190 [Replay] Shadow work: What if your monsters were trying to help you live the life you always wanted?

Playing With Fire

If your monsters could help you live more of the life you want to live, would you get to know them, and invite them in? What about sharing them with a trusted partner in a thoughtful, conscious process?

Ken did, and it made him cry, right here in the podcast - tears of relief for the possibility of realizing potential. We're talking about letting in our darker parts, and how much our lives can expand when we do.

Do your monsters sometimes stage a take-over, hurting you and others? It happens, and it means that it is time to get conscious and practical about shadow work.

Want to take this further? Joli's ⁠Sexual Shadow Masterclass⁠ is a great next step.

We mentioned a couple of songs in this episode, here are the links for Spotify:

⁠The Avett Brothers - The Perfect Space⁠

⁠Suzanne Vega - Don't Uncork What You Can't Contain⁠

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Music: Dance of Felt by ⁠⁠Blue Dot Sessions








