
Unforgettable true crime mysteries, exclusive newsmaker interviews, hard-hitting investigative reports and in-depth coverage of high profile stories. Now listen throughout the week with the official 20/20 After Show, the True Crime Vault, and our spotlight of true crime originals.
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Bad decision
4일 전
I typically enjoy the show in its TV format. The podcast is ok, but there are times when visuals would tell more of a story than the narration on its own. But, the guest on the last show made it unlistenable.
That Burlington commercial - awful
3월 16일
Appreciate the show but that Burlington commercial is so loud. Nails on a chalkboard screeching
3월 20일
One star. Seriously, one. I tried, I really did, to get through this "true crime" podcast, but it was like listening to someone narrate a B-movie while banging pots and pans in the background. I get it, you want atmosphere, but the constant whooshing and creaking and what I swear was a distant wolf howl just made it sound like a bad audio drama. Look, when I listen to a true crime podcast, I want facts. I want to hear about the investigation, the evidence, the timeline. I don't need a sound effect of someone dramatically opening a rusty door every time you mention a police interview. It's distracting! It's cheesy! It's like you're trying to win an Oscar for "Most Over-the-Top Sound Design in a Podcast About Murder." If you're going to do true crime, stick to the true part. Leave the Hollywood sound effects for the professionals... or, you know, just leave them out entirely. My ears, and my sanity, would thank you
You left me for dead
3월 17일
I appreciated how well done the story was. Being from Bozeman, I felt the story was told accurately with respect for the police work involved, as well as compassion for the survivors.
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- 제작진ABC News
- 방송 연도2015년 - 2025년
- 에피소드48
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