3 Questions to Help Create a Productive Mindset

Creating The Path

In today’s episode of Creating The Path, I’m talking about how to create a productive mindset because the thoughts we think affect the actions we take (or don't take). 

We often get stuck thinking thoughts that prevent us from taking the actions that lead to the results we want.

So today, I'm going to offer you 3 questions you can ask yourself to determine if a thought is productive or not and to reframe thoughts that help create a productive mindset - which will help you move you forward.

Topics discussed in this episode: 

  • [01:04] Questioning your thoughts
  • [05:29] Productive thoughts that help you achieve your goals
  • [06:00] Making sure thoughts and feelings are aligned
  • [08:40] A practical example of how to create a productive mindset using these 3 questions
  • [13:23] Episode recap

Resources from the episode:

Joyful Productivity VIP Day - If you're feeling overworked and overwhelmed, I can help you create a plan that allows you to be more productive while working less. After one day together, you'll have a schedule that allows you to work fewer hours, by managing both your time and energy and the foundation to support your success. More info here: https://www.heathergracehanson.com/vipday 

Start doing less and accomplishing more in your business: Get your FREE Energy Tracker here!

Follow me on Social:

  • Instagram
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  • Youtube
  • Join @jointherestrevolution

Noteworthy Quotes:

“The thoughts we think affect the actions we take or don't take.” 

A lot of the time, we can get stuck thinking thoughts that prevent us from taking the actions that would lead to the results we want.”

“If we repeat things often enough, it just it gets into our subconscious.”

“Our feelings impact the thoughts we have. So it's really important to make sure that both your thoughts and feelings are aligned.”

“Everything that we think and do, it should all be serving the purpose of creating a life that we love living.”

Summary of the Podcast: 

Creating the Path is a podcast that challenges multi-passionate entrepreneurs to achieve their goals by working less and eliminating overwhelm, so they can create their own unique pathway to a life they love. My mission is to transform hustle culture and assist others to shift away from living life on auto-pilot to living intentionally and following your own path to a life you love instead.

Host Bio:

Heather Grace Hanson is a certified positive psychology-based coach and creator of the Intentional Energy Framework, a system that empowers you to create a life and business you love without burning out. Heather is obsessed with all things personal development, running and walking in the park,  interior design, salsa dancing, and most importantly, spending time with her pup, Barclay.








