Well, here we go. 296 episodes in, and I am not showing any signs of slowing down. In this episode I give a reintroduction to who I am and why I do this. There are a lot of new listeners so I thought it was time to do so. Also this is the debut of the show on Rock Rage Radio! So sit back, relax and enjoy! This episode is proudly brought to you by: Betterhelp : https://www.betterhelp.com/sipod for 10% off Mack Weldon: https://www.mackweldon.com/suckit Promo Code "SUCKIT" for 20% off! Raycon: https://www.buyraycon.com/suckit For 15% off! Everyplate: https://www.everyplate.com Code "suckit199" for $1.99 Meals! https://www.theblackrosemedia.com Follow me: https://www.instagram.com/theblackrosemedia https://www.instagram.com/suckitpodcast https://www.facebook.com/suckitpodcast https://www.facebook.com/TheBlkRoseMedia
- Show
- PublishedNovember 9, 2021 at 3:50 AM UTC
- Length1h 3m
- RatingClean