37. Master Your Audition Mindset

The Brainy Ballerina Podcast

Audition season is here! And let’s be honest - it can be incredibly exhausting. The travel, expenses, strain on your body, constant scrutiny, and emotional toll of rejection can absolutely wear you down.

It can also lead to your dream job and the career you’ve been working toward for years.

So what’s the secret to getting to the other side of audition season (relatively) unscathed? Your mindset.

As dancers, we tend to focus primarily on our physical abilities. However, any seasoned professional will tell you that your mindset is just as vital to enjoying a successful career.

Tune in to this week’s solo episode for four ways to keep perspective and stay in a healthy mindset this audition season:

Links and Resources:

The Audition Hub: thebrainyballerina.com/auditionhub

1-1 Dance Audition Power-ups: https://www.thebrainyballerina.com/danceauditionpowerup

Dance Audition Materials Audit: https://www.thebrainyballerina.com/digital-resources/p/dance-audition-materials-audit

The Ultimate Audition Guide: https://www.thebrainyballerina.com/theultimateauditionguide

1-1 Career Mentoring: book your complimentary career call

Related Episodes:

22. Unlocking Authentic Confidence with Mindset Coach Kirsten Kemp

24. Your Burning Audition Questions Answered!

35. Cultivating Body Image Resilience with The Whole Dancer’s Jess Spinner

Let’s connect!

My WEBSITE: thebrainyballerina.com

INSTAGRAM: instagram.com/thebrainyballerina

Questions/comments? Email me at caitlin@thebrainyballerina.com








