233 | Host of Top 50 Global Podcast Tara-Leigh Cobble, founder of The Bible Recap and D-Group International

H3 Leadership with Brad Lomenick

Our guest is TARA-LEIGH COBBLE, founder of The Bible Recap Podcast and D-Group International. Now with over 400 million downloads, The Bible Recap Podcast and movement has grown into one of the most influential discipleship and scripture engagement communities in the world. Tara-Leigh is a speaker, Bible teacher and author of multiple books, including The Bible Recap and The God Shot. We talk leadership, how to finish well, growth and momentum of The Bible Recap, navigating friendships, and much more. Make sure to visit http://h3leadership.com to access the list and all the show notes. Thanks again to our partners for this episode: KINSMEN JOURNAL – Join in with the Kinsmen Community! Kinsmen and the Kinsmen Journal is a one of a kind publication, content hub, and community for men. Kinsmen Journal is a leading voice in the conversation surrounding spiritual formation and marketplace integration for men. Visit http://kinsmen.org. Check out the FREE weekly newsletter as well as follow and subscribe to the FREE podcast titled Faith, Fatherhood and Work with Peter Ostapko, Kinsmen publisher and founder. A perfect fit for men’s small group discussion. Again, visit http://kinsmen.org to subscribe for FREE to their Podcast and newsletter.And OPERATION CHRISTMAS CHILD – Join in on the Christmas shoebox campaign this fall! Operation Christmas Child has been reaching millions of children each year with the good news of Jesus Christ through simple shoebox gifts. Get involved at http://samaritanspurse.org/OCC. Even in the hardest to reach places of the world, churches are being planted and communities are transformed. You can pack a shoebox this year and reach a child with the good news of Jesus. National Collection Week is November 18-25. Build your shoebox and find everything you need to get started by visiting http://samaritanspurse.org/OCC. 








