An Open Water Swimmer's Podcast

William Ellis
An Open Water Swimmer's Podcast

“Chartable” #1 UK Swimming Podcast Outdoor swimming is one of the fastest growing activities in the world, the benefits of which are well documented across many platforms and media. Each episode of this podcast I (Will Ellis) will be asking the same set of questions to my guests in order to hear their swim story, find out what the water means to them, and in doing so find the common ground between us all: the love of the water itself. @owswimpod (Insta / Threads)

최고 5점
29개의 평가


“Chartable” #1 UK Swimming Podcast Outdoor swimming is one of the fastest growing activities in the world, the benefits of which are well documented across many platforms and media. Each episode of this podcast I (Will Ellis) will be asking the same set of questions to my guests in order to hear their swim story, find out what the water means to them, and in doing so find the common ground between us all: the love of the water itself. @owswimpod (Insta / Threads)

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