Latter-day Faith

Dan Wotherspoon
Latter-day Faith

Latter-day Faith is a weekly podcast hosted by Dan Wotherspoon, PhD, that explores faith and its realities for this time in human history. Although each discussion maintains awareness of its primarily Latter-day Saint audience, the conversations, sensibilities, and variety of guests featured are drawn from many religious traditions.

  1. 1월 16일

    201: The Challenge for Church in a Changing World

    Doctrines that were set during the founding years of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints enthroned as eternal (and how it is in heaven) many things that were true of life in those days but would later change. Among these was defining different roles for men and women, and also the priority of procreation. If families were going to survive in those days where most everything the family needs was produced by its own labor, the more children you had, the better. And since women were the ones who carried and gave birth to children, they, by necessity, were consigned to work that could be done while pregnant and raising children too young to work. Men's work was more physical, and it concentrated on labor that needed to be performed outside the house. What happens when these necessities change but the doctrine taught as what God wants and what heaven is all about does not? A term for the friction caused by increasingly larger mis-matches between theology and the evolving ideas/needs used by Dr. Carrie Miles, our LDF guest for this episode, is the problem of "syncretism." Two systems (our examples here are doctrine and changing economic patterns and societal shifts brought on by them) clash and each must learn to somehow manage the tensions the other. How successfully churches accommodate these shifts is a key factor in determining if a religious system stays relevant to those who are being raised in later generations. As we know, the LDS Church has had great difficulty in retaining its younger members as well as others who feel these tensions most acutely. More and more Latter-day Saints come to feel that they are not "safe" within Mormon congregations and within a church at large that does not successfully manage the crisis of syncretism.  As a way of talking about this issue of "safety," Dr. Miles draws on the “Polyvagal Theory “first introduced by Stephen Porges, which maps the effects on individuals when they feel disturbed. Any and all the body systems controlled by the vagus nerve react unconsciously to stress and any feelings of danger or a sense that something is “off.” In short, the storyline of this LDF episode is the tale of church members feeling less and less safe—physically emotionally—the greater the gap becomes between teachings and the rhetoric from those who present them, the less safe people feel in the Church when their own life situations, experiences, beliefs, and primary values don’t match with formal LDS positions, which have been taught as “eternal” even though they were heavily shaped by the assumptions, gender roles, and sense of sexual morality of the society in which the church emerged. This is a fascinating conversation! Listen in!

    1시간 12분
  2. 1월 3일

    199: Breaking with the Resolutions/Goal-setting Pattern and Having a Much Happier New Year

    New Years season is fraught. It can mark new beginnings with fresh energy and purpose. But for so many of us who have been making and trying to keep resolutions, it can quickly become a downer as our determination and drive flounders and our old physical and mental habits and patterns reassert their power, leaving us feeling like a failure. For this reason, some folks simply throw out the whole idea of resolution and goal-setting, which is very understandable! But can this time of year be a boon for all of us if we refocus just a bit, becoming a time for renewal for our body, mind, and soul? We naturally want to (and it's good to) want to change and grow, but are we going about it in the wrong way? How do we act without falling into age-old traps? In this episode, LDF host Dan Wotherspoon is joined by two wonderful friends, board members, and occasional LDF hosts, Terri Peterson and Mark Crego to share ways to avoid seasons of “failure” and instead receive the boon that this season can bring. They each share their past experiences with goals and resolutions and the role they have played in their journeys, but also how they view such things now and how they approach New Years differently.  This episode is full of stories that we can each relate to in some way. They also share reflections on certain sayings of Jesus, wisdom from the Bhagavad Gita and mine from other sources as well as their own personal experiences things they come to understand more deeply. Listen in! Also, see if you can attend one of this month's virtual firesides (January 16th and 19th), with will be centered on these topics! Join as a listener or come and tell us your stories, past and present, about resolutions, goals, intentions, and renewal!

    1시간 3분
최고 5점
126개의 평가


Latter-day Faith is a weekly podcast hosted by Dan Wotherspoon, PhD, that explores faith and its realities for this time in human history. Although each discussion maintains awareness of its primarily Latter-day Saint audience, the conversations, sensibilities, and variety of guests featured are drawn from many religious traditions.

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