Mysterious Radio: Paranormal, UFO and Lore Interviews

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Hôtes et personnes invitées
Hidden GEM
20 févr.
Thought provoking and incredibly interesting. Be prepared to fall down the rabbit hole! 10/10
Other podcasts use patreon without being exclusive to it.
-4 j
Excellent Show, Interesting Topics, Well Produced
19 févr.
I know that the powers that be are using a fake “trans agenda”, but I think instead of putting blame of members of the lgbtq community I think it’s important to acknowledge that we are being used. As someone who is very invested in truth and the nature of reality it is off putting to hear all this anti lgbtq rhetoric, remeniscenr of the kind of judgemental, non-inclusive, bigoted brand of Christianity we are all so familiar with. There seems to be a well documented history of the cabalists taking something and using it to confuse or push their agenda as you well know. I love the show but keep hearing guests throwing lgbtq people who have nothing to do with Luciferian occultism under the bus.
Good Topics
5 févr.
Give it a shot. K-town has a nice voice and interesting guests. Waiting patiently for her to drop the pronouns & stop giving anti-Trump losers a platform. I’ll forgive, but won’t forget. Next time It’s an unsubscribe.
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- Années d’activité2016 - 2025
- Épisodes400
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