#48: Gruesome Greetings + TMNT 3 (w/ Danny Lacy)

Two Packs: Trading Card Comedy presented by Meltdown Comics

Guest Danny Lacy (Crack-Duck) joins host Geoffrey Golden for Two Packs, the trading card comedy show! This week, they open packs of ooze-covered cards – Gruesome Greetings (1992) and TMNT 3 (1993). While opening the packs, they discuss why the best Pokemon were the trash Pokemon, how a pig’s butt can launch a woman into space, and why the Ninja Turtles looked more disgusting than usual in their third movie. All this on this gross-out episode of Two Packs presented by Meltdown Comics! Follow us on Twitter! @twopackspodcast @garbageville @geoffreygolden Credits: Producer - Mason Booker Engineer - Mason Booker Opening Theme by Matt Myers “Biking in the Park” by Lee Rosevere Logo by Kenny Keil Card Images: TMNT 3 Front - https://www.dropbox.com/s/83b4etz80ykijl7/e048-tmnt3-front.jpeg?dl=0 TMNT 3 Back - https://www.dropbox.com/s/lmg3xci42uu87u6/e048-tmnt3-back.jpeg?dl=0 Gruesome Greetings Front - https://www.dropbox.com/s/ex3pov0jpj7o6p9/e048-gruesomegreets-front.jpeg?dl=0 Gruesome Greetings Inside - https://www.dropbox.com/s/uk6c6l05fk0bf21/e048-gruesomegreets-inside1.jpeg?dl=0 Gruesome Greetings Inside 2 - https://www.dropbox.com/s/tk4sapl5hq0ru2v/e048-gruesomegreets-inside2.jpeg?dl=0

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