Weekly Sichos

Weekly Sichos
Weekly Sichos

Sichos taught by Mrs. Fruma Schapiro, moderated by Etty Schwartz. Begun as a passion project to help spread Chassidus by learning the Rebbe's words for women on the go throughout our hectic lives.

  1. 2월 20일

    202. Mishpatim Release Golus Chokehold with Unity

    Some notes: 2 Jews are 2 hands in 1 body. Clarity of Eretz Yisrael= True Unity. Today is 22 Shvat, Rabbi Binyamin Klein received a call from Eretz Yisrael. Urgent. Needed something from the Rebbe. He called the Rebbe personal phone number. Rabbi Klein felt bad for disturbing them. Rebbetzin answer "this is what we are here for" How do we get out of golus? Learning halacha, take responsibility for your fellow Yid who is in this choking situation, to the extent that it becomes your pleasure 2 partners want to make a wall, as partners. Focus on the UNITY that will be revealed a. For sure between each other, hidden and b. And in our relationship with Hashem We go into Hashem bank account and pull our the supplies we need to overcome the negativity of the golus This darkness is so powerful we are choking from it The halacha is that Hashem can kick in as the guarantor! Place of chessed not place of din. When we are in golus perspective, it feels not so simple to get Hashem on board. Need to make it happen But when we learn the yerushalmy - clear light, clear perspective, then we know the partnership of hashem and yidden is clear. We just need to let Hashem know we are in pain. Let Hashem know about the pain of golus and say to Hashem "ad mosai!" Just Hashem seeing a Yid in this moment of pain and Ad Mosai - Hashem will take responsibility for his beloved nation. Hashem will build us the 3rd Beis Hamikdash! Chelek Chof Vov pg 145


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Sichos taught by Mrs. Fruma Schapiro, moderated by Etty Schwartz. Begun as a passion project to help spread Chassidus by learning the Rebbe's words for women on the go throughout our hectic lives.

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