Fighting In The War Room: A Movies And Pop Culture Podcast

Prolific film and culture critics Katey Rich, Matt Patches, Da7e Gonzales and David Ehrlich take on pop culture topics, film and TV reviews and interview very special guests in bi-weekly installments.
This Is a Good Podcast!
4일 전
After an outburst from David that was either an attempt at self-deprecation or a withering rebuke to his friends and Matt Patches, I felt moved to leave a review of Fighting in the War Room on official channels. Because whatever these four professional critics might claim, the truth will out: This is a good podcast! Dave Gonzales and Katy Rich share perspectives from film communities outside the NY/LA scene, something I appreciate as a guy who's lived most of his life in CO/AZ/NM: this is a good podcast! David Ehrlich is a massive repository for knowledge about movies where one character asks another character a question, and the second character stays silent for way too long, like 10-15 seconds, while her face contorts with an unspoken emotional distress that the first character doesn't acknowledge, and also doesn't acknowledge that he's been waiting for a response for like 30 seconds now, which is not a way two people have ever conducted a conversation in real life, and yet it's in a lot of movies, and Ehrlich knows all of them and recommends most, and many of the ones he recommends are quite good despite this choice: this is a good podcast! Matt Patches is also here: this is a good podcast! He and Katie talk about their kids' reactions to films, which gives me ideas about what to check out for my nieces and nephews: this is a good podcast! On the last episode, Dave mentioned the White Stripes song "Conquest," and even though none of these four professional film critics remembered that a section of that regrettably-overlooked song was used as a musical sting in the hilariously-forgotten James Franco/Seth Rogen comedy The Interview, which, remember when that represented the most egregious example of foreign interference in the U.S. economy? Anyway, this is a good podcast; that fact about the song isn't that interesting anyway. The best discussion podcasts sound like you think you sound when you're with your friends in a bar for hours, and that's what this one does.
Keep the format
2월 20일
Love the podcast. David needs more structure not less. Maybe a timer too. He does not need any more excuse to ramble or any excuse to be less prepared.
Amazing, Great Film Podcast
2월 18일
For my 11th anniversary review of the podcast. I’m writing at the end of the live show. (Yes, I was the one who messed up and waiting the entire stream in not an open stream- my wife’s YouTube handle is Annery). For my review this year it’s in two parts: 1) the annual recommendation for this wonderful quartet of hosts who have created a simply stellar film community. Listening is the best choice you can make!! 2) It’s time to update the FitWR Hall of Fame!! This year I bring one potential nominee. The film I think that has entered the HOF this year is: Nightbitch. After many mentions and good discussions this year it’s in prime position to join. But what do you think??? (Also, should the Elder Millennial Cannon be a wing inside the Hall Of Fame— AKA should they be included?)
2월 13일
Question. This should probably be an email but I’m lazy. I’ve been listening for a while now but not forever so idk if this has been addressed previously. Why do you guys not have ads? It’s great as a listener but seems odd for you guys. Just wondering.
- 제작진Katey, Matt, Da7e and David
- 방송 연도2013년 - 2025년
- 에피소드149
- 등급무삭제판
- 저작권© 2023 Dave Gonzales
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