REDEEM Her Time | Christian Time Management, Business Productivity, Time Management Daily Planner, Time Management Coaching

Lissa Figgins, Christian Time Management Coach, Priorities Protector, Recovering Should-Do List Girl
REDEEM Her Time | Christian Time Management, Business Productivity, Time Management Daily Planner, Time Management Coaching

Welcome to the Go-to Podcast for Christian Midlife Women Business Owners who are ready to go from being a struggling BUSY-ness Owner to fruitful C.E.O. Here you'll find UN- Time Management Strategies using CEO Scheduling, Systems & Strategies combined with CEO Belief in the Lord Jesus Christ to increase your Impact + Income in Less Time for His Glory! You're juggling A LOT as an Over 40 Woman in Midlife- from supporting launching kids to aging parents to everything in between like... * Growing your Faith-walk * Nurturing your Marriage * Building your Friendships * Serving in your Business * Stewarding your Resources * Maintaining your Wellness * Developing your Passions * Keeping your Home... Ever feel like there's never enough TIME (or of YOU) to fit it all in? Do you wish you could stop… > Wasting precious time on less important things that take you away from your priorities? > Questioning what matters most and wavering in indecision or worry beyond the present? > Saying YES to demands or requests on your time when you’re already filled to capacity? > Being half-present with the people around you while thinking about all you should do? Good…cuz that’s NOT the Life + Business He intends for you. There’s a way to simplify and balance midlife + business so you can serve the Lord, nurture your family, make a difference…AND take care of yourself too! Hey, I’m Lissa, Christian Time Management Expert and Recovering BUSY-ness Owner. I’ve been teaching, leading and coaching Christian women for over 25 years. Once upon a time, my Life + Bizwas TOO BUSY– I was working REALLY HARD, filling up my calendar and my checklists, but NOT seeing much FRUIT in my bank account. I was a BUSY-ness Owner...and I was exhausted. Something had to change. I asked the Lord where He wanted me to focus… and He led me to manage my time with FAITH at the center. Wanna learn how I make time for…spending quiet time with God, enjoying date night with my hubby, pouring into friendships, serving through my business, stewarding my resources, organizing my home, pursuing my passions– and actually fit in SELF-CARE? Wanna see the exact systems I use to create my WITH-God Business Vision and set intentional goals with the right kind of accountability to actually follow through on? On this podcast I’ll teach you how to be confident, consistent and fully connected in the 8 key areas of your life + business by: > Redefining your God-given life + business plan to guide where you focus your time & attention. > Implementing a simple time management system to create regular rhythms and routines. > Overcoming the distractions that keep you from being effective and intentional. I can’t wait to help you go from BUSYNESS to FRUITFULNESS and discover you really do have all the time you need for what you're called to. Grab something to sip, open up your heart & calendar…I’m about to show you how to make the best use of your time… with God at the center of it all. Let’s get started. L.Y.L.A.S. (Love Ya Like A Sis), Lissa NEXT STEPS 1. Grab the REDEEM Her Time Balance Assessment 2. Schedule a free 20 Min CEO TIME AUDIT 3. Join the free REDEEM Her Time Community Visit the REDEEM Her Time Website: Email Me:

  1. 306 | Build Your Business WITHOUT Social for better Christian Time Management, feat Gabe Cox

    6일 전

    306 | Build Your Business WITHOUT Social for better Christian Time Management, feat Gabe Cox

    Hey CEO- It’s March 6th…you know what that means? The REDEEM Her Time Community DIGITAL FAST begins today! Over the next 40 days leading up to Easter, we’re gonna put down our devices, more than we pick them up, so we can not only RECLAIM + REDEEM TIME, but REDIRECT our time towards what matters most, including the Lord and the Life + Biz He’s called us to in this season. I’ve been having lots of conversations with business owners over the past few weeks about this and you know what the most common objection that’s come up? “Lissa, I need to be on social to build my business.” But is that really true? Not necessarily. That’s why I’ve invited my friend Gabe Cox to join us cuz she’s literally about to host a BUILD YOUR BIZ OFF SOCIAL SUMMIT that yours truly gets to present at. Gabe is a goal planning and business strategist and the founder of Red Hot Mindset. She helps entrepreneurs personalize and take action on a game plan that works with their capacity in different seasons so that they don't have to sacrifice everything to hit their goals. She teaches how to market your business without relying on social media so that you can ditch the hustle culture for good. You’re gonna love how Gabe reminds us that God is able to open doors for our business growth that don’t involve social…and it’s ok to be bored for a few min, rather than reaching for your phone out of habit! Be sure to grab her free Craft your Marketing Strategy WITHOUT Social Media Mini-course So that way after today, you’ll have no excuses as to why you can’t join the DIGITAL FAST….besides, I’m not telling you to ditch social for the next 40 days, just pay attention to what gets too much of your time + attention and then do something different about it! After you’re done listening, be sure to register for the DIGITAL FAST at Then come join us inside the REDEEM Her Time Community at where we’re making our DIGITAL FAST personal plans + holding one another accountable! We pray this blesses, challenges and moves you to action! YOU. HAVE. TIME. Lissa + Gabe P.S. Grab the REDEEM Her Time Planner + Digital Course to shift EVERYTHING about how you approach TIME in both Life + Biz

  2. 304 | Writing Off Social to be More Balanced as a Busy Business Owner, feat Sandy Cooper

    2월 27일

    304 | Writing Off Social to be More Balanced as a Busy Business Owner, feat Sandy Cooper

    Hey CEO-  How would you define BALANCE in Life + Biz….and the combination of the two?   According to today’s guest, here are a few things BALANCE is NOT… Balance is NOT doing everything well Balance is NOT being realistic Balance is NOT the absence of hard Instead she says BALANCE IS… Knowing your PRIORITIES and living in alignment. Knowing what you’re SUPPOSED to do in this season. Knowing that sometimes BALANCE looks really UNbalanced. Girl, I don’t have to tell you that living in a BUSY + DIGITALLY DISTRACTED world takes attention + intention…especially if you wanna live BALANCED. Can’t wait for you to listen in today to my conversation with Sandy Cooper, host of The Balanced Momcast and Writing Off Social. We’re gonna cover what Balance REALLY is (versus what the world tells us), how to find true (and lasting) balance and the #1 outcome of this kind of balance.   Afterwards, I know you’re gonna want to come join the conversation + implementation over inside the REDEEM Her Time Community so head to And be sure to go take Sandy’s BUSY Assessment at JOIN THE DIGITAL FAST HERE We pray this blesses, challenges and moves you to action! YOU. HAVE. TIME.  Lissa + Sandy P.S. Grab the REDEEM Her Time Planner + Digital Course to shift EVERYTHING about how you approach TIME in both Life + Biz

  3. 303 | Digitally Distracted Business Owner Pt 1: The #1 Strategy for Christian Time Management

    2월 24일

    303 | Digitally Distracted Business Owner Pt 1: The #1 Strategy for Christian Time Management

    Hey CEO-  I was just commenting the other day that I can’t imagine doing business WITHOUT the technology we have today…don’t you agree?   Laptops, desktops, smartphones, bluetooth, big screens, digital watches With just a click we can be EVERYWHERE, know EVERYTHING, do ANYTHING…which makes us feel like we’re being productive, but are we REALLY? While being constantly connected + in-the-know has become the norm in every area of life, what is it really costing us in our FAITH + LIFE + BIZ?  We all know DIGITAL DISTRACTION is a problem.  But WHAT can we do about it, especially if we want to keep up with the world around us AND build a successful business?   JOIN THE DIGITAL FAST Good questions that are worthy of taking the time to explore before we give any more of our time + attention away to lesser things.   Today we’re gonna address the elephant in the room- our digital distraction- What is it? How much is it costing us? What's the #1 strategy for time management that Christian business owners like you + me need to implement to increase our TIME + ROTI? JOIN THE DIGITAL FAST I pray this blesses, challenges and moves you to action! Come join the conversation (+ implementation) afterwards inside the REDEEM Her Time Community YOU. HAVE. TIME.  Lissa P.S. Grab the REDEEM Her Time Planner + Digital Course to shift EVERYTHING about how you approach TIME in both Life + Biz

  4. 300 | C.E.O. Redefined.  4 Benefits of  becoming THIS kind of C.E.O.

    2월 10일

    300 | C.E.O. Redefined. 4 Benefits of becoming THIS kind of C.E.O.

    Hey CEO-  YAHOO….We’re celebrating our 300th episode!!! What a journey it’s been over the past few years on the REDEEM Her Time Podcast as God not only planted the seeds in my heart of this message around how He’s called us to approach TIME as Christian women business owners, but as I’ve watched these seeds take root + grow such that CEOs are reaping an abundant ROTI harvest as their new normal. BUT... we DON’T define CEO like the world does. So today I wanna redefine CEO with you, share the benefits of becoming THIS kind of CEO and let you hear straight from a group of my CEOs what it’s like to do this TOGETHER. (Just so you know, this part was a spontaneous, candid conversation we had at the end of the year about their CEO experience…and I decided to NOT edit out the silence because that was them doing some CEO thinking…and I have a feeling those pauses will help their words sink in for you too) But the real question is- What could YOUR Biz look like 12 months from now if YOU become THIS kind of CEO?   There’s only way to find out…grab a CEO TIME AUDIT  Access the IT’S TIME CHALLENGE Replays through 2/14 I pray this blesses, challenges and moves you to action! Come join the conversation (+ implementation) afterwards inside the REDEEM Her Time Community  YOU. HAVE. TIME.  Lissa P.S. Grab the REDEEM Her Time Planner + Digital Course to shift EVERYTHING about how you approach TIME in both Life + Biz



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Welcome to the Go-to Podcast for Christian Midlife Women Business Owners who are ready to go from being a struggling BUSY-ness Owner to fruitful C.E.O. Here you'll find UN- Time Management Strategies using CEO Scheduling, Systems & Strategies combined with CEO Belief in the Lord Jesus Christ to increase your Impact + Income in Less Time for His Glory! You're juggling A LOT as an Over 40 Woman in Midlife- from supporting launching kids to aging parents to everything in between like... * Growing your Faith-walk * Nurturing your Marriage * Building your Friendships * Serving in your Business * Stewarding your Resources * Maintaining your Wellness * Developing your Passions * Keeping your Home... Ever feel like there's never enough TIME (or of YOU) to fit it all in? Do you wish you could stop… > Wasting precious time on less important things that take you away from your priorities? > Questioning what matters most and wavering in indecision or worry beyond the present? > Saying YES to demands or requests on your time when you’re already filled to capacity? > Being half-present with the people around you while thinking about all you should do? Good…cuz that’s NOT the Life + Business He intends for you. There’s a way to simplify and balance midlife + business so you can serve the Lord, nurture your family, make a difference…AND take care of yourself too! Hey, I’m Lissa, Christian Time Management Expert and Recovering BUSY-ness Owner. I’ve been teaching, leading and coaching Christian women for over 25 years. Once upon a time, my Life + Bizwas TOO BUSY– I was working REALLY HARD, filling up my calendar and my checklists, but NOT seeing much FRUIT in my bank account. I was a BUSY-ness Owner...and I was exhausted. Something had to change. I asked the Lord where He wanted me to focus… and He led me to manage my time with FAITH at the center. Wanna learn how I make time for…spending quiet time with God, enjoying date night with my hubby, pouring into friendships, serving through my business, stewarding my resources, organizing my home, pursuing my passions– and actually fit in SELF-CARE? Wanna see the exact systems I use to create my WITH-God Business Vision and set intentional goals with the right kind of accountability to actually follow through on? On this podcast I’ll teach you how to be confident, consistent and fully connected in the 8 key areas of your life + business by: > Redefining your God-given life + business plan to guide where you focus your time & attention. > Implementing a simple time management system to create regular rhythms and routines. > Overcoming the distractions that keep you from being effective and intentional. I can’t wait to help you go from BUSYNESS to FRUITFULNESS and discover you really do have all the time you need for what you're called to. Grab something to sip, open up your heart & calendar…I’m about to show you how to make the best use of your time… with God at the center of it all. Let’s get started. L.Y.L.A.S. (Love Ya Like A Sis), Lissa NEXT STEPS 1. Grab the REDEEM Her Time Balance Assessment 2. Schedule a free 20 Min CEO TIME AUDIT 3. Join the free REDEEM Her Time Community Visit the REDEEM Her Time Website: Email Me:

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