Speak Chinese Like A Taiwanese Local

Learn Chinese with Fangfang
Speak Chinese Like A Taiwanese Local

Tune in to this thrilling podcast series updated every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at 12:00 PM Taiwan time! If you're looking to learn Chinese and communicate more effectively with your Taiwanese friends and family, this podcast is for you! So why wait? Subscribe to "Speak Chinese Like a Taiwanese Local'' with FangFang today and start learning Chinese like a pro!"

  1. -1 J

    #258 元宵節 Lantern Festival

    2025 Taiwan Lantern Festival 😊 Main Lantern Exhibition Area 02.12-02.23 A18 Taoyuan HSR Station Lights Playground 02.07-02.23 A19 Taoyuan Sports Park Station 元宵節 Yuánxiāo Jié - Lantern Festival 月圓之日 yuèyuán zhī rì - the day of the full moon 月亮 yuèliàng - moon 圓形 yuánxíng - circular shape 元月 yuányuè - first month of the lunar calendar 宵 xiāo - night (archaic usage) 起源 qǐyuán - origin 傳說 chuánshuō - legend, folklore 神鳥 shénniǎo - divine bird 人間 rénjiān - the human world, mortal realm 獵人 lièrén - hunter 來歷 láilì - origin, background 射殺 shèshā - to shoot and kill 天帝 tiāndì - the Heavenly Emperor 懲罰 chéngfá - punishment, to punish 下令 xiàlìng - to issue an order 放一把大火 fàng yì bǎ dàhuǒ - to set a big fire 燒個精光 shāo ge jīngguāng - to burn completely, to reduce to ashes 不忍心 bù rěnxīn - cannot bear to, feel too compassionate to 災難 zāinàn - disaster, catastrophe 下凡 xiàfán - to descend to the mortal world 掛上燈籠 guà shàng dēnglóng - to hang up lanterns 放鞭炮 fàng biānpào - to set off firecrackers 火光 huǒguāng - firelight, flames 執行 zhíxíng - to carry out, to execute 紀念 jìniàn - to commemorate, remembrance 湯圓 tāngyuán - glutinous rice balls (eaten during Lantern Festival) 象徵 xiàngzhēng - to symbolize, symbol 花好月圓 huāhǎo yuèyuán - a phrase symbolizing happiness and harmony 闔家團圓 héjiā tuányuán - family reunion, whole family together 燈會 dēnghuì - lantern festival event 主辦 zhǔbàn - to organize, to host (an event) 機捷 jījié - Taoyuan Airport MRT (Mass Rapid Transit) If your goal in 2025 is to improve your Chinese, make more Taiwanese friends, and talk about topics like politics, culture, and news, let’s make it happen! 😊 I’m offering a free 30-minute trial lesson to go over your goals and create a plan to help you speak more confidently. Book aone-on-one trial lesson with me!  Follow me on Instagram:fangfang.chineselearning !😀 I hope you like today's podcast! Got feedback? I'd love to hear it! Rate my podcast show or leave me a review! Learn Chinese Podcast | Chinese Listening Practice | Learn Taiwanese Mandarin | Chinese Learning Podcast

    6 min
  2. -3 J

    #257 Tiktok

    禁 jìn - ban; prohibit 法案 fǎ àn - bill; law 禁用 jìn yòng - prohibit the use of 非中國 fēi zhōng guó - non-China; outside of China 營運 yíng yùn - operate; conduct business 獲取 huò qǔ - obtain; acquire 敏感 mǐn gǎn - sensitive 用戶 yòng hù - user 數據 shù jù - data 操縱 cāo zòng - manipulate; control 鬧得很大 nào de hěn dà - cause a big stir; create a lot of commotion 母公司 mǔ gōng sī - parent company 字節跳動 zì jié tiào dòng - ByteDance (company) 提起訴訟 tí qǐ sù sòng - file a lawsuit 阻止 zǔ zhǐ - prevent; stop 法令 fǎ lìng - law; decree 間諜 jiàn dié - spy 追蹤 zhuī zōng - track; follow 聯邦雇員 lián bāng gù yuán - federal employees 承包商 chéng bāo shāng - contractor 推薦演算法 tuī jiàn yǎn suàn fǎ - recommendation algorithm 輿論 yú lùn - public opinion 推廣 tuī guǎng - promote; spread 特洛伊木馬 tè luò yī mù mǎ - Trojan horse 娛樂性 yú lè xìng - entertainment value 背後 bèi hòu - behind; at the back 藏有 cáng yǒu - hide; contain 爭議 zhēng yì - controversy 侵犯 qīn fàn - violate; infringe 憲法 xiàn fǎ - constitution 第一修正案 dì yī xiū zhèng àn - First Amendment 言論自由 yán lùn zì yóu - freedom of speech 承認 chéng rèn - acknowledge; admit 防止 fáng zhǐ - prevent 違反 wéi fǎn - violate; breach 川普 chuān pǔ - Trump 就職 jiù zhí - take office 簽署 qiān shǔ - sign (a document) 行政命令 xíng zhèng mìng lìng - executive order 寬限期 kuān xiàn qī - grace period Want to improve your Chinese? 😊 I'm offering a free 30-minute trial lesson! We can chat about topics like economics, politics, history, travel, culture, and more!Book a free 30-minute trial lesson now ! Follow me on Instagram:fangfang.chineselearning !😀 I hope you like today's podcast! Got feedback? I'd love to hear it! Rate my podcast show or leave me a review! Learn Chinese Podcast | Chinese Listening Practice | Learn Taiwanese Mandarin | Chinese Learning Podcast

    6 min
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    #256 台南的特別體驗活動 Unique Experiences in Tainan

    體驗活動 tǐ yàn huó dòng - experiential activity 旗袍 qí páo - cheongsam; traditional Chinese dress 獨特 dú tè - unique 服飾 fú shì - clothing; attire 古色古香 gǔ sè gǔ xiāng - antique; of ancient charm 穿越 chuān yuè - to traverse; time-travel 民國時期 mín guó shí qī - the Republic of China era 漫步 màn bù - to stroll 古蹟 gǔ jì - historical site 文藝 wén yì - artistic; cultural 復古 fù gǔ - retro; nostalgic 長版 cháng bǎn - long version (e.g., of clothing) 短版 duǎn bǎn - short version 身型 shēn xíng - body type; figure 挑選 tiāo xuǎn - to select; to choose 配件 pèi jiàn - accessories 搭配 dā pèi - to match; to pair 扇子 shàn zi - fan 耳夾 ěr jiá - clip-on earrings 租借 zū jiè - to rent 盤髮 pán fà - hair styling (usually an updo) 馬褂 mǎ guà - traditional Chinese men's jacket 清末民初 qīng mò mín chū - late Qing Dynasty and early Republic of China period Rent a Qipao in Tainan: Available Here Planning to travel or move to Taiwan? If you'd like to improve your Chinese before you go, feel free to book a one-on-one lesson with me.I'll help you improve your Chinese so you can settle in more comfortably when you arrive.Book a one-on-one trial lesson with me ! 😊 Follow me on Instagram: fangfang.chineselearning !😀 I hope you like today's podcast! Got feedback? I'd love to hear it! Rate my podcast show or leave me a review! Learn Chinese Podcast | Chinese Listening Practice | Learn Taiwanese Mandarin | Chinese Learning Podcast

    5 min
  4. 5 FÉVR.

    #255 過年習俗 Lunar New Year Traditions

    年獸 nián shòu - Nian Beast (a mythical creature associated with Chinese New Year) 怪獸 guài shòu - monster 逃跑 táo pǎo - to escape; to flee 火光 huǒ guāng - firelight 嘈雜 cáo zá - noisy; clamorous 貼 tiē - to stick; to paste 鞭炮 biān pào - firecrackers 互道 hù dào - to exchange (greetings, congratulations, etc.) 恭喜 gōng xǐ - to congratulate; congratulations 戰勝 zhàn shèng - to defeat; to overcome 祭拜 jì bài - to offer sacrifices; to worship 土地公 tǔ dì gōng - Earth God (a deity in Chinese folk religion) 辛勞 xīn láo - hard work; toil 壓歲錢 yā suì qián - red envelope money given to children during Chinese New Year 大年初一 dà nián chū yī - the first day of Chinese New Year 驅趕 qū gǎn - to drive away; to expel 迎接 yíng jiē - to welcome; to greet 剩下 shèng xià - leftover; remaining 年年有餘 nián nián yǒu yú - to have surplus year after year (a Chinese New Year blessing) 大年初二 dà nián chū èr - the second day of Chinese New Year 出嫁 chū jià - to marry (for women) 娘家 niáng jiā - a married woman’s parental home 大年初三 dà nián chū sān - the third day of Chinese New Year 老鼠娶親 lǎo shǔ qǔ qīn - "The Rat's Wedding" (a Chinese folklore event on the third day of the New Year) 送窮 sòng qióng - to send away poverty (a Chinese New Year tradition) 財神 cái shén - God of Wealth 財富 cái fù - wealth; riches Feeling stuck or frustrated with your Chinese progress? Book a one-on-one trial lesson with me 😊 We’ll go over your goals and create a personal plan to help improve your Chinese skills. Let’s make your learning journey easier and more enjoyable!Book a one-on-one trial lesson with me ! 😊 Follow me on Instagram: fangfang.chineselearning !😀 I hope you like today's podcast! Got feedback? I'd love to hear it! Rate my podcast show or leave me a review! Learn Chinese Podcast | Chinese Listening Practice | Learn Taiwanese Mandarin | Chinese Learning Podcast

    7 min
  5. 3 FÉVR.

    #254 台灣人快樂嗎 Are Taiwanese Happy?

    台灣經濟起飛 tái wān jīng jì qǐ fēi - Taiwan's economic boom 黑手 hēi shǒu - manual laborer, blue-collar worker 頭家 tóu jiā - boss, business owner 比比皆是 bǐ bǐ jiē shì - can be seen everywhere, commonplace 一丁點 yī dīng diǎn - a tiny bit, a small amount 安眠藥 ān mián yào - sleeping pill 經濟下滑 jīng jì xià huá - economic downturn 憂鬱 yōu yù - depression, melancholy 失眠 shī mián - insomnia 經濟成長 jīng jì chéng zhǎng - economic growth 恐慌 kǒng huāng - panic, fear 焦慮 jiāo lǜ - anxiety 沉迷 chén mí - addiction, indulgence 酗酒 xù jiǔ - heavy drinking, alcoholism 逃避 táo bì - to escape, to evade 現實 xiàn shí - reality 慢性 màn xìng - chronic 自殺 zì shā - suicide 低薪 dī xīn - low salary 高房價 gāo fáng jià - high housing prices 中壯世代 zhōng zhuàng shì dài - middle-aged generation 困境 kùn jìng - predicament, difficult situation 成長上癮症 chéng zhǎng shàng yǐn zhèng - growth addiction syndrome 淘汰 táo tài - elimination, being phased out 逼得自己喘不過氣 bī de zì jǐ chuǎn bú guò qì - to feel suffocated, overwhelmed 懷疑 huái yí - doubt, suspicion 平衡 píng héng - balance If your New Year’s goal is to improve your Chinese, meet more Taiwanese friends, and discuss a variety of topics like politics, culture, war, news, economics, and more! I invite you to book a one-on-one trial lesson with me 😊. We’ll go over your goals and create a personalized plan to help enhance your Chinese skills. Let’s make your learning journey both easier and more enjoyable! Book a one-on-one trial lesson with me ! 😊 Follow me on Instagram: fangfang.chineselearning !😀 I hope you like today's podcast! Got feedback? I'd love to hear it! Rate my podcast show or leave me a review! Learn Chinese Podcast | Chinese Listening Practice | Learn Taiwanese Mandarin | Chinese Learning Podcast

    10 min
  6. 31 JANV.

    #253 台灣的年夜飯 Taiwan’s Lunar New Year’s Eve Dinner

    年夜飯 nián yè fàn - New Year's Eve dinner 吉祥 jí xiáng - auspicious; lucky 不可或缺 bù kě huò quē - indispensable; essential 儀式 yí shì - ritual; ceremony 象徵 xiàng zhēng - symbol; to symbolize 一家團圓 yì jiā tuán yuán - family reunion 美好 měi hǎo - beautiful; wonderful 期盼 qí pàn - expectation; hope 圍爐 wéi lú - gathering around the stove (a traditional reunion activity) 餐桌 cān zhuō - dining table 溫馨 wēn xīn - warm and sweet 親手 qīn shǒu - personally; with one's own hands 長年菜 cháng nián cài - longevity greens 長壽 cháng shòu - longevity 燙熟 tàng shóu - blanched; briefly boiled 菜頭湯 cài tóu tāng - radish soup 蘿蔔 luó bo - radish 好采頭 hǎo cǎi tóu - good fortune 佛跳牆 fó tiào qiáng - Buddha Jumps Over the Wall (a Chinese delicacy) 頂級 dǐng jí - top-grade; premium 燉煮 dùn zhǔ - to stew; to simmer 家庭和樂 jiā tíng hé lè - family harmony 圓滿豐盛 yuán mǎn fēng shèng - complete and abundant 醉雞 zuì jī - drunken chicken 白斬雞 bái zhǎn jī - poached chicken 吉利 jí lì - lucky; propitious 清蒸 qīng zhēng - steamed (usually food) 紅燒 hóng shāo - braised in soy sauce 年年有餘 nián nián yǒu yú - surplus year after year 年糕 nián gāo - glutinous rice cake 年年高升 nián nián gāo shēng - rising higher year by year 拿手菜 ná shǒu cài - signature dish 冷凍 lěng dòng - frozen Planning to travel or move to Taiwan? If you'd like to improve your Chinese before you go, feel free to book a one-on-one lesson with me.I'll help you improve your Chinese so you can settle in more comfortably when you arrive.Book a one-on-one trial lesson with me ! 😊 Follow me on Instagram: fangfang.chineselearning !😀 I hope you like today's podcast! Got feedback? I'd love to hear it! Rate my podcast show or leave me a review! Learn Chinese Podcast | Chinese Listening Practice | Learn Taiwanese Mandarin | Chinese Learning Podcast

    7 min
  7. 27 JANV.

    #251 你是I人還是E人 Are You an I-Person or an E-Person?

    性格測試 xìng gé cè shì - personality test 類型 lèi xíng - type, category 獨處 dú chǔ - being alone, solitude 充電 chōng diàn - to recharge, to refresh oneself 三思 sān sī - to think thrice, to consider carefully 周遭 zhōu zāo - surroundings, environment 互動 hù dòng - interaction, to interact 不對勁 bú duì jìn - something feels off, unusual 社交 shè jiāo - socializing, social interaction 瞬間 shùn jiān - moment, instant 邀約 yāo yuē - invitation 場合 chǎng hé - occasion, situation 稱讚 chēng zàn - to praise, to compliment 成就感 chéng jiù gǎn - sense of achievement 探險 tàn xiǎn - adventure, exploration 特質 tè zhí - trait, characteristic If your New Year’s goal is to improve your Chinese, meet more Taiwanese friends, and discuss a variety of topics like politics, culture, war, news, economics, and more! I invite you to book a one-on-one trial lesson with me 😊. We’ll go over your goals and create a personalized plan to help enhance your Chinese skills. Let’s make your learning journey both easier and more enjoyable! Book a one-on-one trial lesson with me ! 😊 Follow me on Instagram: fangfang.chineselearning !😀 I hope you like today's podcast! Got feedback? I'd love to hear it! Rate my podcast show or leave me a review! Learn Chinese Podcast | Chinese Listening Practice | Learn Taiwanese Mandarin | Chinese Learning Podcast

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10 notes

À propos

Tune in to this thrilling podcast series updated every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at 12:00 PM Taiwan time! If you're looking to learn Chinese and communicate more effectively with your Taiwanese friends and family, this podcast is for you! So why wait? Subscribe to "Speak Chinese Like a Taiwanese Local'' with FangFang today and start learning Chinese like a pro!"

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