Vedanta - The River of Wisdom

Swamini Brahmaprajnananda
Vedanta - The River of Wisdom

Can one be free from sorrow and inadequacy and live a life of fullness? Yes. Just like our Rishis did. How? Because you can see what they saw! You are the limitless having a limited human experience. Join me to learn this ancient flowing wisdom by which you will live a life of purpose, connection and see your oneness with all. I am Swamini B (Brahmaprajnananda) Ph. D, a happy teacher of Vedanta, writer and a Hindu monk. Youtube - Instagram - Twitter -

  1. #307 The Dharma Bull and its decline in the 4 Yugas (Bhagavatam)

    2024. 12. 03.

    #307 The Dharma Bull and its decline in the 4 Yugas (Bhagavatam)

    Dharma is likened to a bull in Bhagavatam, who is now only standing on one leg in Kali Yuga's current age. We hear the story of the Dharma bull and how he lost his other legs because of decline in Dharma across the ages. While on the one hand, it is a relief to know that the decline in Dharma that we are experiencing has been predicted, it also anchors us in Sanatana Dharma, the eternal way of life, as a framework for our choices and decisions. The podcast transcript - To register for our Vedic Wisdom Festival on 8th December 2024 - Our monthly newsletter - Aarsha Vidya Bharati - Dec 2024| Weaving Gratitude & Hope | Vedic Wisdom Festival | Īśvara Jagat Kāraṇam Brahma | Swaminiji in Dubai And more! Our monthly newsletter will bring you more happiness, more wisdom and more freedom. To subscribe to Aarsha Vidya Bharati - Vedanta - the River of Wisdom is a weekly podcast by Swamini B (Brahmaprajnananda), a Vedanta teacher, writer and a sannyasini. Please follow, learn and enjoy Youtube - Instagram - Twitter - To connect and learn Vedanta -


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19개의 평가


Can one be free from sorrow and inadequacy and live a life of fullness? Yes. Just like our Rishis did. How? Because you can see what they saw! You are the limitless having a limited human experience. Join me to learn this ancient flowing wisdom by which you will live a life of purpose, connection and see your oneness with all. I am Swamini B (Brahmaprajnananda) Ph. D, a happy teacher of Vedanta, writer and a Hindu monk. Youtube - Instagram - Twitter -

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