hour one: "untitled blues jam" (live excerpt from a private jam in detroit 1958) john coltrane "late afternoon progression" greg lisher "snowblind" greg lisher "jungle drums" (greenville sc 2009 live in-store show) dex romweber duo "any other way" (demo) ed crawford "palmveo" tobacco "signal loss" bomis prendin "deich míle paisti" muskeg mudsuck "onion" samuel locke ward "clam salad" the giant worm "wolves" obadiah baird "panda on" day for nights "patterns" greg lisher hour two: "the illusion of depth" greg lisher "as I am" marucoporoporo "dyscalculia" mendoza / hoff / revels "intermission - the exterminator" barry stock "alienruf I" martina berther "tunneling" greg lisher "all things japanese" greg lisher "100 foreskins" (live at village green records on nov 1, 2024) roman gabriel todd "the lucky couple" petrified max "in society" wolf eyes "die like a pig" moreine "the unreliable toe" david greenberger & tyson rogers "planets unknown" greg lisher hour three: "finding the future" greg lisher "baby blue bridge" physarum "it all levels out" minotaur shock "by the road" mike eckstein "meet me at the heliocenter" immr "softly pushed through the crowds" greg lisher "zen and the art of long distance driving" greg lisher "next outpost" golia / liebig / hubbard "travels through liguria" greg lisher
- 节目
- 频率半周一更
- 发布时间2024年12月16日 UTC 08:00
- 长度3 小时
- 分级儿童适宜