Ball of Thread

emptywheel's Marcy Wheeler
Ball of Thread

Independent journalist Marcy Wheeler unwinds the true story of the attack on democracy that is bringing the United States to the brink of fascism.

  1. 2월 17일

    Ball of Ka$h — A Conclusion

    Marcy Wheeler ties it all together. In this last bonus episode of Ball of Thread, Marcy explains how the confirmation of Ka$h Patel and the Trump administration’s abandonment of Ukraine confirm the big ideas behind Ball of Thread.  Eight years ago, Kash Patel helped Trump turn a legitimate investigation into Trump’s ties to Russia into a grievance narrative. Over and over, Kash added to the tale: with Ukraine, with January 6, with the stolen documents. And now, as Kash prepares to turn the FBI into an instrument of Trump’s vengeance while gutting the agency’s ability to counter Russian operations and crime, Trump has all but fully capitulated to Vladimir Putin. For eight years, Kash and Trump have worked together to turn every effort to hold Trump accountable into a grievance fantasy to sell, to slowly train Republicans to eschew rule of law. Along the way, Trump delivered everything Vladimir Putin might have sought in 2016: a divided America, the end of the Western Order, and a world bartering corruption. Ball of Thread hoped to help avoid the exact reality we now face. We failed, but we will persist.  Marcy carries on, as always, at, where you can follow and support her work. Thanks to everyone who supported us in creating this document. Hopefully, we’ve shown that some of us were very, very aware of the risks our democracy faced from Donald Trump in real-time. May the lessons in these episodes help us defend our nation as we try to limit the misery of the biggest mistake this country's voters were ever lured into making.

  2. 2024. 12. 10.

    11 | The Packaging of Hunter

    After Bill Barr buried the Mueller Report and went to work suffocating the remaining prosecutions in the Russia investigation, Donald Trump and his “lawyer,“ Rudy Giuliani, shifted their main narrative focus from Hillary Clinton to Hunter Biden—also with the help of Bill Barr. The first flailing attempts to smear Joe Biden with his son’s connections to a corrupt Ukrainian business resulted in Donald Trump’s impeachment and the arrests of Lev Parnas and Igor Fruman. But MAGA hit paydirt with the “discovery” of Hunter Biden’s “laptop,” which first appeared mysteriously right around the time of Trump’s first trial in the US Senate and then reappeared the following year, just in time to be the election year October Surprise. At first, the laptop, with its endless supply of digital proof of the depravity to which Hunter Biden had descended before he got sober the year before, didn’t work out the way John Podesta’s emails had. At first, journalists actually demanded proof the files were authentic and also tested whether they proved what Rudy Giuliani or NY Post claimed they did. But over the years, egged on by Fox News and enticed by the promise of easy sensation, they came to chase the dick pics because they were there, just as Murdoch’s propagandists had done.  And the process by which icky dick pics came to stand in for unsubstantiated claims that Joe Biden was corrupt sucked all the air out of DC reporting for years … and laid the groundwork for Trump’s reelection.  For the first time, Marcy Wheeler ties together the story of what is actually known about Hunter’s laptop(s) and hard drives and the baffling characters who got their hands on them. She explains how the shameless leaking of the private data of the son of a former vice president and future president to his father’s political opponents was never really treated as a crime. She also exposes how Trump’s plot succeeded in sucking all the air out of Joe Biden’s presidency and fueled problematic political prosecutions that haunt America and still twist our discourse today. This Ball of Thread also attempts to do what almost no one has. It shows how the press joined in an effort to dehumanize Joe Biden’s kid and, in the process, abdicated their primary job.

최고 5점
149개의 평가


Independent journalist Marcy Wheeler unwinds the true story of the attack on democracy that is bringing the United States to the brink of fascism.

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