#25 Dancing on the Edge of Reality with Toni Nagy

In this engaging conversation, comedian Toni Nagy discusses her journey into conspiracy theories, the impact of censorship on social media, and the importance of questioning authority. She explores the intersection of comedy and politics, the societal structures affecting family dynamics, and the role of spirituality in understanding power dynamics. The discussion also touches on various conspiracy theories, including flat earth and Tartaria, while emphasizing the need for open-mindedness and critical thinking in today's world.
Hope you enjoyed the show! Toni Nagy's links https://linktr.ee/toninagy?utm_source=linktree_profile_share<sid=8ef6d591-da91-49b2-9ac7-24ecae7cd84d remember 5 bucks a month you can watch the video before anyone else on Patreon.com/onceupona785 or you can sign up on Spotify for the video Catch me live on TikTok @Georgee350 Find me on Cameo https://v.cameo.com/e/NZfyz5fkbPbMy email is onceupona785@proton.meAffiliates promo code georgee350 www.habits365.comwww.reaperapparelco.comwww.cocoburry.com flat earth sun and moon clock app Referral Code for FEClock is : georgee App Link: https://qrco.de/bbizVA
- 节目
- 频率一周一更
- 发布时间2024年12月11日 UTC 12:03
- 长度1 小时 4 分钟
- 单集25
- 分级儿童不宜