3 - Social: In conversation with Flora Samuel and Angela Dapper

Place Agency

In this episode our conversation partners are engaged by host Angelique Edmonds in discussion of:

  • The relationship between design and enhancing social connection/supporting social impact
  • How the balance of hard and soft infrastructure influences opportunities for social connection
  • What they consider to be the greatest challenges designers face when seeking to enhance social connection
  • projects they are involved with that seek to enhance social connection, and how they’ve managed challenges themselves

Flora Samuel is Professor at the University of Reading and is former Head of Sheffield University School of Architecture. The author of Why Architects Matter (2018) she has been awarded over £2million of research funding to investigate the positive impact of good design on people and to forward the case for research in practice. She was the first RIBA Vice President for Research and is lead author of the Social Value Toolkit for Architects (RIBA, 2020). 

Angela Dapper is a Principal in the London office of Grimshaw Architects leading projects that combine place making, transportation connections, health and well being, and sustainability, to create aspirational and transformative spaces. In addition to her architectural work, Angela is a keen advocate for diversity; she is Grimshaw's Chair for their Umbrella Diversity Group, leading diversity initiatives across their office; she is a RIBA London Councilor; an advisor to the RIBA Architects for Change and a contributor to the Mayor of London’s diversity panel. Angela also lectures and examines at a few UK universities; supports a number of charities and is a mother to two amazing children and one dog. Last year Angela won the 2020 Women in Construction and Engineering (WICE) award for Best Woman in Architecture.

Our host Angelique Edmonds has been working in this area for the last two decades with a passion for how we can elevate design for social impact. Her practice work has consulted with local, state, and federal governments, in parallel with teaching at the the University of South Australia for the past 12 years. Her contribution to the conversation is informed by her own practice research presented in her 2020 book - Connecting People, Place and Design.

These first three episodes of the series are a part of a CPD product for the AIA. Be sure to go to this link to record your points.


This program has been made possible with support from the Alastair Swayn Foundation. Find out more at alastairswaynfoundation.org

Find out more about Angelique’s work at the schoolforcreatingchange.com and in her 2020 book Connecting, People, Place and Design. Available in Australia here, and internationally here

Samantha Donnelly:  
Instagram: @samdonnelly11

Croxon Ramsay
Instagram: @croxonramsay

The Fulcrum Agency: 
Instagram: @thefulcrum.agency
LinkedIn: @thefulcrum.agency
Twitter: @fulcrum_agency

Angela Dapper: 
Website: https://grimshaw.global/practice/people/angela-dapper/

Flora Samuel: 
Twitter: @floraarchitect
Instagram: @profflora
LinkedIn: @florasamuel
Community Consultation for Quality of Life Project Website:  www.ccqol.org

Angelique Edmonds
Instagram: @angelique.edmonds
LinkedIn: @angelique.edmonds
Website: schoolforcreatingchange.com

Technical production: 
Instagram: @big.buoys
Website: https://bigbuoys.studio








