#20 Soul Contracts: brutal life lessons from the people who break your heart

Lessons From Earth School

Have you ever wished you'd never met someone in your life? Is there someone in your life that absolutely sucks but you still seem to be drawn to them for some inexplicable reason?

Some of the most painful lessons we learn in our life are those we learn through soul contracts: people we've agreed to do this dance called life with so we could teach each other some sh*t. It usually involves some form of heartbreak/self-destructive pattern that you can't seem to get yourself out of. Sigh!

But there are answers! In this episode, I talk about soul contracts, and why we meet some of the "influential" people in our lives (I'm trying really hard not to swear here).

This is just a taste of some of the topics I will be deep-diving into at Liberation on 10 October on the Gold Coast. Get your ticket here: https://events.humanitix.com/liberation-kjrp8k98

Use the code EARLYBIRD for 30% off!

Follow me on IG for more content like this: https://www.instagram.com/borcsa.vass/








