Episode 22 - Ditching Good Girl Conditioning for Good with Victoria Theriault
Victoria is the founder and owner of DISCover What Works. She’s a Certified Team Facilitator, DISC and EQ Analyst and a Keynote Speaker.
Victoria helps raise individual and team performance as well as notably improve client service. She’s a co-author of the book Pursuit 365, and the creator and host of the DISCovering You podcast which explores the role that personality plays in our interactions at work and beyond, and how it affects us as we navigate through life.
What we talk about:
2:22 - When Have You Felt Pressured to Be a Good Girl? – Victoria reflects on childhood experiences of rule-following, striving for high standards, and avoiding disappointment.
5:46 - The Fear of Disappointing Others – Michelle discusses the internal conflict of disappointing others vs. disappointing yourself.
7:55 - Good Girl Conditioning in Everyday Life – Victoria shares how being a highly sensitive person (HSP) and her communication style shaped her experience.
10:53 - Why Do People Do What They Do? – The fascination with human behaviour and how it influences relationships and workplaces.
12:55 - Navigating Judgment & The Power of Context – Why people rush to judge and how pausing to ask “Why?” can create better understanding.
15:16 - Seeking External Validation – Victoria shares how praise shaped her self-worth from childhood to adulthood.
17:07 - Unhooking from Praise & Criticism – Michelle explains the importance of detaching from external validation and staying true to your mission.
19:21 - The Trap of People-Pleasing – The challenge of managing expectations and learning to let go of needing to be liked.
24:00 - The Liberation of Not Caring (Too Much!) – What can we learn from people who don’t overthink every interaction?
25:48 - Forced Empathy & Communication Exercises – How walking in someone else’s shoes improves relationships and teamwork.
26:52 - Why Victoria Does What She Does – Her journey into communication coaching and the power of understanding different perspectives.
31:56 - The Secret to Successful Teams – How having diverse personalities and communication styles can transform workplaces.
33:13 - Final Reflection: The Power of Asking ‘Why?’ – Victoria’s advice on using curiosity instead of judgment in everyday interactions.
36:39 - Closing Thoughts & How to Connect – Michelle wraps up the conversation and invites listeners to explore more.
Follow Victoria on social media:
Victoria’s website -https://discoverwhatworks.org/
Victoria on LinkedIn -https://www.linkedin.com/in/discoverwhatworks/
Victoria on Instagram -https://www.instagram.com/discoverwhatworks/?hl=en
Victoria on Facebook -https://www.facebook.com/VictoriaDISC/
Victoria on YouTube -https://www.youtube.com/@DISCoveringYouPodcast
Follow Michelle on social media:
Website -https://www.michelleminnikin.com/
Linkedin -https://www.linkedin.com/in/mminnikin/
Instagram -https://www.instagram.com/goodgirldeprogramming
TikTok -https://www.tiktok.com/@michelleminnikin
Buy Good Girl Deprogramming
Ebook and Paperback available at all good bookshops (and Amazon -https://amzn.to/3AQHuFf)
Audible -https://www.audible.co.uk/pd/B0D9MKBDBW/?source_code=AUKFrDlWS02231890H6-BK-ACX0-406719&ref=acx_bty_BK_ACX0_406719_rh_uk
Take the Good Girl Quiz
Find out if you’re a Good Girl athttps://goodgirlquiz.co.uk/
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- Show
- FrequencyUpdated Biweekly
- PublishedFebruary 9, 2025 at 1:11 AM UTC
- Length38 min
- Episode22
- RatingExplicit