#5 Warming Up: How businesses should respond to climate change with Jonatan Pinkse

“Business & Society with Senthil Nathan”播客

In Warming Up: How Businesses Should Respond to Climate Change, Professor Jonatan Pinkse discusses the challenges in green transition and the culture war at our doorstep. 

Why are some businesses reluctant to come aboard the green transition? Why is ESG facing pushback? How is the push for green transition helping the rise of the political right? 

Pinkse, professor of sustainable business at King's Business School (London), presents the business case for sustainability and explains why it is weaker now and why businesses are tip-toeing on sustainability today despite ESG becoming mainstream.

System transformation calls for focusing on people, not just technology. Pinkse shares his research on developing a workforce for the green transition and illustrates, with everyday examples, the challenges of reskilling. 

Be it sustainability or differences in academic life, Pinkse favors a pragmatic approach that recognizes hard realities and avoids disappointment from utopian ideas.

Jonatan Pinkse's research papers: https://scholar.google.nl/citations?user=7NNAku4AAAAJ&hl=nl
Book Recommendation: https://www.penguin.com.au/books/material-world-9780753559178 

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