek out a better understanding of ourselves, and help you do the same. It's a collaborative container for enriching conversations with people who not only know the path to spirituality and success, but are also in the process of traversing it. Everyone has a unique story to share and learn from. Let's enhance our journeys together!

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