The Jordan B. Peterson Podcast

Join intellectual phenomenon Dr. Jordan Peterson for enlightening discourse that will change the way you think. This podcast breaks down the dichotomy of life through interviews and lectures that explain how individuals and culture are shaped by values, music, religion, and beyond. It will give you a new perspective and a modern understanding of your creativity, competence, and personality.
Hôtes et personnes invitées
Katy Faust & being an adopted child
-4 j
This conversation was very difficult for me as an adoptee. I have always missed the presence of my bio parents. That has been a hole in my heart/psyche my entire life.
7 mars
Love his Podcast and this one in specific was a great one. I always support everything in defense of children.
7 mars
Peterson has astonishingly overcome the very high bar of worst podcast in history with his interview of Dr. Benjamin Bikman. According to Bikman I should be dead. Instead, I'm 77 years old, 47 years vegetarian (mostly vegan) and in excellent health. Medication free, never hospitalized, haven't had need of a doctor's care for almost 20 years, optimal weight, blood pressure, glucose levels, etc. No ED, brain fog, lack of energy, very good mobillity, literally no chronic disease of any kind. So tired of the ridiculous line of thought that no one can thrive on a diet such as mine. For the record, my diet consists of fruits, vegetables, legumes, whole grains, mushrooms, nuts and seeds, herbs and spices. Bikman and Peterson should try it.
Politics must be your Kryptonite…?
5 mars
The double-speak is right in the title: the only transparency in this motley cabinet is the kleptocratic audacity to burn it down INDISCRIMINATELY, parse it among themselves and their billionaire puppet masters, then buy it up on the cheap! Sometimes you’re very insightful; this CAN’T be one of those times….
13 févr.
Broad and deep. Jordan Peterson will relentlessly pursue the truth in the face of politically correct opposition at every turn. His guests are typically the thought leaders in their field, though not in the conventional main stream. Jordan will ask insightful questions, that even gives additional insight to his own guests. The only downside is that Jordan sometimes monopolizes the time himself, and also asks complex multi part questions.
He talks too much.
5 mars
Why does he even bother having people on his show? It’s rude to invite someone on a show and just have them sitting there listening to you most of the time. Host and guest are completely reversed.
I tried. But wow. He’s scary.
4 mars
I didn’t know much about this guy but I’d heard his name a few times. So I gave him a listen and I could barely get through it. He’s triggering. I’m not a lefty or really even a Dem. But he’s really hard to listen to. He’s into conspiracy theories and his spin on things is really just wrong.
2 mars
Psychopathy for pseudo intellectuals. Lock JP up.
Episode errors
6 févr.
Dr. Peterson if you read this thank you for everything you have done. Still in 2025 we love you. Please never stop. The reason I am posting this is to inform you, if you’re not already aware of it, a lot of your episodes restart roughly 30 minutes into them. They don’t start over physically back at 0:00 but the episodes will randomly restart and you have to scrub forward to 60 minutes or so (it’s not always the same length into the episode) to find where I was. I don’t know if it’s just me but I just wanted you to be aware.
Fr. Chad Ripperger
5 févr.
You should interview exorcist Fr. Chad Ripperger on the psychology of the demonic and the structure of communism. He is highly knowledgeable and academic—it would be an incredibly interesting conversation.
À propos
- CréationDr. Jordan B. Peterson
- Années d’activité2016 - 2025
- Épisodes536
- ClassificationTous publics
- Copyright© Copyright 2021 Luminate Media Inc.
- Site web de l’émission
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