Horror Animated Story
"Welcome to Horror Animated Story, the podcast where terror meets animation! Join us each day as we delve into the darkest corners of the animated world, exploring terrifying tales that will leave you shivering in fear. From creepy cartoons to chilling anime, we'll cover it all. So, grab a flashlight, hide under the covers, and get ready to scream... with laughter and fear! New episodes every day. *Follow on Spotify and remember to Subscribe on apple podcast now and join the horror animation revolution!"
I love horror podcast, but some of these stories sound too fake. I would love if they made a Reddit/ Instagram account so people can tell their real stories. He has an incredible horror voice, but some story’s aren’t that good. Still recommend this podcast. I would also LOVE longer podcasts!
Giới Thiệu
Thông Tin
- Nhà sáng tạoHorror Animated Story
- Năm hoạt động2024 - 2025
- Tập252
- Xếp hạngSạch
- Bản quyền© Horror Animated Story
- Trang web chương trình
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