In our seventh installment for our Johns Hopkins series, hosts Dr. Steven Taback and Bill Curtis are joined by Assistant Director of Special Operations at Johns Hokpins Medicine, Dr. Matthew Levy, where they discuss the harrowing yet heroic care that the nations frontline EMT’s delivered during the pandemic. You’ll discover how the complexity of top notch EMS care is coordinated, as well as ground-breaking innovations like the Israeli AED drone delivery protocol, and the inner-workings behind how the emergency medical care system is funded. You won’t want to miss this enlightening conversation!
In this dedicated series, we're showcasing the medical breakthroughs & innovations from one of the world's most preeminent hospitals: Johns Hopkins Medicine.
Johns Hopkins Medicine is dedicated to improving the health of the community and the world by setting the standard of excellence in medical education, research, and clinical care.
Episode Timestamps:
2:28 What is the ‘Division of Special Operations’ at Johns Hopkins?
3:54 How do EMS systems coordinate with other departments on a regional and national level?
5:47 Fire Department EMS systems vs private EMS systems.
8:11 How has EMS care progressed through and after COVID?
11:46 EMT’s and their direct contact with COVID.
13:00 Were people avoiding hospital care during the pandemic?
16:40 What is the difference between EMS and EMT?
19:31 Are EMS and EMT fields properly funded? How can they be optimized to the patient?
21:42 The dynamic of insurance in its relation to EMS care.
24:38 How do EMT’s handle the difficult decisions they’re put into every day?
27:29 Dr. Levy elaborates on the Israeli EMS drone delivery AED system.
31:58 Dr. Levy shares about his experience of working in emergency care in the difficult city like Baltimore.
Learn More: Medicine, We’re Still Practicing
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Hosted by: Dr. Steven Taback & Bill Curtis
Produced and Edited by: AJ Moseley
Sound Engineering by: Steve Reickeberg
Theme Music by: Celleste and Eric Dick
A CurtCo Media Production
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