Plucky Not Perfect Podcast

Coach Carrie
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Runner, perfection doesn’t exist. Start where you are and if you’re plucky you’ll go far. Tune into the Plucky Not Perfect podcast for personal stories of perseverance in running, endurance sports, and life. Whether a beginner or an ultra athlete, we hope you’ll be uplifted by these relatable stories and empowered with practical tips. Coach Carrie, your host, shares 30+ years of competitive running experience, offering mindset and training tips to empower your steps. Season 1 brought to you by Run Like a Girl.

  1. 7 МАЯ

    #20 Incurable Cancer Doesn’t Define You: Stepping into Courage with Monica Rosenke

    First doctors told her she would go blind because of a brain tumor, but she didn't. Twenty years later they discovered a massive liver tumor and diagnosed her with a non-treatable cancer, Primary Hepatic Angio Sarcoma. Later, she found two breast tumors. Most people with this condition are given 2-6 months to live. But Monica Rosenke is living an active and thriving life as a mom of three, Personal Trainer, coach and adventurist. Tune in to hear what healing shifts she’s made to thrive and be courageous when facing death and authentically living life.    Favorite quotes:    “Movement is a tool to work with your body, not on your body.”   “I’m acutely aware of every breath anyone takes is one breath closer to death. That makes you just want to live your life and grab it by the pelotas and like, really, really live it. And you start to shed layers of appeasing to others..who other people want you to be and you start to realize that this is my one and only life I get to live.”    “Thriving with cancer is living in the moment because I’m not guaranteed tomorrow. But nobody is.”    “Moving into acceptance quickly for me has been key.”    “It [cancer] doesn’t define what I can do. This is my F-U to cancer, not letting cancer steal my joy, my peace, my calm….That applies even to people who are afraid to do that thing…If you’re living in fear of death, you’ll never live.”    “I’m enough in whatever circumstance in this very moment. When I came to that place of deeply knowing in my gut that I’m sacred and that I’m a gift…the other things became more pleasurable.”    “Strong, capable, able…Hold hands with fear and step into courage.”    “I’ve been brave for a very long time in my life. I just did not know that about myself.”    Connect with Monica:  @monicarosenke.wellness     Remember to share your #pluckynotperfect moments on social media. Tag me and use the hashtag when you show up bravely and imperfectly. I want to celebrate with you! Connect with your host: Coach Carrie @‌carriejobradley or email

    47 мин.
  2. 19 МАР.

    #18 Coaching Corner: A Desire to Run Farther and Faster in Community: Alex Fales

    We're starting something new! It's called Coaching Corner. It’s a real coaching session recorded live and shared with you. This is an insider’s look at what it’s like to work with Coach Carrie.  In my session with Alex, you might relate if you… * lack community and would like to find more runner friends * are in a phase of life where running isn’t as much of a priority as it used to be * would like to get back into running but not quite as intensely as before * have associated running with being obsessive about body image and food.  If you enjoyed this conversation, make sure you’re subscribed to the podcast so you’ll be the first to know when more are released.  Connect with Alex on Instagram @mindfulwithmedia and check out her podcast.  If you want to be coached for free and are willing to share your session on the podcast (you can remain anonymous if you'd like), click here to apply.  I would love to help you work through whatever issues you're facing in your running journey.  We hope you find these sessions relatable and helpful. Sometimes it’s nice just knowing you’re not alone.  I respond to every message and would love to hear your takeaways and aha moments. Email me at or send me a DM on Instagram @carriejobradley. If you’re doing something that requires determined courage, use the hashtag #pluckynotperfect and tag me. I always love to reshare and cheer you on.

    32 мин.
  3. 20 ФЕВР.

    #16 Slow Down to Speed Up: a Triathlete’s Journey to Self Discovery with Miranda Bush

    If you’ve lost a bit of who you are, this conversation with Miranda Bush is for you. She’s a triathlete, mom, coach, and author of a new book, “Far Better: Self-Discovery through the Power of Endurance Sports.”  Miranda encourages others to find their authentic selves, live out of love rather than fear, and embrace the transformative power of endurance sports for personal growth.    We talk about Early Athletic Background:Miranda grew up playing sports, but her upbringing instilled a perfectionist mindset — if she couldn't do something perfectly, she tended to move on or disconnect. Entry into Triathlon:Inspired by watching an Ironman race in 2006, Miranda decided to pursue triathlons. Despite having no background in swimming, biking, or running, she committed to the challenge. Learning and Overcoming Challenges:Miranda faced difficulties, especially in mastering swimming, but she persisted and gradually improved. She received support from mentors and friends, learning valuable lessons about perseverance. Shift in Perspective:Over the years, Miranda achieved success in terms of race placements but felt an emptiness after completing races. She realized her fear of failure and a desire for control were hindering her growth. Book Writing Journey:Miranda decided to write a book to share her experiences and lessons learned. Overcoming fears of judgment and perfectionism, she embraced vulnerability and authenticity in her writing. Living Authentically:The importance of living authentically, being true to oneself, and embracing vulnerability is a central theme in Miranda's story. Goal Setting and Values:Miranda emphasizes aligning goals with core values. Reflecting on personal values helps make decisions that honor one's true self. Honesty and Integrity:Miranda shares her personal experience of prioritizing honesty and integrity, especially in her training for Ironman Wisconsin. Reflection and Journaling:The significance of daily journaling, setting intentions for the day, and reflecting on emotions and experiences. And more…   Connect with Miranda on her website: MB Coaching or on Instagram: Miranda Bush (@zonecoachm)   Remember to share your #pluckynotperfect moments on social media. Tag me and use the hashtag when you show up bravely and imperfectly. I want to celebrate with you! Connect with your host: Coach Carrie @‌carriejobradley or email

    31 мин.

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Runner, perfection doesn’t exist. Start where you are and if you’re plucky you’ll go far. Tune into the Plucky Not Perfect podcast for personal stories of perseverance in running, endurance sports, and life. Whether a beginner or an ultra athlete, we hope you’ll be uplifted by these relatable stories and empowered with practical tips. Coach Carrie, your host, shares 30+ years of competitive running experience, offering mindset and training tips to empower your steps. Season 1 brought to you by Run Like a Girl.

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