305 I Bad Habits Start in the Home I The Obvious Choice Podcast

The Obvious Choice

Today we dove deep into a chapter from my next book (after "The Obvious Choice) - it's all about rules. I've collected about 50 rules over the years. We actually had a great discussion about the book's potential title, moving from "Too Early for Coffee" to possibly "Shut Up and Watch the Sunset," which came from this rule Calvin and I have about stopping to appreciate sunsets. 

Today's main focus was on rules that start at home because your home is where you build momentum for your day and show evidence of who you want to become. We covered everything from not keeping junk food in the house (because if it's there, you'll eat it), to mowing your own lawn (sometimes it's not about time value, but about caring for your space), to greeting people at the door when they come home. These rules aren't about being perfect - I certainly don't follow them all the time - but they're reminders of the person I want to be, ways to wake up out of autopilot and become more conscious of how we live our lives.

Pre-order my upcoming book "The Obvious Choice" here: https://amzn.to/4ghBzce

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Jonathan Goodman https://www.instagram.com/itscoachgoodman/

Ren Jones https://www.instagram.com/fitnessjonestraining/

Amber Reynolds https://www.instagram.com/amberreynolds.me/

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0:00 - Episode Introduction

1:53 - Official start of the episode

3:39 - Explanation of collecting rules over the years

5:10 - Conversation with editor about book's progress (45,000 words)

8:15 - Discussion about potential book titles ("Too Early for Coffee")

9:33 - Introduction of "Shut Up and Watch the Sunset" as potential title

14:41 - Introduction to rule categories ("Bad habits start in the home")

16:18 - First rule: No junk food in the house

21:23 - Rule about making your bed

22:24 - Rule about prepping morning coffee

22:47 - Rule about toilet flushing ("If it's yellow...")

24:12 - Rule about buying 2-ply toilet paper

24:27 - Rule about mowing your lawn

26:06 - Rule about composting

29:07 - Rule about separating fields of play

34:09 - Discussion about electronics in the bedroom

36:11 - Rule about greeting at the door

37:17 - Final rule about being present

39:51 - End of episode








