20: Yogi's Guide to Analytics - An Interview with Akshay Kanade

The Data Life Podcast

In this episode, we talk with Akshay Kanade. He is a business analyst working in New York City who likes taking a big view of data, and has very interesting spiritual views on data analytics and life in general, he is also a handwriting expert- he can read people’s handwriting and can recognize a lot about their personalities.

In this interview we will cover several things such as: 
- How has been an analyst influenced Akshay's life? 
- Introspection about data and analytics
- Taking high level view of data - connecting deep learning with deep thinking
- People who don’t have background in analytics- how they can use their unique backgrounds for decisions 
- Power of consciousness and spirituality at work 
- Hand-writing analysis and whether it is a science or an art

It was a fascinating conversation, and I took a lot away talking with Akshay's view points. This interview is a must-listen if you deal with data and analytics in your work. 
Akshay's hand-writing analysis and mentorship website: www.pradnyatantra.com (will be live soon)
Reach Akshay on LinkedIn at https://www.linkedin.com/in/akshaykanade06/

Some of Akshay's favorite books:
1. Autobiography of a Yogi https://www.amazon.com/dp/8120725247/?tag=omnilence-20
2. The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari https://www.amazon.com/dp/0062515675/?tag=omnilence-20
3. Mastery https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00A6G9CGG/?tag=omnilence-20

To add to this list, one of my favorite books is:
The Power of Now https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00A6G9CGG/?tag=omnilence-20

If you have any feedback drop me a note at thedatalifepodcast@gmail.com or reach me on LinkedIn at https://www.linkedin.com/in/sanketgupta107/

~ Thanks for listening~ 








