Emotionally Healthy Legacy- Anger management for Christian moms, christian parenting, patient mom, calm mom, Christian mother

Elizabeth | Anger coach for Christian Moms, Christian Life Coach for angry moms
Emotionally Healthy Legacy- Anger management for Christian moms, christian parenting, patient mom, calm mom, Christian mother

This podcast for Christian moms who want to control their mom anger and respond with patience and calm. If you are a mom who struggles with burnout, unmanaged stress, constant yelling and explosive mom rage, you are in the right place.   In this podcast you will learn how to partner with God and be in control of your intense emotions, overcome mom guilt and shame, manage your stress well while setting a positive example for your kids.   Website: emotionallyhealthylegacy.com Email: hello@emotionallyhealthylegacy.com

최고 5점
264개의 평가


This podcast for Christian moms who want to control their mom anger and respond with patience and calm. If you are a mom who struggles with burnout, unmanaged stress, constant yelling and explosive mom rage, you are in the right place.   In this podcast you will learn how to partner with God and be in control of your intense emotions, overcome mom guilt and shame, manage your stress well while setting a positive example for your kids.   Website: emotionallyhealthylegacy.com Email: hello@emotionallyhealthylegacy.com

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