#3 Matt Klein: “We are negotiating our time back from work”


Matt Klein is an award-winning cultural theorist, strategist, and writer renowned for his insights into societal trends and digital culture.

His present role is Head of Foresight at Reddit and running his award-winning publication ZINE (which you should subscribe to!). As a sought-after speaker and consultant, Matt collaborates with brands, the UN, investors, philanthropists and press to navigate the complexities of the modern world. I speak to him on if slowing down, and re-defining our careers for ourselves is a macro-movement in the zeitgeist. 

In this episode we cover: 

Lazy Girl Jobs and the Great Resignation

Our mass desire to renegotiate our time back at work

How social media makes our public image always-on  

How to fend off the hungry content monster 

How capitalism sells you wellness 

How spending a day with a child can help you slow down 


The Century of the Self (2002) Documentary by Adam Curtis

Future Shock, Alvin Toffler 

Theory of Self-Preservation, Irving Goffman 

Big Brothers, Big Sisters: https://www.bbbs.org/

Team Human, Douglas Rushkoff 




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