Fighting In The War Room: A Movies And Pop Culture Podcast

Katey, Matt, Da7e and David
Fighting In The War Room: A Movies And Pop Culture Podcast

Prolific film and culture critics Katey Rich, Matt Patches, Da7e Gonzales and David Ehrlich take on pop culture topics, film and TV reviews and interview very special guests in bi-weekly installments.

  1. 2월 20일

    500 – Call-In Show 3

    We didn’t cancel the podcast It’s another Fighting in The War Room Quarter Quell!  We did it, we finally recorded a 500th episode! It’s our third call in show (Episode 300 was a Call-In Show, episode 400 was a call in show, then Katey let us use her Riverside so here’s a new one!). Take a listen as we listen to you and answer your questions a good decade and a half into doing this thing (without ads as some of you mention) Take a listen, embed and/or download below; for more from all of us, follow on BlueSky! Follow the show (, Katey (, Da7e (,  Patches (, and David ( Please subscribe on iTunes and KICK US A REVIEW if you like what you hear!  Format 00:23 – Intro 04:19 – Amy 10:22 – Coby 17:50 – Jordan Hoffman 25:41 – Shruti 34:27 – Warpstone 40:11 – Chris Rosen 46:55 – Tyler 57:07 – Jeremiah 1:03:24 – Failed Imitator 1:12:11 – Joe Reid 1:19:25 – Jeff 1:28:04 – Jeff (a different Jeff) 1:36:25 – Henning Fog 1:44:47 – Ben 1:56:06 – Liam 2:03:00 – Best Captain K 2:13:57 – Andy 2:20:29 – Bennett 2:26:40 – Sasha 2:37:59 – William 2:48:41 – Wrap-up!   Previous Quarter Quells: * OpKino Classic: First Quarter Quell (August 26th 2011) * OpKino Classic: The 2nd Quarter Quell (Feb. 22nd 2012) * OpKino Classic: Storytelling Quarter Quell (Aug 10th 2012) * OpKino Classic: Family Interview Full Quell (Feb 8th, 2013) * FITWR 025 – The Filmmaking Quarter Quell (June 3rd, 2014) * FITWR 050 – QQ2: Movies for the Moment (Dec. 2nd 2014) * FITWR 075 – QQ3: Movies We Wanted To Be When We Grew Up. * FITWR 100 – Significant Other Full Quell * FITWR 125 – Movies We Want to Show (Our) Children * a href="http://fightinginthewarroom.

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Prolific film and culture critics Katey Rich, Matt Patches, Da7e Gonzales and David Ehrlich take on pop culture topics, film and TV reviews and interview very special guests in bi-weekly installments.

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