GoOD Mornings with CurlyNikki

Nikki Walton
GoOD Mornings with CurlyNikki

Start your mornings off right, and wake up to Love with Nikki Walton. These daily, guided meditations are Divinely designed to help you feel GoOD, get more done, and live this life confidently, abundantly, and fully surrendered to the Christ in you. You'll learn to quickly and easily find Peace in chaos, Love in fear, Silence in noise, and Light in darkness. You’ll start recognizing the GoOD in everything, including yourself. Listen anywhere you get your podcasts, and please subscribe, rate, and review 'GoOD Mornings w/ CurlyNikki' on Apple Podcasts if you enjoy it! And be sure to share these guided meditations and practical spirituality tips with a friend who needs them! Catch new episodes of ‘GoOD Mornings with CurlyNikki’ 5 days a week, each morning, by 2 am ET. *10% of revenue generated from this podcast will be donated to "Showering Love" a non-profit organization that restores good mornings, dignity, hope and health to people experiencing homelessness by providing showers and other supportive services.


    All of Your Troubles Will Melt Away #WeekendRewind

    If you're ready to wake up every morning feeling inspired, join us in our LOVE practice LIVE every weekday morning at 4:44 am ET 📿 on . Praying and chanting the Rosary will change everything in your life, starting with your heart. #TheLoveStream #LoveBeads Find playbacks HERE on Youtube!  "I hear You." That's today's affirmation, While you're hearing 'them', while you're hearing the world, say inside, "but I hear you, God." I feel You. I know You. I admit You. This is Your Life, and I trust You with It. I'm ready. You're ready. Get ready! I Love you, Nik --Our new book, 'Wake Up to Love' is HERE! Get your copy. Share a copy. Be the Love you wake up to! _______________ Support GoOD Mornings on Patreon - QUOTES "Come to this place, where Nothing drowns you." -Nik "Let some energy flow through your own being and feel it refresh you and make you young and strong and vital and know that it resides within you all of the time. That you can rely upon it easily and with confidence, that it is yours for the asking, that it resides within you. That it is your right and your heritage." -Seth "There is a book that is not written, it's just unfolding. It's like we are each actors without a script and everything you do, God has written and you are just finding as we go. You have to learn how to read this book, to read the language of the life force and the deeper Self. It really brings you back into the reality of true existence. Sensing life and listening to the needs of each unfolding moment, empty of mind and fully present in the heart." -Mooji "Every decision you make is not a decision about what to do... It's a decision about who you are." -via IG @wisethinkers "It's okay to go quiet, to pause long enough to hear your own interior world with the regard it deserves. Don't let the noise of the world drown out the sound of you. Sometimes silence is presence." -Via IG @BlackLiturgies "The mind is the experience. The heart is the Source. All that is True is in the heart. I am still among movement I am happy among sadness I am love among anger I am light among darkness I am life among death I am but of a moment. Yet ultimately there is no moment, There is no I. Tat Tvam Asi" - @karoli_dass via IG "The mountains melt like wax before the LORD, before the Lord of all the earth." -Psalm 97:5 "...There is no use looking outside and wondering in what form that peace will come, because it does not come in a worldly form. Strangely enough, however, when the inner peace comes it forms and re-forms our outer life. It changes our relationships with other human beings. It changes the nature and the amount of our supply because it is Its func- tion to see that we are fed and clothed abundantly. All things will be added unto us but they will not be added by taking thought for the things: Relinquish thought of things; turn within and admit Me. -Joel Goldsmith, Living Between Two Worlds Chapter 1, “Opening the Door to Infinity” "It’s a place of natural and effortless Peace. The more somehow the attention is trained to rest in this Peace, all your troubles will melt away. Mooji has said this." -Mooji Video (episode title source)-

    8 min
  2. HACE 1 DÍA

    "Behold My Love; Give Me My Love." -Jesus | Pray with us LIVE at 4:44am ET!

    Wake Up to Love, and pray the Holy Rosary, pray the LOVE with us LIVE every weekday morning at 4:44 am ET 📿 on #TheLoveStream. Find playbacks HERE on Youtube!  Give Him His Love back, in the form of the thing he wants you to bring forth into this world. Every time we say, "Hail Mary", just as Mother Mary brought forth the Christ after that greeting, we are bringing forth Love. We are bringing forth gifts, treasures, Things to share with the rest of yourself. Your life is changing in ways you never thought possible. Chant more. Pray more. Love more. I Love you, nik --Our new book, 'Wake Up to Love' is HERE! Get your copy. Share a copy. Be the Love you wake up to! _______________ Support GoOD Mornings on Patreon - ________________ QUOTES "Behold My Love; Give Me My Love." -Jesus (St. Alphonsus Liguori "Jesus says: "I love you because I gave my life for you. I love you because you listen to me, you begin to listen to me; you will listen to me more and more. I love you because you cannot do without me.... God alone is. lam your life. Do you understand that? I am as inseparable from you as your breathing, as the breath within your soul. I am so near to you. It is I who incline you to be patient, to be gentle, to accept things.... "Ask all of me; ask every day, every morning what is necessary for the day, for yourself and for the human race. Ask ceaselessly, without wearying. It is my joy to answer! I always answer; but my answer is varied. You would understand it better if you knew how to live by faith. Do not be disturbed at repeating to your Father what I say to you; there is nothing extraordinary in it. I speak to each soul; if there are some who do not hear me, it is because they do not listen to me. There must be a profound silence, because my voice is soft. The soul must be freed from all engrossing thoughts; I must be loved in spirit and in truth-the whole being must be in the truth. "Respond more quickly to my voice, I who await you, I who have loved you for so long. Leave all. Let there no longer be anything else in the world for you but the love between you and me. Give, simplify your life, free yourself. Be altogether poor so as to be altogether mine. Be more simple with your Father; show yourself as you are... He should be able to read your heart without any effort, like an open book. Do not be uneasy: ask his advice about everything that makes you anxious, and do exactly what he tells you." - SISTER MARY OF THE HOLY TRINITY

    11 min
  3. HACE 2 DÍAS

    2024 you sowed...2025 you reap. | Pray with us LIVE at 4:44am ET!

    Wake Up to Love, and pray the Holy Rosary, pray the LOVE with us LIVE every weekday morning at 4:44 am ET 📿 on #TheLoveStream. Find playbacks HERE on Youtube!  "Those who sow with tears will reap with songs of joy. Those who go out weeping, carrying seed to sow, will return with songs of joy, carrying sheaves with them." - Psalm 126:5-6 And where you stand right now, you know that the sowing is the reaping. The reaping is the sowing. They are one, and they're happening now. Every time you say, Mary, every time you, Jesus, every time you chant, every time you sing, every time you turn back to This Love. that's sowing and reaping at once. It's here. It's time. Congratulations. And you just keep saying 'thank you'. The way you'll be saying 'thank you' to people saying, "congratulations". "Thank you, thank you, thank you." Feel the Gratitude with me. That's the secret. And the Gratitude feels the same as the God-- the one God that we all Love and call by different names. Sing to it to Him, to Her, to It, today, non-stop. A new song. Praise, worship, Love. I Love you, nik --Our new book, 'Wake Up to Love' is HERE! Get your copy. Share a copy. Be the Love you wake up to! _______________ Support GoOD Mornings on Patreon - ________________ QUOTES "It wasn't for nothing, and the harvest will be proof. All of the pain, trials, and prayers you have sowed are about to reap and heavy harvest. Going into 2025, you will see that it wasn't for nothing. It was always leading to your beautiful harvest. 2024 you sowed...2025 you reap." @Godlywaiting "Sometimes it isn't about the answer to the prayer; sometimes it is more about what you learn while you're waiting for the answer." - @Coffeewithmyfather "Your ability to receive is directly proportional to your capacity to accept yourself and keep an open heart even when your expectations aren't met. Your ability to receive is directly proportional to your capacity to navigate potential disappointment without letting it hijack your self worth. Your ability to receive is directly proportional to the trust you have in you ability to face potential rejection without rejecting yourself or assuming that there's something wrong with you." - @XavierDagba "You are a wide-open, unconditional 'Yes' to all experience. The Light of Pure Knowing." - Rupert Spira

    6 min
  4. HACE 5 DÍAS

    You’re Not Just Practicing—You’re Fulfilling God’s Plan for You! | Pray with us LIVE today at 4:44am ET! 📿

    Wake Up to Love, and pray the Holy Rosary with us LIVE every weekday morning at 4:44 am ET 📿 on #TheLoveStream. Leave your prayer requests and urgent needs in the chat box! Find playbacks HERE on Youtube!  You're attracted to (t)His practice, to this Love, because God chose It for you. It's God's gift to you. It was God's instruction, His Guidance for you, that you're just now waking up to, remembering, hearing, feeling, thanking. Thank the Love, and get on with it! Congratulations. That's all you'll hear. I Love you, nik --Our new book, 'Wake Up to Love' is HERE! Get your copy. Share a copy. Be the Love you wake up to! _______________ Support GoOD Mornings on Patreon - ________________ QUOTES "Me: I missed my open door God: Have faith; I open, close & create doors Me: I feel as if my season has passed. God: Have faith; I control the seasons. Me: I messed up everything. God: Have Faith, I can make all things new. Me: I can't trust people God: Don't trust that all people will hurt you. Me: I wish I was further along in life. God: Have Faith, keep walking to the place that we talk about." -Solo (@kingofsolomon)  "It is not I who seek out Mary, but it is God Who offers her to me; it is not I who love her, but the Lord Who tells me to love her." We are called upon to love Mary as Christ loved her and, even before that, as God the Father loved her. What is it that rouses this faith in us? What does it mean to develop a personal relationship with the Virgin, when we are conscious that it is not we who seek out Mary, but that God Himself sets her on our path and places her in our lives just as He placed in her the mystery of the Incarnation?" - Imitation of Mary Proverbs 18:10 "You are far more powerful than your words, child." - Anna to Mary in the new movie MARY on Netflix

    11 min

    When God Says Yes | Pray with us LIVE today at 6pm ET! 📿

    Weekend Rewind** --Pray with me tonight at 6pm ET on, Youtube, IG, and FB! --Pray the (Simplified) Rosary with me LIVE every weekday morning at 4:44 am ET 📿 #TheLoveStream | Find playbacks, HERE. Affirm: (t)His love is changing everything, feeling It as you say it. *This Love is changing everything.* When you're looking at something you don't like, feel those words inside, and know that you're looking at the past, you're looking at an echo, what you're seeing isn't really there. So don't react. Just know that Love has changed everything, and you'll soon see It, because God is saying, 'Yes'. I love you, Nik ______________ --Our new book, 'Wake Up to Love' is HERE! Get your copy. Share a copy. Be the Love you wake up to! _______________ Support GoOD Mornings on Patreon - ________________ QUOTES When God says yes we grow in awe, when God says wait we grow in patience, but when God says no, he's growing something better. -Ann Voskamp via @worshipblog IG "Sometimes we ask God for a healing when he wants to give us a resurrection." -unknown via @worshipblog IG "When your mind is quiet you enter into the flow of Love." -Ram Dass "Moreover, I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit within you, and I will remove the heart of stone from your flesh and give you a heart of flesh." -Ezekiel 36:26-27 "We come to this stillness until we feel a release from the problem." -Joel Goldsmith "The most powerful way to resist evil is to sit with good friends who have turned their faces to God." -Rumi "Prayer is touching Reality without seeking to get anything." -Dr. Michael Beckwith "Love master all things I'm mastered totally by Love My God is Love My Prophet is Love My Religion is Love My Father is Love My Mother is Love I'm a child of Love I've come to speak of nothing but Love." -Rumi "You know more than you think but it is your thinking that prevents you from knowing what you know." -Unknown  "I believe the reason why God doesn't reveal His entire plan to you all at once is because if He did, then you would get your peace from the information, rather than from your relationship with Him." -@TheRealSweetSpot via IG  Support the show

    7 min

    One Who is Everywhere is Joyous, One Who is Nowhere is Free. | Pray with us LIVE today at 6:00pm ET! 📿

    Weekend Rewind** --Pray with me tonight at 6pm ET on, Youtube, IG, and FB! --Pray the (Simplified) Rosary with me LIVE every weekday morning at 4:44 am ET 📿 #TheLoveStream | Find playbacks, HERE. Rock and sway between these two mantras today- 'I am nowhere'. 'I am everywhere'. They're both true. The moment you make the felt-connection with Love, you are beyond the body. You are no longer attached to it. You're free and that freedom feels like Joy. You are everywhere, and nowhere. You are everyone and no one. You are the invisible, formless, boundless Love appearing as the countless visible forms. And because you know This, because you ARE This, that body smiles. Love is felt as its very being.  I Love you, Nik ______________ --Our new book, 'Wake Up to Love' is HERE! Get your copy. Share a copy. Be the Love you wake up to! _______________ Support GoOD Mornings on Patreon - ________________ QUOTES "When we know who we are, we're everybody and we're free." -Krishna Das "Toss attachment for body aside, realizing I am everywhere.  One who is everywhere is joyous." -Osho, The Book of Secrets (On letting go of attachment) "You will not ask “how.” If your house is on fire you will not ask anyone, you will not go seeking a master to ask how to come out of it. If the house is on fire you will simply get out of it. You will not lose a single moment. You will not search for the teacher, you will not consult the scriptures. And you will not try to choose in what ways one has to come out, what means have to be adopted, and which door is the right door. These things are irrelevant when the house is on fire. When you know what attachment is, the house is on fire. You can put it aside. There is no need to ask how. It is absolutely a fire, a hell. You can jump out of it. This sutra says: 'Toss attachment for body aside, realizing I am everywhere.' And the moment you toss aside the attachment, you will realize you are everywhere. Because of this attachment you feel you are limited by the body. It is not the body which is limiting you; it is your attachment to it. It is not the body which is making a barrier between you and the reality; it is your attachment to it. Once you know what the attachment is not there, there is no body to you. Rather, the whole existence becomes your body; your body becomes a part of the total existence. Then it is not separate." -Osho. The Book of Secrets (p. 929). Osho International. Kindle Edition. Support the show

    7 min

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Start your mornings off right, and wake up to Love with Nikki Walton. These daily, guided meditations are Divinely designed to help you feel GoOD, get more done, and live this life confidently, abundantly, and fully surrendered to the Christ in you. You'll learn to quickly and easily find Peace in chaos, Love in fear, Silence in noise, and Light in darkness. You’ll start recognizing the GoOD in everything, including yourself. Listen anywhere you get your podcasts, and please subscribe, rate, and review 'GoOD Mornings w/ CurlyNikki' on Apple Podcasts if you enjoy it! And be sure to share these guided meditations and practical spirituality tips with a friend who needs them! Catch new episodes of ‘GoOD Mornings with CurlyNikki’ 5 days a week, each morning, by 2 am ET. *10% of revenue generated from this podcast will be donated to "Showering Love" a non-profit organization that restores good mornings, dignity, hope and health to people experiencing homelessness by providing showers and other supportive services.

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