19. Go-To-Girl Series: Making our Homes Peaceful with Decluttering and Decorating Resources

Be Right There Podcast

Want to make your home simpler and more beautiful? In this episode, I’m sharing my go-to girls for home decorating and organization. Whether you want to declutter without the mess or find a decorating style that feels like you,  these women have truly transformed the way I approach my home and making it a place I love to be!

📚 Resources Mentioned:

  • The Nester (Myquillyn Smith): Become a member of the Cozy Minimalist Community | Cozy Minimalist Home Book
  • Cas the Clutterbug: Take the Organizer Quiz | YouTube Channel
  • Dana K White (A Slob Comes Clean): No mess decluttering video | Podcast  
  • Joy Loving Home:  Podcast
  • Dear Alice Podcast: Listen Here

Let’s make home a place of peace and joy!

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